I had a geek friend who insisted on teaching her dog entirely commands based on unix. Not being that sort of geek, I don’t remember most of them, but I believe one of them was about elimination and involved dev/null, and there was some use of “grep” as a command.
It did tend to make her friends of a sort she sought, when other geeks heard her interact with her dog. Tribal identification is a wonderful and amorphous set of behaviours. 🙂
This should clearly turn into a thread about geeky names for cats. I’m thinking about getting another one.
The trouble is I can’t think of anything good enough to follow Fortran.
> anything good enough to follow Fortran.
May I suggest Haskell.
Al Dentesays
I like Genghis Khat or Khubla Khat as cat names.
Robert B.says
chigau (違う)says
The new cat name doesn’t even have to be that geeky, to be honest. It doesn’t even have to pass the embarrassing-shout-down-the-street test (I’ve shouted “Fortran…. Fortran….. FORTRAN” often enough.)
The main criterion is that it has to piss off my parents and in-laws because it’s not a ‘real’ name. The more it annoys and confuses them. the better a name it is.
Maybe I should just call it Spite.
Come to think of it, that’s not a bad name for a cat.
I used to date someone with a similar linguistic geekiness to mine, and who called her two cats Broca and Wernicke.
I had a friend whose three dogs were named Lister, Rimmer, and Cat. She also had a cat named Holly.
Acolyte of Sagansays
January 14, 2014 at 11:35 pm
The new cat name [……..] doesn’t even have to pass the embarrassing-shout-down-the-street test …
How about ‘Shout’? Or ‘Hotsex’?
And just how did you get your ‘nym?
Al Dentesays
So this burglar is ransacking the house when he hears: “God is watching.” He looks around but doesn’t see anyone. Again he hears: “God is watching.” So he looks more carefully and sees a parrot in a cage.
He walks up to the parrot and says: “Polly want a cracker?”
The parrot replies: “My name isn’t Polly, it’s John the Baptist.”
The burglar says: “That’s a funny name for a parrot. Who gave you that name?”
John the Baptist answers: “The same guy who named the rottweiler ‘God’.”
I have that exact same laptop 🙁
Also, I have no idea what I’m doing.
It’s a good job I don’t wear a tie or the identity would be clear.
Performing a fetch command.
I had a geek friend who insisted on teaching her dog entirely commands based on unix. Not being that sort of geek, I don’t remember most of them, but I believe one of them was about elimination and involved dev/null, and there was some use of “grep” as a command.
It did tend to make her friends of a sort she sought, when other geeks heard her interact with her dog. Tribal identification is a wonderful and amorphous set of behaviours. 🙂
This should clearly turn into a thread about geeky names for cats. I’m thinking about getting another one.
I like names like Madeleine, Henry, Isobel, Charles, Helen for cats and dogs. Not geeky but…something.
I think I’m going to have to go with a geeky name. As much as I like your suggestions you can’t follow a Fortran with a Madeleine.
Even more off topic, but did I ever tell you how I got my name?
My cat is named Nezumi. Cuz when I got him he was tiny, grey, and squeaky. Five years later, he’s still grey and squeaky, but definitely not “tiny”.
No, you didn’t, so by all means do.
The trouble is I can’t think of anything good enough to follow Fortran.
> anything good enough to follow Fortran.
May I suggest Haskell.
I like Genghis Khat or Khubla Khat as cat names.
The new cat name doesn’t even have to be that geeky, to be honest. It doesn’t even have to pass the embarrassing-shout-down-the-street test (I’ve shouted “Fortran…. Fortran….. FORTRAN” often enough.)
The main criterion is that it has to piss off my parents and in-laws because it’s not a ‘real’ name. The more it annoys and confuses them. the better a name it is.
Maybe I should just call it Spite.
Come to think of it, that’s not a bad name for a cat.
It would have to be a lazy cat.
Our cat is named Trogdor. He burninates the peasants. Unfortunately, we are the peasants.
To add to Chigau’s list:
I really do love having cats
C++ or Blaise (Pascal)?
Heh. My brother named one of our cats Obny, short for Obnoxious.
I used to date someone with a similar linguistic geekiness to mine, and who called her two cats Broca and Wernicke.
I had a friend whose three dogs were named Lister, Rimmer, and Cat. She also had a cat named Holly.
How about ‘Shout’? Or ‘Hotsex’?
And just how did you get your ‘nym?
So this burglar is ransacking the house when he hears: “God is watching.” He looks around but doesn’t see anyone. Again he hears: “God is watching.” So he looks more carefully and sees a parrot in a cage.
He walks up to the parrot and says: “Polly want a cracker?”
The parrot replies: “My name isn’t Polly, it’s John the Baptist.”
The burglar says: “That’s a funny name for a parrot. Who gave you that name?”
John the Baptist answers: “The same guy who named the rottweiler ‘God’.”