It’s about time you featured this magnificent bugger…
So when are you going to feature the other 10 species?
How cute!
Has anyone answered the question of how similar current nautiloids are to the ancient nautiloids? Would it be wrong to consider this thing a living fossil?
G. Tingeysays
AND a photo showing all of the Nautilus, please?
As well as all the other remainig nautiloids….
So. I was using this as an icon, and someone assumed I read your blog, so then I read your blog.
And now I read your blog, and I thought you might appreciate the cephalopod art. The cephalopod invader one is kinda fun too.
Anyway, thanks for being vocal clever and spreading scientific love throughout the land.
just saw this on the preshrunk t-shirt blog (posted yesterday, so not quite another friday cephalopod) — fits nicely with the “looking at you”:
and a $6 t-shirt! can’t really go wrong…
What no comment on the Lio strip today? Lio is seen letting his cephalopod play in a park pool in violation of the leash law. And, today, that cephalopod has binocular vision!
It’s about time you featured this magnificent bugger…
So when are you going to feature the other 10 species?
How cute!
Has anyone answered the question of how similar current nautiloids are to the ancient nautiloids? Would it be wrong to consider this thing a living fossil?
AND a photo showing all of the Nautilus, please?
As well as all the other remainig nautiloids….
So. I was using this as an icon, and someone assumed I read your blog, so then I read your blog.
And now I read your blog, and I thought you might appreciate the cephalopod art. The cephalopod invader one is kinda fun too.
Anyway, thanks for being vocal clever and spreading scientific love throughout the land.
A good friend made me one of these:
Wot, no mention of today’s Lio? It even has two eyes!
just saw this on the preshrunk t-shirt blog (posted yesterday, so not quite another friday cephalopod) — fits nicely with the “looking at you”:
and a $6 t-shirt! can’t really go wrong…
What no comment on the Lio strip today? Lio is seen letting his cephalopod play in a park pool in violation of the leash law. And, today, that cephalopod has binocular vision!