First up, Thunder Valley CDC, working to build a community at Pine Ridge rez, one that fulfills the concept of community and tiospaye, which means extended family. This is a very important project, and one dear to my heart. If you can be tiospaye by helping out, there aren’t words enough for appreciation.
Thunder Valley CDC – explore, read, and if you can help, pilamayaye.
Indigenous Environmental Network. IEN is an alliance of Indigenous Peoples whose mission is to protect the sacredness of Earth Mother from contamination & exploitation, maintaining and respecting Indigenous teachings and natural laws. Have a look around, and get involved if you can.
Have a look around, read, get involved if you can.
It’s all about tiospaye – we are all extended family, and it’s past time we act like it.
The Thunder Valley documentary was very inspiring. Building solar into the houses is cool.
Storing the energy is the problem, as batteries are still very expensive, and toxic. Battery technology is improving, but still the bottleneck to making solar really doable.
Pine Ridge is nearly due South of us. Roads ( asphalt or concrete) to get there are very scarce, without major jaunts East or West. Gravel would be more direct, but I would need a South Dakota PLOTS map to figure out a direct route. I’ll see about obtaining one.
I would love to help, just gotta figure out how. My company is making all sorts of solar work for the oil industry, plus energy storage for Wind energy, maybe some of that technology could happen there?