PZ Myers recently reported on Marc Tessier-Lavigne and his questionable acts (*) and his exposure, leading to his resignation. An interesting part of the story is who let to his downfall: Theo Baker, an 18 year old student writing for The Stanford Daily, the university’s student-run newspaper. Now there’s someone who will never be hired by the commercial and corporate media, despite winning the Polk Award for journalism. He committed the sin of questioning the powerful and thoroughly checking facts.
(* Limited wording because the guilty are always the first to be litigious and claim “slander” and “libel”.)
Whenever there’s a white mass shooter, the media, the ammosexuals, and the rightwingnuts immediately get defensive and repeat the fiction about a “lone wolf shooter”, as if violent political shootings or violent incels somehow aren’t indicative of a greater problem. There’s a deliberate intent and action to prevent examination in similar cases and impede the prevention of others.
The same goes here with the exposure of Tessier-Lavigne. Thus far I see a complete unwillingness by the media to question how many other pedastal climbing careerists in universities have done the same things. The majority of those in positions of influence (read: in positions where they can intimidate) are white or male, and usually both. How many others have used their positions improperly for career advancement, putting their names on papers they weren’t involved with, pressuring grad students with implied threats of ruining their careers if they don’t play ball or have sex?
Calling Stanford an isolated case is not naïveté, it’s complicity.