Todt zum Jüngling:
Jüngling wo wilt du hin spacieren,
Ein andern Weg will ich dich führen,
Allda wirstu dein Bulschafft finden,
Das thu ich dir jetzund verkünden.
Death to The Young Man:
Young Man, where will you go?
I will lead you another way
There you will find your paramour.
This I announce to you now.
Der Jüngling:
Mit Schlemmen, Demmen und mit Prassen,
Deß Nachts hofieren auff der Gassen,
Darinn hatt ich mein Muth und Frewd,
Gedacht wenig an den Abschied.
The Young Man:
With carousing, drinking and with feasting,
partying at night in the streets.
In this I had my joy and pleasure.
I though little of departure.
Todt zur Jungfrawen:
Ach Jungfraw euwer roter Mund
Wird bleich jetzund zu dieser Stund:
Ihr sprungen gern mit jungen Knaben,
Mit mir mußt jhr ein Vortantz haben.
Death to the Maiden:
Alas Maiden, your red mouth
becomes pale now in this moment.
You like to dance with young boys,
you must have an opening dance with me.
Die Jungfraw:
O Wee, wie grewlich hast mich gfangen,
Mir ist all Muth und Frewd vergangen:
Zu tantzen glust mich nimmermeh,
Ich fahr dahin, ade, ade.
The Maiden:
Oh woe, how terribly you have caught me.
All spirits and pleasure have left me.
I never want to dance anymore.
I’m going away, farewell, farewell.
Ice Swimmersays
The Death for the Maiden is creepy.
Overall, these Dance of Death works have a vibe somewhat similar to Carl Michael Bellman’s Fredman’s* Song number 21 (written in 1787 in Sweden), in which the Death is introduced to dinner guests at a dinner.
The characters depicted in the song include a drunk wine merchant, nobleman talking big, a miserly banker, a a guy with raging jealousy, military officer, bishop/priest, an asshole, a gullible but loyal guy and someone who refuses to toast with the host.
This is a version of the song sung in Swedish. Here are the original lyrics and here is an English translation.
* = Bellman’s Fredmans Epistlar (Fredman’s Epistles) and Fredmans Sånger (Fredman’s songs)are collections of song depicting life in the 18th century among people who frequent Stockholm’s taverns and their life of drinking and debauchery (sexual consent isn’t always handled very well, by modern standards). Buried beneath the rowdy lyrics, there are tragic stories.
Ice Swimmersays
Trigger warning, rape:
At least Fredman’s Epistle 80, which starts as a beautiful pastoral, contains a possible (implied) rape of a woman who’s passed out.
Todt zum Jüngling:
Jüngling wo wilt du hin spacieren,
Ein andern Weg will ich dich führen,
Allda wirstu dein Bulschafft finden,
Das thu ich dir jetzund verkünden.
Death to The Young Man:
Young Man, where will you go?
I will lead you another way
There you will find your paramour.
This I announce to you now.
Der Jüngling:
Mit Schlemmen, Demmen und mit Prassen,
Deß Nachts hofieren auff der Gassen,
Darinn hatt ich mein Muth und Frewd,
Gedacht wenig an den Abschied.
The Young Man:
With carousing, drinking and with feasting,
partying at night in the streets.
In this I had my joy and pleasure.
I though little of departure.
Todt zur Jungfrawen:
Ach Jungfraw euwer roter Mund
Wird bleich jetzund zu dieser Stund:
Ihr sprungen gern mit jungen Knaben,
Mit mir mußt jhr ein Vortantz haben.
Death to the Maiden:
Alas Maiden, your red mouth
becomes pale now in this moment.
You like to dance with young boys,
you must have an opening dance with me.
Die Jungfraw:
O Wee, wie grewlich hast mich gfangen,
Mir ist all Muth und Frewd vergangen:
Zu tantzen glust mich nimmermeh,
Ich fahr dahin, ade, ade.
The Maiden:
Oh woe, how terribly you have caught me.
All spirits and pleasure have left me.
I never want to dance anymore.
I’m going away, farewell, farewell.
The Death for the Maiden is creepy.
Overall, these Dance of Death works have a vibe somewhat similar to Carl Michael Bellman’s Fredman’s* Song number 21 (written in 1787 in Sweden), in which the Death is introduced to dinner guests at a dinner.
The characters depicted in the song include a drunk wine merchant, nobleman talking big, a miserly banker, a a guy with raging jealousy, military officer, bishop/priest, an asshole, a gullible but loyal guy and someone who refuses to toast with the host.
This is a version of the song sung in Swedish. Here are the original lyrics and here is an English translation.
* = Bellman’s Fredmans Epistlar (Fredman’s Epistles) and Fredmans Sånger (Fredman’s songs)are collections of song depicting life in the 18th century among people who frequent Stockholm’s taverns and their life of drinking and debauchery (sexual consent isn’t always handled very well, by modern standards). Buried beneath the rowdy lyrics, there are tragic stories.
Trigger warning, rape:
At least Fredman’s Epistle 80, which starts as a beautiful pastoral, contains a possible (implied) rape of a woman who’s passed out.