Cath, meet Jessica; Jessica, meet Cath

Yikes. One of those days.

Two tweets right on top of each other but arbitrarily…and yet how connected they are.

London Complains@LondonComplains @CathElliott Well grumble ye not. When London’s declared a commie femicunt-free zone you won’t be able to get past the barricades anyway. x
Retweeted by CathElliott

Jessica Ahlquist@jessicaahlquist@tmsmith123: @jessicaahlquist it would so make my day if I heard you got gang rape by a bunch of black guys with AIDS.”

[Jessica quoting @tmsmith123]


  1. NateHevens says

    *single tear from right eye falls down cheek*

    Jesus would be proud.

    *sniffs; wipes tear*

  2. screechymonkey says

    Racism, misogyny, and anti-atheist bigotry in a mere 140-character (or less) tweet. Impressive, in a sick way.

  3. Wowbagger, Madman of Insleyfarne says

    Not sure your html tagging on those has worked, Ophelia – or is that deliberate?

  4. Fin says

    I don’t understand how the whole rape threat thing is supposed to work. I know a few woman who have been raped (not that I’ve really inquired, but I suspect it wasn’t their views on equality that were the reason), and if anything it only made them speak out about this sort of stuff even MORE.

    This is an extremely illiberal idea, but sometimes I wonder if we could employ eugenics to eliminate rapists from our species, by denying them the right to have children.

  5. A. Noyd says

    @Fin (#8)
    Because, ya know, rape is in the genes not the culture.

    Try again.

  6. Lyanna says

    Tangentially related: apparently, the notion that some women just deserve rape has gone mainstream, and is behind the passage of a gutted version of the Violence Against Women Act in the U.S. Amanda Marcotte of Pandagon does a good summary of its misogyny here.

    This is particularly bad for immigrant women who have come here as mail-order brides and will be deported if they report abuse.

    It also accepts the notion that women should take abuse to keep “the family” “intact” (i.e., to keep the abuser part of the family). The sharia courts in Britain accept this notion; evidently religious Christians here do as well.

  7. says

    It would make my day if I heard that tmsmith123 accidentally swallowed his own keyboard, but that’s just because he wouldn’t be able to Tweet anymore.

  8. Hypatia's Daughter says

    #10 Lyanna

    women should take abuse to keep “the family” “intact” (i.e., to keep the abuser part of the family)

    And to keep the menfolk from venting their rage on other people in society – like other men and their women. Don’t beat up your boss or a guy in the bar; don’t rape your neighbor’s daughter – go home and beat up your kids and rape your wife.
    And in a politically & religiously stratified society with a few powerful men pushing around “inferior” men, it’s only fair to give the inferior men someone they can push around too – like their wife & kids. Keeps society nice and stable.

    (The above was sarcasm……..)

  9. Shatterface says

    This is an extremely illiberal idea, but sometimes I wonder if we could employ eugenics to eliminate rapists from our species, by denying them the right to have children.

    There’s a thin line between ‘illiberal’ and ‘fucking stupid’ and that suggestion plays hopscotch over it.

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