By chance of birth
We’re here on Earth,
More lucky than we know
With such a brain
As can explain
The way these things must go
That life began
Not with a man
Named Adam, and his Eve
But molecules
In tidal pools
That replicate and cleave
To replicate
It is their fate
And thus to reproduce
The Earth revolves
And life evolves
And all this, we deduce
Recycled star
Is what we are
With everything we see
This view of things
Amazement brings
At least, it does to me
Some future day
I know we may
Be swallowed by the sun
For what it’s worth
Protect the Earth–
We’ve only got the one.
(First posted on Earth Day 2008)
Well worth reiterating, CF!
Makes me think of Lawrence Krauss’s talk in the universe. Very cool.