I went from working the most physically difficult job I’ve ever had to the most intellectually difficult job. Learning so much it hurts. Also the second most emotionally difficult job I’ve ever had, and it’s a close second. I may well flame out within a month or two, though I’ve been in training since June. But if I survive, it’s the quickest road to the best money and job security I’ve ever had. Of course, those stakes also raise the pressure.
I’ll blog more actively again when I get over the hump, or after I flame out. So in one or two months, or no sooner than eight, I think. I am still doing some odd creative things. If they go well, I may post them here. Just keep the expectations low and you won’t be disappointed, haha.
Best wishes!
Good luck.
I hope things go well 🙂
Hope things turn out well for you.
I did something vaguely like this transition. I had someone learning alongside me and that seemed to help a great deal in my situation. I was learning on my own without the sponsorship of a job paying me to learn things though and I’m not sure how that affects things. Kudos on taking a better route than I did. 🙂
Thanks y’all! *plays rocky theme*