It’s a matter of priorities, Barmaid

Jesus and Mo stand up for gender segregation and the religious freedom of people who demand gender segregation.

J and M Author tweeted this one twice.

Gentlemen, there’s a new J&M up on the internet: …

Ladies, there’s a new J&M up on the internet: …




  1. Al Dente says

    Unfortunately, Author isn’t giving us satire so much as reporting the situation.

    Besides, it’s not really discrimination if it’s against chicks

  2. Acolyte of Sagan says


    Current hoo-hah against hero-worship notwithstanding, Author (pbuh) is a feckin genius.

  3. Acolyte of Sagan says

    Any chance of summarising a few for those of us who aren’t signed up to twitter please, Wylann?

  4. throwaway, never proofreads, every post a gamble says

    Transcript of the strip for anyone who needs/wants it.

    Panel 1

    Jesus, Mo and Barmaid at the bar as usual.

    Barmaid: What are you protesting about today, boys?

    Mo: Discrimination…

    Mo: …against Islamic scholars who can’t speak at universities if the audience is not segregated by sex.

    Panel 2

    Mo: Refusal to segregate discriminates against the speaker by denying him his human right to impose his genuinely held beliefs on others.

    Panel 3

    Barmaid: What about my right not to be subject to discriminatory sexual apartheid?

    Jesus: It’s a matter of priorities, Barmaid.

    Panel 4

    Jesus and Mo together holding a banner which reads “Your women’s ‘rights’ end where my religious beliefs begins.”

    Mo also holding a picket sign which has a check beside “Cultural Sensitivity” and has marked out “Feminist Incivility” with an ‘x’ beside it.

    Mo: Besides, it’s not really discrimination if it’s against chicks.

  5. Acolyte of Sagan says

    Ophelia Benson
    November 27, 2013 at 12:12 pm (UTC -8) Link to this comment

    He is. He’s also a mensch!

    That he is, Ophelia. That he most certainly is.
    And he’s a friend of yours, you lucky bugger. 🙂

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