MonsterHearts 2025 – Day Eleven

Don’t Miss Posts.  This MonsterHearts, I’m also having one regular post a day, if you should prefer that kind of thing.  Just look at the posts before or after this one.

MonsterHearts is a 14 day event (named after a pervy RPG) wherein my writing group votes on a monster each day to include in a story concept.  As we march toward Valentine’s Day, the theme is supernatural romance.  This year, I’ve been trying to just use “edit” mode in MidJourney to iron out irregularities, even trying to make a legible title in the AI program.  While it’s cool you can now hammer the hands and text into shape, as opposed to just photoshopping what you need to fix, there are advantages to doing it the older way.  There’s a lot less control of where and how the text is placed, and what it looks like.  Surprised I’ve kept up the effort this long; looks like I’m gonna go all the way with it.



CHARACTERS:  Colleen Crash: a Trans Computer Hacker Type, ANи1KA and M0NiK4: Sisters who also Hack, or Virtual Illusions?

PREMISE:  In some unimaginable dystopian version of our world, the most obvious con man and fascist thug in human history has convinced half of america he’s harmless and the other half that he shits gold, thus acquiring enough power to rewrite anything that was worth a shit in the place.  Within this impossible world of banal evil that is just so soulcrushingly tedious nobody would ever want to write a story about it, god it’s so boring, the only life and liveliness must come from hacktivists and gay weirdos.

THE HOOK:  Colleen’s best friends in the CYb4Rsp8s are the sisters ANи1KA and M0NiK4, altho there is some risk of the friendship blowing up because both sisters wanna get with Colleen.  Or are they even real?  Maybe they’re a cheap sex fantasy that escaped from her mind.  Maybe they’re cointelprobots, sent by the NSA to lure her into federal prison.  Or maybe, they’re a new life form, on some Ghost in the Shell type shit, wanting to bone Colleen into a Brave New World.


  1. John Morales says

    Um, I first read “a Trans Computer Hacker Type” as ‘a (Trans Computer) (Hacker Type)’.

    (Well… it amused me)

  2. says

    Sure, she could be transcomputer. I don’t think she’s ciscomputer anyway.
    I’m so tired right now -___-
    I do not get the free association and probably will not, because I am an unread ignoramus. Hip me to it, if you please, or leave me in the dark, if not.

  3. says

    You know the wildest thing about this one? The AI came up with “MAD.” I was just editing the image to try and squeak my name in up there, and it put the word MAD in one of the results. The others were gibberish, but this one word was perfectly formed. It was meant to be, that they are MAD girls. I was also going to spell R000L with only two 0s, but this worked well enough to not fuss over.

  4. John Morales says

    [I asked my friendly AI to summarise it]

    Libby Long’s story arc in “The Number of the Beast” is quite fascinating and multifaceted. Initially known as a male character in Heinlein’s earlier works, Libby undergoes a significant transformation and becomes a woman in “The Number of the Beast.” This transformation allows Libby to explore a new identity and provides readers with a deeper understanding of her character.

    Libby is a brilliant mathematician and physicist, whose expertise becomes crucial in the group’s journey through alternate universes. She works alongside the other main characters—Zeb, Deety, and Hilda—to navigate and solve the complex scientific challenges they encounter. Her intelligence and skills are essential to the group’s success in their adventures.

    Throughout the novel, Libby’s character undergoes significant personal growth. The transformation from male to female allows Libby to explore different aspects of her identity and relationships. Heinlein uses this character development to delve into themes of gender, identity, and the possibilities of human experience in a futuristic setting.

    Libby’s journey is not just about her physical transformation but also about her emotional and intellectual growth. She becomes a stronger, more confident individual who embraces her new identity and continues to contribute significantly to the group’s efforts.

    Overall, Libby’s story arc is a testament to Heinlein’s ability to create complex and dynamic characters who challenge societal norms and explore the boundaries of human potential.

  5. John Morales says

    Oh right, ‘lipstick’ but actually ‘slipstick’ which means a slide-rule — which means mathy genius.

    (Was good reading for a 14-yo]