Efforts to remove ye menacing beasties have suffered a setback, Squirrel with cup stuck on its head saved by medics — video: “Members of the Enfield Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Connecticut were alerted to a situation on Friday — a squirrel with its head stuck in a cup”.
Are you positive this is a squirrel skull? Google pictures of squirrel skulls look quite different.
Efforts to remove ye menacing beasties have suffered a setback, Squirrel with cup stuck on its head saved by medics — video: “Members of the Enfield Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Connecticut were alerted to a situation on Friday — a squirrel with its head stuck in a cup”.
Are you positive this is a squirrel skull? Google pictures of squirrel skulls look quite different.
blf: An outrage. Squirrels are obviously more than capable of getting their own damn Emergency Medical Services to rescue them.
Of course not. :D