Dear Vatican,
I’ve noticed that recently you haven’t been doing so hot in the public opinion. Sometimes people think you can be too harsh on those that don’t perfectly jive with your views, or those that make you look bad. People didn’t like that time you excommunicated the mother and doctors of the 9 year old Brazilian rape victim. Or the fact that you prohibit contraceptives, putting AIDS stricken Africa at even more risk and negatively affecting women all around the world. Or the whole gigantic cover-up of mass molestation of little boys – yeah, that’s not going over so well. But I really have to give you props for finally forgiving a group of people that really deserved your apology long ago:
Thanks for having your priorities in order. Now that we know all we have to do to change your mind is produce “beautiful melodies” that “still give us emotions,” we’ll get right on that.
Whoa, listening to the Beatles is no longer a sin? I’m out. Gonna go burn my Beatles records now.I sure hope Iron Maiden is still Satanic. Hard to tell with this particular Vatican…
*obligatory exasperated exclamation from the pissed-off ex-Catholic*….that’s all I’ve got at this point. There are only so many ways to express my anger and shame.
Harry Potter’s still bad, though. Right?
Be careful with the Osservatore Romano :…The ties between the newspaper and the Vatican are not what they used to be… It is not the voice of the pope. Not any more.
I think this is the link you meant L’Osservatore_Romano
I saw that, total wtf. But have you seen this one?…@_@
They don’t seem to be in agreement about who to blame: we’ve had the great Jewish conspiracy and now comes the great Gay conspiracy, who’s next? Maybe the pedophile priests are all Atheist sleeper agents?
hah, I can just see it!
Hi Jen,sorry if I go out of topic, but I have to tell you that I appreciate your new boobs-including profile picture! ;-)
Did you see Connecticut(?) is trying to pass a law removing the Statute of Limitations for pedophilia?One major group is against it. Care to guess who?Their reasoning is: The financial burden will affect your local parish!Free rides anyone?
Yet another ideologically driven political organization practicing the politics of distraction.
“Sometimes people think you can be too harsh on those that don’t perfectly jive with your views”The word you mean to use is “jibe”.
@Greg23, I am pretty suspicious when anyone (with the exception of things like the DA’s office who would have an increased case load) complains that removing statue of limitations on child rape will be a huge financial burden on them. That’s basically admitting you’ve committed huge amounts of child rape and don’t want to be accountable. Way to go Catholic Church, you get classier every minute.
It’s okay, it’s okay: just listen to the Beatles and masturbate at the same time. You’ll still be condemned!
“On the next episode of Chuck . . .”
You know, it was not such a great moment in conversation for John Lennon when he said that the Beatles were “more popular than Jesus Christ,” but I feel strongly that the Catholic Church has spent many lifetimes building an excellent argument that the Beatles should be more popular than Christianity.