CNN has been caught deep in bald-faced lies about the situation in Venezuela, supporting Trump’s oil lust with very old school yellow journalism. If you work at CNN and have any principles left at all, you should resign. Take a stand against warhawking, or against false journalism, against propaganda, against lies at the very least.
That’s how I’d react in your shoes, but then, I’m pretty naive. Maybe this is more offensive to me than it should be, and capering like little dogs for the Shitbag in Chief is just de rigeur in your industry. How do you feel about it?
Resign? Seriously? As if resigning was always so easy. I frequently hear well-off people telling others that they should just quit their shitty jobs, but, come on, it’s not that simple. Some people must financially support entire families. Others have loans to pay back. Some people are lucky, they have plenty of alternative employment options, and they can afford to be picky. But this isn’t the case for everybody. Some people cannot easily resign, because they have few alternatives, thus they desperately need some job, even if it is shitty and ethically questionable.
Whenever some financially well-off person starts talking online about how others should quit their jobs for ethical reasons, it sounds as if they were blaming some financially desperate and poor low-level employee for all the shit that their bosses have done. Those in charge of CNN have done some nasty things? Let’s just tell the employees to resign and if they cannot financially afford to do so, then they are to be blamed for all the shit their bosses did.
Principles or no principles, but people need to eat, thus they need jobs.
Whether somebody quits a job or no is their choice, and you don’t have a right to claim that those who haven’t resigned “have no principles left at all.”
well off? lol andy i am about to start a job at 33k a year and it’s the most money i’ve ever made in my life at the age of 42. i’ve lived in housing projects and survived by food banks. you can do it, babey. believe in yourself.
That said, I actually agree with you. This was aimed at miilionaire anchors and producers, not mailroom jimmy. Though if he can line up another job in his spare time that would be cool.
Another reason to leave CNN if one can: Georgia hates women.
Cryp Dyke: don’t just leave CNN. Leave the state if you can.
That’s nasty news. Sure makes me wanna smack the face off every gladhanding preacher and biblehumping politician from here to florida.