King Salman is kicking off his new job with allowing a beheading to proceed.
Well, to be fair, I don’t know of Obama’s intervening in any executions either.
Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud has already overseen his first beheading just days after succeeding his brother, ignoring widespread claims that the case against the man was weak.
The controversial killing of Moussa al-Zahrani came shortly before President Barack Obama arrived in Riyadh on Tuesday to pay respects to the late King Abdullah.
Al-Zahrani, a teacher, was executed in the city of Jeddah. He had been convicted of sexually assaulting underage girls in a string of attacks in 2011. Al-Zahrani had maintained his innocence throughout two appeals and released a 20-minute video urging King Abdullah to intervene last year.
Yes but the king’s hands are tied – he’s only the absolute monarch of the place.
Al-Zahrani’s relatives had gone on Saudi talk shows and claimed the case against him was riddled with inconsitancies. They said several cases of assault against young girls took place while al-Zahrani was already jailed.
Amnesty International condemned news that an execution had already taken place.
Sevag Kechichian, Amnesty’s Saudi Arabia researcher, told The Independent: “It’s extremely distressing to see that the Saudi executioner has already been at work, just days after King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud ascended the throne.”
He’s a workaholic, that’s what it is.
“Al-Zahrani, a teacher”
Well, there’s his problem right there. He should have been an Iman. Then he could have done all the raping and killing he wanted.
There can be only one Iman. And she is married to David Bowie.