
  1. Mattir says

    Good so far. Perhaps I’ll inflict some Montaigne essays on the fambilly as a storm out-of-power read aloud…

  2. F says

    Good luck, indeed. I don’t even want to be in Ohio, and the storm track has been revised, leaving Ohio out of it. We shall see. (Not that the hurricane system needs to get anywhere near, given the other systems involved.)

  3. No Light says

    Offering up good luck vibes, and the hope that everyone in the dangerzones stays as safe as possible.

    Take care.

  4. Landon says

    Best of luck to your friends stranded in Nashville. No worries, though: there are tons of great places to eat on Briley Parkway just near the airport! If… that helps. Ahem.

  5. Anon123 says

    Its barely a category one, its approaching at an indirect angle that will severely weaken its force before making any real landfall.

    Seriously, ever since Katrina people are making such a huge deal out of every little storm. People are acting like we are about to suffer a direct hit from a full force category 5 or something.

    I blame the media, scaring the piss out of people and making a natural disaster out of every thunder cloud is their new favorite past time.

  6. sailor1031 says

    Here in eastern VA we missed the brunt – it’s more like a traditional nor-easter with winds gusting to 50mph+, moderate storm surge (~ 2ft) and it’s been raining hard for two days with about 36 hours to go. And we’re about three hundred miles from the storm centre. Believe it or not we haven’t had a power outage yet; Va Power doesn’t usually miss an opportunity to go out on us – usually at night.

    Anon clearly hasn’t experienced an actual hurricane – even a small one like Isabel is pretty terrifying. As I understand it Sandy is going to hit the NJ shore head on (not at an an indirect angle) at 75 mph+ with a lot of water piled up – been there done that! believe me you don’t want to be there!!

  7. Johnny Vector says

    Yes, it’s Cat 1, which means the wind speed is only 80-ish knots. Yet it has more total kinetic energy than any hurricane in history. And it’s moving slowly, and arriving at a full moon. The problem, Anon, is not “ERMAGERD it’s going to flatten all the houses”. The reason this storm is so troublesome is that it will flood and depower a huge area. Flooding is predicted to be a 500-year event in many places. Power will be out for millions of people, and it will be out because of damage in tens of thousands of places. Which means it will be out for a long time.

    Not to mention 500-year floods will flood a lot of people who don’t have flood insurance, because hey, it hasn’t flooded here in 500 years.

    And yes, the teevee weathermen make a big deal out of every storm. The NHC and NWS do not. They are making a big deal out of this one.

  8. says

    Not to mention 500-year floods will flood a lot of people who don’t have flood insurance, because hey, it hasn’t flooded here in 500 years.

    Fair enough, but what seems a bit strange to me is that you would shut down your public transport and airports 2 days before the thing is even there.

    And what is it with US infrastructure that makes it so prone to weeks of power outages with anything stronger than a mild sea breeze? Other countries get bad storms as well.

    Anyway, good luck to everyone affected.

  9. Rodney Nelson says

    So far things are doing all right in Rhode Island. We’ve still got power and internet connection, the basement is unflooded, and the refrigerator is still refrigerating. How long these conditions continue is anyone guess.

    I’m just glad I don’t live in New Jersey.

  10. onion girl, OM; social workers do it with paperwork says

    The one positive I’ve had is that I’m off work and today is the first day in weeks that I’ve had to actually read B&W, instead of just skimming down the article titles and having no time to click the read more links.

    And I may even have time to go catch up on Stephanie & Jason & Ian, oh my!

    …at least until the power goes out. 🙂

    Here in the outer DC suburbs, we’ve had steady rain since last night and the wind’s starting to really pick up now. O’Malley declared a state of emergency already, and the city, county, and state government is shut down, as well as the schools and most everything else.

    Our local river is expected to flood close to 32 feet (normal flood state is 15), potentially the worst flood since Agnes. The extended power loss is the biggest concern, and just a bit west of us they’re already getting snow.

    Category 1 or not, Sandy’s going to make a mark.

    Now I’m going to dive into the backlog of B&W articles I’ve missed since work went nuclear sometime in August. Again, at least until the power goes out! 🙂

  11. Dave Ricks says

    This 24-hour forecast presently predicts 6 inches of rainfall in the next 24 hours for Maryland, Delaware, and the areas around them.  Here in the DC area, the government is closed, and all service is cancelled for planes, trains, subway and busses.  This morning, Delaware enforced a driving ban.

    And to add a detail to what Johnny Vector said, in the June 2012 Derecho, the widespread power outages knocked out the cell phone networks, and if that happens, if you drive out and get in trouble, you can’t call for help.

    I feel safe, I’ll just stay home and hope my power and phone stay up.

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