My boobs are stock footage for Fox News (0:16). You can all stop sending me the video now.
Maybe that’s why we kept having earthquakes since boobquake. Maybe my cleavage keeps appearing on television! God, could Fox News get any more evil? Stop causing natural disasters!
neapel says
well, that’s feminism taken care of
Anon-ee-moose says
Davidmbeyer says
That’s some pretty awesome misreporting. Give Fox News some credit for their consistency.
Epistaxis says
No, this is *science*. You’re not causing natural disasters; you’re saving men’s lives.
BEG says
huh. i’d ask ’em for royalties every time they flash ’em…
Yassum says
Sorry, but this looks a bit too much like…I would guess it’s another stupid mistake from the media
Simbera says
A few of my friends are still in Channel 7’s stock footage for drunk kids on Schoolies (kind of like Spring Break in Australia, except for people graduating from high school). That was like 4 years ago, and has been shown at least 10 times. So get used to it – when they find one they like, they tend to stick with it.
Thomas Everett Haynes says
Well you have made it farther than 80% of drama majors… [Citation needed]
Roki_B says
Your mammaries are famous. Treat them nicely today, give them some congrats and something comfy to lounge upon. (I am assuming that this is what they like, alternatively, strap into a speedsuit and go street-racing)
Drakk says
Actually, can you not get royalties for that?
JM says
You’d think that they could report it more respectfully,….not Foxy enough, I guess.
Danny wuvs Kittens says
even if this is a real study, well goddamn. The second group was supposed to refrain from looking at breasts for five years. FIVE MOTHERFUCKING YEARS. JESUS COCKSTOMPING CHRIST. They’re apparently not even allowed to look at their significant other’s breasts. Of course they’re going to have higher blood pressure.
SpitefulFox says
Way to crush all my hopes and dreams. ;)
B Spiken says
It finally happend, fox news sourced a report from onion news.
Cameron Brown says
FOX loves its evo psych, as it is apparently the only legit science around.
K.W. Ramesy says
All I can say Jenn, is thank you for doing your part to keep the men of the world healthy. If it wasn’t for kind, decent women like yourself showing up in stock footage about breasts, well, the world would be a much darker place for it. I salute you, and your cleavage!But seriously, it is kind of funny that Fox is using a popular feminist icon’s cleavage as part of their stock footage for men staring at breasts.
Sean says
You also made a listener generated segment on AM sports talk radio in the 11 min mark…
Equinoxjjh says
Christian Walters says
Indeed. Even as portrayed on Fox with no attribution (along with the other ladies – Happy International Women’s Day!), Jen’s cleavage was enough to mess up Japan. If only we’d had her around in WWII – we might not have need to drop the bombs.
Danny wuvs Kittens says
8.9…Jesus shitfucking Christ
J. Mark says
The official word from mid-east clerics is that citizens in Japan don’t change the oil in their cars enough…..they’re calling it “LUBE-QUAKE”….
Yoav says
They’ve already used weekly world news as a source for a story so the onion is very much overdue.
Aaron Brown says
By the way, this type of thing is called B-roll footage:…
Aaron Brown says
(Not correcting your use of “stock footage”, BTW, just sharing a word.)
Steve In Satx says
As if Fox News doesn’t employ enough boobs as it is (i.e. Beck and O’Reily)