Come see me at St. Louis Skeptics in the Pub!

If I have any readers near St. Louis, MO, I’ll be in town soon! This Saturday (August 14th) I’ll be speaking at The Skeptical Society of St. Louis’s Skeptics in the Pub about Boobquake and its aftermath. It starts at 7pm and is being held at Jack Patrick’s, which is at the intersection of 10th and Olive in downtown St. Louis. We’ll also be hanging around for some drinks afterward, so it should be fun!

There’s a event here. I hope to see you guys there!


  1. Kirk Teeters says

    As you are the only blogger that I follow, I’d love to meet you, but there’s no way that I’m gonna be able to get to St. Louis. Any chance that you’ll ever get to Fayetteville, AR?

  2. says

    Convince people that they should totally pay for my plane ticket to come and speak, and I’d love to come ;) Sorry, still a poor college student that’s restricted by a small driving radius. Maybe one day!

  3. Reza says

    Hey, I am a persian Iranian student at SIU. I do appreciate Boobquake and the whole idea behind it. I wish I could join you in St. Louis but I’m gonna be out of town. Hope you guys have fun.

  4. Velocigoose says

    Unfortunately I have to work, so I won’t be able to make the drive down… but swing by Springfield on the way back to school and I’ll buy you a coke.

  5. MarcusBailius says

    St Louis… I was there about a month ago. I would think they have some Arch skeptics there…

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