First, I get an email from The Nation with the subject line “you DID NOT sign to impeach Donald Trump (WHY NOT?).”
From this alone we can conclude that The Nation must have sent out a mass email survey of some sort recently – one among many similar missives I receive daily from various organs of the Democratic party. Apparently readers were asked to “sign to impeach Donald Trump.” Because that’s how impeachment works: a particular number of readers of a pretentious neoliberal magazine must click “YES” to an email poll.
However, when I tragically failed to timely respond to this embarrassing bid for attention in the guise of an impeachment vehicle, The Nation suddenly got all shouty at me and demanded to know WHY NOT.
Explain yourself, woman!! Do you even read our magazine?! Do you secretly looooove Donald Trump?! How could you???
Because FUCK YOU, The Nation. How’s that?
Moving on.
This morning I get an email from my illustrious Senator Chuck Schumer (D-Wall $treet), presently serving tirelessly as the de facto head of the Democratic party. His subject line is “Yesterday? That was just the start.”
As you might expect, Chuckie is trumpeting Doug Jones beating Roy Moore for the Senate seat abandoned by Jeff Sessions, after Mr. Sessions decided that he could do a lot more damage to peoples’ lives as Trump’s Attorney General than he ever could as Senator from Alabama.
So of course Chuck lays on the usual banal accolades and then he says this:
Now, look, you are welcome to celebrate for a moment. You’ve earned it. This win is thanks to Doug Jones, his incredible team, and you — your calls, your donations, your Facebook posts, your emails to friends. Thank you.
But that moment to celebrate is over. Now it’s time to get back to work.
You had your fun missy, but all that’s over!
Can we just pause for a minute to appreciate how generous it is of Chuckie to allow everyone a brief moment to celebrate a hard-won victory in Alabama?
I am sure you are now wondering how we might toil to best please the honorable Senator? Funny you should ask! Why, it turns out Chuckie wants all of us to give a single dollar to each of the eight most conservative Democratic incumbents running for reelection in the US Senate:
If you’re fired up, the single most important thing you can do to help us seize this moment is to let Democrats across the country know that you have their back.
Baldwin, Brown, Donnelly, Heitkamp, Manchin, McCaskill, Nelson, Tester — those eight Senators are on the frontlines of the fight for the middle class. They’re in the fight of their lives. And they need your support — celebrate last night by splitting $8 between them!
Uh no, sorry Chuck. That is not how I celebrate election victories. I’d prefer to spend my eight bucks – more, even – on a lefty primary challenger for your Senate seat.
Any takers?
From my “reading the whole business on the Internets” perspective,
I got the idea that Doug Jones and his team did this without any significant help from TheDemocraticParty.
Am I wrong?
chigau, at some point the Doug Jones campaign got the idea that people in Alabama might not like out-of-state people telling them how to vote, so they asked the party to tone it down a bit. Only Cory Booker, and towards the end also Obama campaigned for Jones. But other grassroots organizations helped with Get-Out-The-Vote efforts – for instance The Sister District Project had volunteers calling and texting.
Iris, if you want to support progressives running as Democrats have a look at Justice Democrats.
There is also an organization called Brand New Congress that is supporting progressive candidates, however they include among them claimed progressives who are running as Republicans, so I suspect the spirit of squirrel is strong with them.
anat #2
That is what I suspected.
“… the common clay of the New West …”
I vote that instead of the finger, we send Schumer a squirrel!
i’d spend that 8bucks buy ing a drink for any black woman in alabama myself. but rethuglican or democrap? corruption by any other name would reek as much