Hi all,
So this is what it looks like from the other side of the fence.
I applied for a spot on FtB in the second round of new (type)faces. To my surprise, they said yes. I was expecting “Thanks, but no thanks.” But as the old missive goes, if you don’t ask the question, the answer is always “No.”
Who am I? A Canadian who has lived abroad for fifteen years, never been home once, and still enjoy working as an ESL teacher. I’m a transgender woman who often identifies as both genders, and a lifelong atheist. My chronological age is close to fifty, but I live like it’s my second twenties after transitioning in early 2015.
Currently I live in Taiwan but have lived in other countries. I’m worldly enough to admit the only thing I know for certain is that every country and people are pretty much the same. “Exotic” should be considered a racist word.
Why did I apply to FtB? For these and other reasons:
- To raise topics no one else does or that interest me
- To talk about events in Taiwan or Asia that get missed by the corporate media
- To give a POV others might not want or allow on their blog
- To provide a quieter blog for discussion (see below)
What are your blog’s policies? I will start simple and evolve or expand it where or when necessary:
- Be nice.
- No heated arguments.
- No profanities.
- No insults.
- No misrepresentation or quotemining.
- No personal attacks upon myself or others.
Most FtB writers have…animated conversations, to put it politely. I’m not making comment on other people’s blogs by saying or having those rules. It’s more a stylistic choice than about controlling conversations. Not allowing certain things doesn’t prevent anyone from saying or doing such things elsewhere, and it doesn’t tread on anyone’s rights or ability to speak here.
Where’s your old content? Transferring my earlier blog posts will take a little time. I have already tried transferring data from Blogger to WordPress, and they don’t want to play nice with each other. I’ll keep a link to the old content until I figure things out.
In the meantime, questions and comments are welcome.
Welcome to the blag! 🙂
Welcome welcome! So glad to have you here.