If anyone needs a good argument for computer simulation before student drivers are allowed behind the wheel, here’s one. There should also be dual controls in the car, so the instructor has a wheel and a brake pedal to prevent things like this. But better still, no private cars and better public transit.
No learner drivers were hurt in the making of the video.
The BBC reported “minor injuries”:
I’m mystified because dual controls (extra brake pedal, plus extra clutch where appropriate) seem so ubiquitous in learning and test situations. I wonder if this vehicle might have had driver hand controls with some failure of whatever controls the examiner had?
Glad it was “only” minor injuries, though.
I’m in the USA and:
1. The driving tests I’ve seen (including my own) were done with the testee’s car. To me, it makes sense, since that’s what the driver is going to be driving. If, as in my case, the driver is going to be driving a car with a manual transmission, it makes sense to test on a car with a manual transmission. (I suspect the real reason is that providing a car for tests would cost the state money.)
2. Back when I was getting driver training, the cars they used had a second brake pedal for the instructor. I was told they used to have a complete set of dual controls, but that caused more problems than it solved because in the cases where it mattered, you’d have the student and the instructor trying to do contradictory things.
In the US I tested not in my car but in that of my instructor, which had dual controls etc. I find it hard to adjust to the idea that in the US people can legally learn to drive from people who are not specifically licensed to teach driving, in cars that may lack dual controls.