“Be careful with Muhammad”

The Telegraph also reports on the Muslim Action Forum protest – calling it “huge” in the headline but saying it was about a thousand people in the first sentence. A thousand people is a huge protest? In London?

At least 1,000 Muslim protesters gathered outside the gates of Downing Street to protest against the depictions of the Prophet Mohammed in Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical magazine.

The protestors, many of whom were divided into groups of men and women, gathered just yards from the Cenotaph which remembers Britain’s war dead, and blocked half of Whitehall as they demonstated.

It comes weeks after two terrorists attacked the offices of Charlie Hebdo, the Paris-based satirical magazine which had published images of the Prophet Muhammad, killing 12 staff and wounding 11 others.

Three and a half weeks, to be exact. Three weeks after the genuinely huge protest against the murders and for free speech in Paris. Today’s protest is against Charlie Hebdo and for murder.

The meeting was organised by the Muslim Action Forum, which was handing out leaflets about the demonstration on Whitehall.

The leaflet said: “The recent re-publishing of the cartoons, caricatures and depictions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by Charlie Hebdo magazine and other publishers is a stark reminder that freedom of speech if regularly utilised to insult personalities that others consider sacred.

Oops. Somebody should have proofread that leaflet. Final clause missing. Maybe it was too difficult to think of the right final clause? Let’s see…”a stark reminder that freedom of speech if regularly utilised to insult personalities that others consider sacred…should be punished with mass murder”? Tricky, isn’t it. No wonder it’s missing.

Such actions are deliberating insulting and provoking to Muslims worldwide as British citizens, we believe that these publications will continue to ‘sow the seeds of hatred’ and damage community relations.

Actually no. It’s the murders that do that, it’s protests like this one that do that.

Via Christopher Hope on Twitter

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The abuse factory. That’s why the Kouachi brothers murdered them, is it?

Christopher Hope again

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“Be careful with Muhammad.” That’s a threat. That’s a valorization of murder and a threat. It’s fascist. Oswald Mosley is long dead but there are fascist demonstrations again in London.

The group also expressed “deep regret” at the Paris terror attacks, which included a massacre at Charlie Hebdo, saying they were a “violation of Islamic law”.

Shaykh Tauqir Ishaq, a senior spokesman for the Forum, said “Perpetual mistakes by extremists, either by cold-blooded killers or uncivilised expressionists, cannot be the way forward for a civilised society.

“The peace-loving majority of people must become vociferous in promoting global civility and responsible debate. At this time of heightened tension and emotion, it is crucial that both sides show restraint to prevent further incidents of this nature occurring.”

Shaykh Noor Siddiqi, another Forum representative, said “The actions of the UK media in not publishing the cartoons is highly appreciated by British Muslims and we hope that this kind of self-restraint and mutual respect will ultimately lead to a harmonious society.”

A harmonious society in which any kind of criticism of or resistance to the prophet of Islam has become impossible. Saudi Arabia, in short.

No thank you.


  1. Acolyte of Sagan says

    I think the ‘unclosed clause’ is more likely to be a typo, and should read “…..freedom of speech is regularly utilised…….”

  2. RJW says

    “… it is crucial that both sides show restraint to prevent further incidents of this nature occurring.”

    No, it isn’t, only one side needs to show restraint, Muslims.

  3. Blanche Quizno says

    “…saying they were a “violation of Islamic law”.”

    Yes. The Charlie Hebdo staff should have all been stoned, you see.

  4. Blanche Quizno says

    “…it is crucial that both sides show restraint…”

    Does this suggest that, if everybody does as the Muslims dictate, there will be no more murders – maybe? Until they find something else to be offended and outraged about?

  5. says

    “… it is crucial that both sides show restraint to prevent further incidents of this nature occurring.”

    “This is a nice deli. It’d be a shame if it had a fire,” said the man in the raincoat.

  6. =8)-DX says

    Re #8: I think the point they’re trying to make is that CH aren’t reasonable or fair, i.e. “just as bad”.

  7. iknklast says

    @#9: Of course they are just as bad. Drawing cartoons is as reprehensible as murder. Didn’t you get the memo in Ethics 101?

  8. moarscienceplz says

    I heard on NPR today that 23 mosques in London had a “Come visit my mosque” day this weekend. The short piece didn’t go into a lot of depth, but it did make the point that these moderate Muslims when pressed admitted that they were “tired” of having to apologize every time another terror attack was done “in the name of Islam”.
    I wonder if they all were so tired they didn’t have the energy to argue against the “Be careful with Muhammed” banner?

  9. Bob Hutton says

    People who do not believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God are going to Hell; therefore Muslims are going to Hell.


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