Ivana Bacik thinks that bishops shouldn’t be telling legislators what to do.
A call by Labour Senator Ivana Bacik for a Seanad debate on the separation of church and State led to sharp exchanges.
Ms Bacik said she looked forward to the debate on the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill, adding that she welcomed the fact that after 21 years legislators were facing up to their responsibilities.
“I call on the leader, in the aftermath of the Bill, perhaps in the autumn, to arrange a debate on the separation of church and State, given the rather robust interventions by the bishops, essentially seeking to tell legislators what to do, which, I believe, is not appropriate in a republic.’’
Darragh O’Brien (FF) asked if Ms Bacik wanted to gag the bishops.
Is that an option?
Did he also suggest they “get in the feckin’ sack”? Or am I thinking of Dara Ó Briain?
They’ve been in the feckin’ sack for far too long. It’s about time the feckin’ sack was shaken, and they were thrown out of it for good in the process. If you lie with with pests you’ll wake up with pestilence.