[CONTENT NOTE: misogyny including slurs, racism, violence against logic, incoherence, banality, Nazis, sex toys.]
I had almost forgotten about this, what with all my squirrel monitoring duties and sofa painting and suchlike. But buried in my inbox was a gift from the WordPress gods in the form of two consecutive auto-moderated comments, written in response to a post I wrote back in July about the harms of benevolent sexism, and purporting to offer “an opposing viewpoint.”
A new comment on the post “Not funny. Not a compliment.” is waiting for your approval
https://freethoughtblogs.com/iris/2016/07/11/not-funny-not- a-compliment/ Author: Cunt Liquor (IP: 2601:0646:c002:5c9e:f00b:b00e:
ca05:dd1d, 2601:0646:c002:5c9e:f00b:b00e: ca05:dd1d)
Email: vagitarian2012@yahoo.com
Well, this certainly gave the feminazis something to do for a minute. These uptight anal-retentive cunts will always try to bully people into accepting their delusion of all people being equal. The very concept of the gender label is to describe the differences. Sexes are not equal. If they were, you would never need to check off your gender on a job application or a census form. This same concept applies to race as well. Some races commit more crimes than others. Not every race eats the same amount of watermelon. Likewise, not every sex earns the same amount of money, or can necessarily perform a given job as effectively as the other sex. Not every sex whines about how unfair it is equally either. You feminazi bitches should learn to love your vaginas. There is no reason to be embarrassed about them and pretend that you really have a penis.Always remember that you are unique.
Just like everyone else.
A new comment on the post “Not funny. Not a compliment.” is waiting for your approval
https://freethoughtblogs.com/iris/2016/07/11/not-funny-not- a-compliment/ Author: Cunt Liquor (IP: 2601:0646:c002:5c9e:f00b:b00e:
ca05:dd1d, 2601:0646:c002:5c9e:f00b:b00e: Drat, comments must be moderated. Somehow I doubt the feminazi has the balls to approve an opposing viewpoint.ca05:dd1d)
Email: vagitarian2012@yahoo.com
Aww. And it’s not even my birthday!
I have long had an issue with WordPress software, because my only options for a comment by a first-time commenter are approve it, trash it or spam it. Inexplicably, I am not presented with the option to mock it. Seems to me mocking drearily unoriginal comments like Cunt Liquor’s here is so effortless it could be automated quite easily. Look, I’ll break it down for the coders.
Well, this certainly gave the feminazis something to do for a minute.
BZZZT. Wrong. It took about ten minutes. The harms of benevolent sexism are not very difficult to explain, but I do try to word things carefully.
Further, this term “feminazi” is incoherent nonsense. The word is a neologism, a mashup of the words “feminist” and “Nazi,” popularized by an odious right-wing radio broadcaster named Rush Limbaugh back in the good ol’ days of 1992. In his terrible book The Way Things Ought to Be, Limbaugh defined a feminazi as “a woman to whom the most important thing in life is seeing to it that as many abortions as possible are performed.” Yet to my knowledge, there has never been a single woman for whom the most important thing in life is seeing to it that as many abortions as possible are performed. The vast majority of feminists are committed to seeing to it as many abortions as needed and desired are performed, and performed safely. So right out of the gate, feminazi referred to nothing and no one but some bizarre spectre in Limbaugh’s fevered little mind. He would eventually come to refer to feminists and reproductive rights activists of all stripes as feminazis, which makes even less sense in light of the following.
There are varying definitions feminism of course, but probably the most generally accepted and useful for our purposes here goes something like “the theory of and movement for the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.”*
Nazism, on the other hand, is a far-right fascist movement founded on anti-Semitism and related claims of white racial superiority. Like all right-wing ideologies, Nazism exhibits the characteristic pathological compulsion to force every person and identifiable group into arbitrary political, economic and social hierarchies, with the Nazis themselves—purely coincidentally and objectively, mind you—presiding over all others at the very top. And, as also tiresomely typical of right-wing ideologies, women are relegated to lower positions on these imagined hierarchies relative to men.
Under the Nazi regime, women were completely exiled from politics: they could no longer hold any elected office, from a Reichstag seat to the local town council, nor could they be prosecutors or judges. They were banned from practicing medicine and pushed out of positions in higher academia; grade school curricula for girls were changed from years of required Latin and science classes to courses in German and “domestic skills.” All expressions of female sexuality were forbidden, except in the context of bountiful reproduction with Aryan men. Some “racially valuable” women were abducted and held by force at procreation institutes. Oh, and one more little detail I forgot to mention: abortions were outlawed (for white women) and punishable with prison time for those seeking them and the doctors performing them.
In summary, under the Nazi regime white women were officially confined to the primary status of dutiful homebound breeding sows: “Kinder, Küche, Kirche” (Children, Kitchen, Church).** Of course in Nazi Germany women of color fared worse—often far worse—than white women (see: imposition of arbitrary hierarchies and the characteristic right-wing compulsion to enforce them, often by any means necessary).
Does that fucking sound like the political, economic and social equality of the sexes to you?
Thus this “feminazi” term is utterly incoherent, and doubly so in light of how perfectly Rush Limbaugh’s view of women and abortion rights aligns with Adolph Hitler’s.
Moving on.
These uptight anal-retentive cunts will always try to bully people into accepting their delusion of all people being equal. The very concept of the gender label is to describe the differences.
Cunt Liquor thinks I am uptight and anal-retentive. Hahaha.
*farts in Cunt Liquor’s general direction*
Cunt Liquor does not understand that writing a blog post objecting to sexism is not “bullying.” #masculinitysofragile
Cunt Liquor does not understand the difference between gender and sex.
Cunt Liquor does not understand the concept of equality in the political, economic and social realms.
Sexes are not equal. If they were, you would never need to check off your gender on a job application or a census form.
Cunt Liquor does not understand that the need to check off one’s gender or sex on a form has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with inequality in political, economic and social realms, except potentially as a tool to remedy it.
Cunt Liquor does not understand that the existence of multiple genders and sexes neither proves nor implies any sort of superiority or inferiority between them, except, apparently, in the fervid swamp that is the right-wing mind (see: imposition of arbitrary hierarchies and the characteristic right-wing compulsion to enforce them, often by any means necessary).
This same concept applies to race as well.
O rly? Do tell!
Some races commit more crimes than others. Not every race eats the same amount of watermelon.
Cunt Liquor does not understand disparities in: policing, sentencing, disenfranchisement, hiring and career advancement, education, poverty, housing, lead exposure, and other known precursors to crime, all of which are explained by racial bias—not race.
Surprisingly enough, Cunt Liquor actually does understand that there is indeed a racial disparity in watermelon eating, and is obviously referring to the fact that the world’s single largest watermelon producer is China.
Likewise, not every sex earns the same amount of money,
or can necessarily perform a given job as effectively as the other sex.
Cunt Liquor does not understand overlapping bell curves.
Cunt Liquor would be more likely to get his head blown off leading an ambush, because he’d pick only Manly Men™ for the mission in lieu of women soldiers who happened to be much better snipers.
Not every sex whines about how unfair it is equally either.
Gosh, I wonder why that might be? TRULY A MYSTERY.
You feminazi bitches should learn to love your vaginas. There is no reason to be embarrassed about them and pretend that you really have a penis.
Cunt Liquor does not understand the deep and abiding love I have not only for my own vagina, but for other vaginas too.
Cunt Liquor does not understand that I have no need or desire to “pretend” to have a penis: I have access to one pretty much whenever I want in the form of my lover’s very own, as well as my personal collection of penis-shaped objects and devices designed specifically for the purpose of penetrating various and sundry orifices of enthusiastically consenting persons who take pleasure in such activities, including, but not limited to, myself. And should I find those unsatisfactory for any reason, I am fortunate enough to live in a city with sex toy shops that are open 24/7/365 (<-NSFW). I even have a discount card at one of them. So yeah, I’m definitely well-provisioned with the penises: no need to pretend.
Cunt Liquor does not understand that there is no rational or moral basis for asserting that the presence or absence of specific sex organs should have any bearing on the political, economic or social equality of the sexes. Unless Cunt Liquor is claiming that Nazis are rational and moral? (That would explain a lot, actually.)
Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.
Alas, Cunt Liquor is only too commonplace and boringly unoriginal. Except for knowing about the Chinese proclivity for watermelon, that is. Most people are unaware of this fact, so that was refreshing to find among all the otherwise tedious tripe.
Drat, comments must be moderated. Somehow I doubt the feminazi has the balls to approve an opposing viewpoint.
Cunt Liquor’s “opposing viewpoint” is so precious and unusual that I am quite certain I have never heard anything even remotely like it before! Surely it will make for a fascinating and important contribution to my comment section.
One more observation—and this is just my anecdotal experience, so make of it what you will. Men who openly boast and advertise their enthusiasm for cunnilingus are universally terrible at it. Lady readers, I understand how much you’re tempted to hook up with this fine specimen, but I urge you to keep this important fact in mind before swiping right on “Cunt Liquor” the “vagitarian.”
Sexists and misogynists, it turns out, make notoriously terrible sexual partners for women generally. I know, right? Who would have thought it?
Get to work, WordPress. I need this button:
*I prefer bell hooks‘ definition of feminism: “a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression,” because it names the problem (sexism) and is broad enough to encompass many different aspects of it from structural misogyny and patriarchy to sex- and gender-based harm to men to everyday microaggressions and more.
**Until, that is, the Nazi war machine ultimately required a relatively small number of women to return to the workforce, including even a few doctors. When they did, they were underpaid relative to men doing the same work. As the concentration camp populations exploded, a small number of women staffed them as nurses, secretaries and even guards, comprising 10% of camp workers at their peak. Naturally, in the age-old Christian tradition, no woman was ever permitted to give orders to a man.
One thing that has always amazed me is the large number of idiots who appear to believe that “equality”, as an abstraction, is possible or desirable. They haven’t read their Vonnegut, let alone their Rousseau. Yes, gender implies inequality in some things and not in others; we look at equality in society as far as how it affects people in the society – so while I may say women have a disproportionate ability in terms of baby-carrying and many men have disproportionate upper body strength, that doesn’t mean that women should get paid less for doing the same job as men. Inequality is a fractal-space and it’s a strawman argument to say that people who want equality are looking for universal equality in all respects; it’s more accurate to say that egalitarians are concerned with inequality where it exists socially per Rousseau, and not based on any reason why there should be inequality.
tl;dr: the inegalitarians fail to argue why there should be inequality, and often resort to the argument pro status quo – which is an explanation not a reason.
I thought he was showing a bit of understanding with the ‘every’ sex thing, but, no.
I’ve always hated the way these lazy thinking, mushy headed, purulent piss-holes intentionally conflate equality of rights with a difference in external and internal sex organs. I wish his comments has gotten through it would have given me a chance to practice my splash-damage-free insults.
Rainbow Station! Yaayyy!
Wait, that’s what “feminazi” means? I thought it was a portmanteau of FEMINist and amAZIng!
I bet the dudebro thinks that one of the ways in which men differ from women is that men have superior logic and reasoning skills. LOL!
Marcus Ranum 1: yes to all of that—except I’m not up on Rousseau. (It’s been a while since my college days minoring in philosophy.) Worth investigating? On a slight tangent, it’s always bugged the shit outta me when libertarians/conservatives/bootstrappers make the ridiculous argument about the supposed moral and practical merits of “equality of opportunity” vs. the terribly unjust and civilization-imploding “equality of outcome.” Given what we know about the effects of poverty, malnutrition, lead exposure, homelessness etc. on young brains, these “equality of opportunity” types ought to be flaming socialists if not outright communists, no?
chigau 2: Yeah, all the no.
Raucous Indignation 3: I didn’t see any benefit to approving the comments on the old thread, but you are welcome to practice your splash-damage-free insults in this one. Or hell, cut out the middleperson and just email them to him directly.
invivoMark 5:
It is now! And henceforth shall forever be!
Not to mention business acumen.
C Liquor also does not understand such things as job application forms. When the form asks for a phone number, it is not a trick to evaluate you based on your number. It’s so they can call you. Or, CLiq., have you never gotten a job?