The latest silliness from Pat Robertson and from Bill O’Reilly has been making the rounds–Lawrence O’Donnell offers a simple counter-example (video at link) to the claim of the bitter, hateful atheist who wants everybody to be miserable at Christmas the end of December. That counter-example?
Ricky Gervais.
In a 2010 article in the Wall Street Journal, Gervais answers questions about atheism; the last question asked is “How do you plan on celebrating Christmas?”
Eating and drinking too much with friends and family. Celebrating life and remembering those that did, but can no longer.
They are not looking down on me but they live in my mind and heart more than they ever did probably. Some, I was lucky enough to bump into on this planet of six billion people. Others shared much of my genetic material. One selflessly did her best for me all my life. That’s what mums do though. They do it for no other reason than love. Not for reward. Not for recognition. They create you. From nothing. Miracle? They do those every day. No big deal. They are not worshiped. They would give their life without the promise of heaven. They teach you everything they know yet they are not declared prophets. And you only have one.
I am crying as I write this.
His full answer is beautiful. Go read it.
Related posts:
The Night Before (The War On) Christmas. A scary story, but with a happy ending.
(The War On) The War On The War On The War On Christmas You know, in case you feel like denying that there is such a war.
The War Against Christmas Comes Early One of my favorites, contrasting the solemn observation of Christmas in early America with the modern celebration.
An Atheist’s Christmas Answers the question “why would an atheist want to celebrate Christmas?” Another favorite.
An Atheist Christmas Card Just a wee bit snarky. Mostly sweet. Historically accurate.
Another Atheist Christmas Card Weapons-grade glurge, but I’ve already had some people tell me this one is their favorite.
‘Tis The Season Last year’s earlier offering. It’s actually a song, if only I were a singer.
The War On Christmas, Explained Blunt, for those who are unclear on the concept. Not terribly poetic, though.
It’s Tough To Be Christian (When Christmastime Comes) A lament. It’s always nice to put yourself in the other person’s shoes.
This Means War! (on Christmas) A brief explanation of the War.
‘Tis the season to be shitty
Don’t you think that that’s a pity
Don we now our gay behaviour
Troll the web sites of their Savior
And so forth…
I’m one of those atheists who doesn’t celebrate Christmas in any way at all. No cards, no gifts, no decorated tree, no feast, nothing. Some people think I must feel a bit left out while everybody else is celebrating.
I tell them I feel exactly the same way as they do on March 24th when they are NOT celebrating Rama Navami (which honors the the birth of the Hindu god, Rama).
Moar woar!
On a slightly different godless function. I saw my surgeon today for the first time after a hurried gall bladder removal. I gave him a card with your thank you (sans wings ;^))poem in it. There was no immediate response, I have one more post surgical meeting in a month. We shall see. You were credited on the back as the source of the poem.
Thanks to you for your creative gift and use of poetry.
grumpy: at the risk of telling you you’re doing it wrong…ur doon it rong.
Celebrate Dec. 25 AND March 24. And any other alleged birth date of any other random deity you come across. And every other day that some random religion claims as being special.
Claim each and every holiday. Religious or not. Today, for example, is Red Planet Day. And tomorrow, National Square Dancing Day!! Woohoo!!!
Since you can probably find a “holy” day on just about any date you care to throw a dart at, you have perfect freedom to have as much fun as you care to have.
“I’m one of those atheists who doesn’t celebrate Christmas in any way at all. No cards, no gifts, no decorated tree, no feast, nothing. Some people think I must feel a bit left out while everybody else is celebrating.
I tell them I feel exactly the same way as they do on March 24th when they are NOT celebrating Rama Navami (which honors the the birth of the Hindu god, Rama).”
The way I see it, it’s an excuse for a party… and I’ll be fucked if I’m going to pass one of those up! I enjoy having the entire extended family around me while we eat too much and get really drunk together. And because I live in a culturally Christian country (actually, in my case legally Christian too since I’m from the UK. We really need to sort that out)the time that we get together to do that happens to be Christmas. I’m OK with that. I don’t really care when it happens, though I do think I prefer it to happen in the winter… we need something to brighten up this shit season, the only other good thing about it is snow and we never get any of that in southern England.
Any way, for me Christmas = good food, all my family and much drunkeness. No Jeebus.