The office was filled with white men in black suits
With their power ties (probably China’s)
Their agenda is evil; they’re known by their fruits
And they’ve just declared war on vaginas
White men in black suits, looking grim and devout
Declared “NO!” –never yesses or maybes
Forget women—that’s not what this order’s about—
This order protects pre-born babies!
(In truth, it cuts funding for medical care,
In a manner that’s out-and-out ruthless;
White men in black suits know this–but, to be fair,
With “alternative facts”, the world’s truthless.)
White men in black suits posed for pictures and smiled
(They always can find time to schmooze)
They’ll pretend that they care for the life of a child…
So long as white men in suits choose.
Ever look at a photograph and think…”needs more white guys in suits!”? That’s what I thought when I saw PZ’s post (scroll down halfway). That is not nearly enough white guys in suits, considering the “global gag rule” is, in fact, a global. gag. rule..
It occurs to me that I have written roughly a metric ton (or tonne) of stuff on choice, and yet do not have a tag for “choice”. Gotta change that, now, and I’ll be looking back to see what else fits. If you have favorites and can save me some time, I’d be much obliged.
Alas, I can’t conceive, at this time
Of any way to make these rhyme:
But look at how diverse they are! They’re wearing at least five different colours of tie between them!
Note the two blue shirts.