Are rightwingnuts so oblivious to and incapable of coherent argument and fact checking that they assume everyone is oblivious to and incapable of coherent argument and fact checking?
Today, in one of his most inept, clueless and contradictory posts on twitter, Dishonest D’souza equated environmental activist and all-round wonderful human being Greta Thunberg as a nazi. Literally, a nazi, because of her appearance, and by extension he’s inferring that all environmentalists and climate change protesters are nazis.
From the above link to Dishonest’s twitter account:
This isn’t just Godwin, it’s god-lose. Even for Dishonest, inciting hate against a child is a low blow. Given Jack Dorsey’s history of “free speech until I disagree with you or it costs me money”, it’s unlikely that D’souza’s account will be removed.
D’souza must be starved for attention because he doesn’t block those who disagree with him. The criticism and takedowns of his latest blunder are strong and accurate.
Teh fruitcake might want to know real nazis are also attacking her, Germany’s AfD turns on Greta Thunberg as it embraces climate denial (this is from several months ago, before the EU elections):
Awful – and not the first reichwing attack on her by Murdoch shills & reality denialists. For example, Australian polemicist, shockjock, TV host, newspaper opinion piece spewer and convicted racial villifier Andrew Bolt as discussed & rightly criticised here.
WARNING : Contains Bolt’s ableist rantings incl persecution of blaming of mentally illness,
Transcript should work at least even if video doesn’t? I think and hope. Note toothementionof Bolt’s hypocrisyand the general reichwing tendancy to demand “freezepeach!” for themselves whilst trying to howl down and deny those they disagree with a voice.
Good article here on this :
By Martin Gelin published August 29, 2019 – so before her iconic speech but still relevant I think.