QED next March

There’s a fun thing going on in Manchester next March: QED 2012.


Question.Explore.Discover. Back for an encore. Only £89

I’ll be there – as will Steve Jones and David Aaaronovitch and Edzard Ernst among others – and Maryam Namazie! Maryam and I finally get to meet; we’re excited.


  1. gillyc says

    I looked at that, and thought “Manchester? That won’t be Manchester in the UK, that’ll be some other Manchester in the US”. But I clicked on it anyway, and Yay! I was wrong!
    I’ve now bought a ticket 😀

  2. Scote says

    I’m jealous 🙂 The price is right and the line up of speakers, including yourself, is excellent. Now if only it weren’t 8 time zones away from me!

  3. gillyc says

    It’s been a long week, Ophelia, and clearly my reading skills are hiding in the same place as my energy!

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