Bangladesh! A fucked-up country! (Warning: Violent image)


Rajib Haider Shuvo, a 26 years old architect, one of the organizers of the Shahbag movement, a talented young atheist blogger was brutally killed by the Islamists last night. His throat was slit. His criticism of Islam was far milder than my criticism of Islam which were published 26 years ago in Bangladesh. He wrote blogs under the pen name thaba baba. I wrote my anti-religion articles and books in late 80’s using my real name. Thaba baba was killed. I survived but I was forced to leave Bangladesh 20 years ago. I would surely get killed like Rajib if I lived in that country. I was on the top of the hit list made by Islamic terrorists.

Bangladesh is a hopelessly pathetic country. A pure fucked-up country. The country has been controlled by the Islamists. The society has been rottened by the Islamists. The people have been manipulated by the Islamists. Atheists get killed. A few weeks ago, another Bengali atheist blogger, Asif Mohiuddin, was brutally stabbed by the Islamists. He quite brilliantly mocked Allah and Islam. Asif is now fighting for his life. No doubt, Bangladesh sucks.

The Islamization of Bangladesh started in the mid ’80s. Most people remained silent for decades. Now some young bloggers and online activists started a country-wide awareness campaign against war criminals. A very few of them are against Islam and Islamists. Their Shahbag movement could turn to a positive political movement for a secular democracy. But Islamists already have shown their strength by stabbing and killing enlightened bloggers. It will definitely scare many people at Shahbag.

A war is needed in Bangladesh, a war between two different ideas, secularism and fundamentalism, between rational, logical thinking and irrational blind faith, between those who strive to go forwards, and those who strive to go backwards, a war between modernism and barbarism, humanism and Islamism, between innovation and tradition, future and past, between those who value freedom and those who do not.

Will an uncompromising fight against Islamists be possible in a already fucked-up country?


    • GodsFavAtheist says

      Rofl, com on, what’s with this endless joke? There is no god or angel or demon or heaven or hell. GET THE MEMO PLEASE.

      • kazi katha says

        mr. atheist, just like you have your faith, we have ours. you believe world came out of no where, great, do. but please without knowing the whole story, don’t judge us. you have no rights what-so-ever for that. how do you know our faith is wrong and yours is right? there must be a reason why atheists are the minority in the world don’t you think?

        • satanaugustine says

          kazi – perhaps because in some countries (mostly Islamic countries) people can legally be murdered for declaring their atheism. And it wasn’t that long ago that this was true of Christian countries as well. There are probably far more atheists than the polls state because atheists are afraid either for their lives, their social standings, their reputations, etc. because the religious have spent so many hundreds to thousands of years defaming the character of atheists. Atheists are a minority because religious people have made sure of that. Many people who declare their atheism lose their jobs, their families, and friends. Atheists are also a minority because so many countries, including most of the people in the U.S., have very poor standards of living. As standards of living increase, religiosity decreases. Sweden and Denmark have some of the highest standards of living in the world. Atheists are the majority in both countries. Another reason why atheists are a minority in the world is a lack of education. As education levels increase, religiosity decreases. Yet another reason why atheists are a minority is that we (humans) tend to be naturally irrational. Rationality needs to be learned. Without it humans tend to believe in all manner of ridiculous superstitions.

          Most atheists are atheists because of the complete lack of evidence for any god or gods. No faith is required. Those who believe in a god or gods do so based on faith because faith is all they have in the complete absence of evidence.

          • হরিষ says

            🙂 , did u just say that educated and rich people are atheists? This is very interesting, so what kind of education did you have?

        • Samreen says

          “As education levels increase, religiosity decreases. Yet another reason why atheists are a minority is that we (humans) tend to be naturally irrational. Rationality needs to be learned. Without it humans tend to believe in all manner of ridiculous superstitions. ”

          The first line that I have quoted from you, is a prime example of our (humans) irrationality.

          I must admit, I could not help but comment due to a complete ‘lack of evidence’ at the forefront of that comment.

          Ofcourse religion is a ridiculous superstition to one who is not receptive of the signs.

          I completely respect one’s decision to be an atheist, and they have as much right in this lifetime as we do.

          But let us strive for an environment where we can co-exist peacefully .

          To each their own, as I believe we are answerable for no one’s actions but our own.

          However the only way to achieve such a state is through mutual respect for each other’s belief or lack there of.

          What happened to Rajib, is atrocious and not acceptable in any religion or once again lack there of.

          It does not mean that “Bangladesh” as a nation is fucked up.

          So Ms. Writer, kudos to your freedom of speech, but know this, your thoughts were not to my taste. But ofcourse, mine may not be to yours as well due to the fact that we choose to disagree with one another.

          At the forefront there are so many puppets and so many actions carried out, and I personally cannot help but feel this is yet another sad atrocious example.

          There is much more to this than what meets the eye, hence pointing fingers and slamming those who believe in religion and do not believe in religion is just an endless carousel.

          Individuals around us are so colorful and daring, and above all so passionate with their thoughts in regards to this age old debate.

          As long as one is good and does good by his lifetime and concentrates on his own actions – that should be enough to set the tone.

          And while this may strike debate on whether to stand and watch injustice sweep the land while you selfishly concentrate on your own deeds – once again I say, let’s start with ourselves and then once we are stable and perfected as much as humanly possible, only then we should move forward with other notions.

          Peace be upon all the believers and non-believers.

        • Nemesis says

          It’s got sod all to do with rights and wrongs of religion,people can follow what faith they chose,just don’t inflict it on others. The short of it is,killing is wrong,child abuse is wrong,harming and abusing people in general is wrong,that is Common Law-not religion!

      • says


        • Libra_Man1 says

          Your post clearly shows what kind of pervarted mind the Jamat/rajakar supporters have. Please come to light and see the real Islam – it is BEAUTIFUL.

          • Guy Otten says

            Poor Baksali. He sounds as if he feels surrounded by people who are different from him, and whom he therefore thinks are immoral. I pity someone who is so bound up in a negative restrictive and limiting mindset, and hope he will regain his freedom and humanity soon!

        • Atheism4Bangladesh says

          Baksali-People like you have defaced mother earth. Time of religious oppression is going to end soon. World will be free, rational.

    • says

      Those who kill anyone donot represent any religion,God sends Angels not Agents.

      Those people who killed that man represented something and part of it was religious. Why should I believe you when you say they do not represent their religion?

    • S. M. Omar Faruk says

      I would like ask u, why criticism of islam, u dont believe in islam, so who told you to believe? But why attacking others?? U call islamists as extremists in most cases, but by definition, arent u an extremist? ?

      • vedam says

        BIG NO ! Pointing out the barbarities perpetrated by Islamic adherents is not extremism. Then by that logic every court in the country will be an extremist since while passing judgment the barbaric act of the culprit will be pointed out.

    • A M says

      1. No rationale human being including the Muslims in Bangladesh can justify the killing of Rajiv Haider.
      2. There are a number of theories who actually killed him. Nobody knows for sure. Bangladesh is not known to be an example of rule of law and fair justices. There are a number of groups, scapegoats and planned beneficiaries in a very complex turbulent political climate that the unfortunate country is now going through. It is wrong to point a finger to any group with substantiated evidences.
      3. Do our Indian friends and Ms Nasreen actually know what Thaba had written? In my humble experiences, I have never come across the triple xxx-rated homosexual pornographic description and alcoholism graphically attributed to the prophets, his companions, to the origin of prayers, revelation of the Quran, Eid and so forth. This will make any decent person shiver with total disgust. I doubt Ms Nasreen has read it. Her writing in terms of vulgarity is no match to Mr Rajiv Haider and Mr Asif Mohiuddins. She has forgoten she is a middle-aged lady and the world has moved on. She is simply history.
      4. In the world of blogs, people write anything they like. They have their freedom of expression as they should. But Ms Nasreen conveniently forgot to mention that these bloggers (Haider, Asif et al) wanted to assume the political leadership in the Shahbag. Just like a politician’s and poet’s life and behaviours will come under public scrutiny, their personal lives and writings also became available to public domain as soon as they came under the lime light. This was to be expected and happen everywhere in the world. If they had not wanted to assume the national leadership with the Shahbag projonmo chattar, I guess their writings, no matter how offensive to any groups of people, would not be exposed, Not their bohemnian personal life style which was neither Islam nor ageold Babgalee tradition of Hindus and Muslims.
      5. Ms Taslima Nasrin is unwanted both in India and Bangladesh. The west has also discarded her seeing her true literary calibre. The above piece itself is an example. The secular Awami League Government and the right wing political forces are both against of her., It was the Awami League Govt that actually did not want her back. Mrs Mamata Banarjee is also able to see her real lietrary capabilities and her vindictive agenda.
      6. In conclusion, Ms Nareen is a very frustrated 50 some lady who just trying to get some mileages from the current political upheavals in Bangladesh. Just like a vulture wait for a dying man to die. It will be wise for Indians and Bangladeshis not to used by this very vindictive lady suffering from middle ages crisis.

    • A M says

      1. No rationale human being including the Muslims in Bangladesh can justify the killing of Rajiv Haider.

      2. There are a number of theories who actually killed him. Nobody knows for sure. Bangladesh is not known to be an example of rule of law and fair justices. There are a number of groups, scapegoats and planned beneficiaries in a very complex turbulent political climate that the unfortunate country is now going through. It is wrong to point a finger to any group without substantiated evidences.

      3. Do our Indian friends and Ms Nasreen actually know what Thaba had written? In my humble experiences, I have never come across the triple xxx-rated homosexual pornographic description and alcoholism graphically attributed to the prophets, his companions, to the origin of prayers, revelation of the Quran, Eid and so forth. This will make any decent person shiver with total disgust. I doubt Ms Nasreen has read it. Her writing in terms of vulgarity is no match to Mr Rajiv Haider and Mr Asif Mohiuddins. She has forgoten she is a middle-aged lady and the world has moved on. She is simply history.

      4. In the world of blogs, people write anything they like. They have their freedom of expression as they should. But Ms Nasreen conveniently forgot to mention that these bloggers (Haider, Asif et al) wanted to assume the political leadership in the Shahbag. Just like a politician’s and poet’s life and behaviours will come under public scrutiny, their personal lives and writings also became available to public domain as soon as they came under the lime light. This was to be expected and happen everywhere in the world. If they had not wanted to assume the national leadership with the Shahbag projonmo chattar, I guess their writings, no matter how offensive to any groups of people, would not be exposed, Not their bohemian personal life style which was neither Islam nor ageold Babgalee tradition of Hindus and Muslims.

      5. Ms Taslima Nasrin is unwanted both in India and Bangladesh. The west has also discarded her seeing her true literary caliber. The above piece itself is an example. The secular Awami League Government and the right wing political forces are both against of her., It was the Awami League Govt that actually did not want her back. Mrs Mamata Banarjee is also able to see her real literary capabilities and her vindictive agenda.

      6. In conclusion, Tasliam is a very frustrated 50 some lady who just trying to get some mileages from the current political upheavals in Bangladesh. Just like a vulture wait for a dying man to die. It will be wise for Indians and Bangladeshis not to used by this very vindictive lady suffering from middle ages crisis.

    • A M says

      Ms Taslima, Mr Guy Otten, and the owner/moderator of this site,

      A DEMAND:

      Up until now I did not have a chance to read the thread because of its incredible length. My browsing stopped at the reporting the fact that the image shown on this page is not that of Rajib’s. I did not kniow the details circumstances of Rajib’s death.

      I am extremely shocked at this gross violation of basic jiurnalistics ethics and in simple term, manufactured graphics to mislead the readers. By doing so, Ms Nasrin not only reinforces the integrity questions often raised about her character but also make a dead man, a consumer product. Rajive, the very man she was apparently trying to project.





    • vedam says

      It is really unfortunate that Islam masquerades as religion to commit untold barbarities on mankind. When will the world realise that Islam is a vengeful smallpox and has to be eradicated.? Too long the world has been soft and politically correct on Islam. Now if we delay it will be at our own peril.

    • sujan mondal says

      Muslim is a danger species of humanity,mar ka badla mar,kata r badla kata,who killed a innocent blogger in this way,i personally think,they will be butched by other

  1. Lofty says

    Those who kill anyone donot represent any religion,God sends Angels not Agents

    That would be nice. Tell that to the haters that claim to represent their church. They would kill you for your statement. Your god is a figment of your imagination otherwise there would be actual angels instead of murderers.

  2. manu abraham says

    Understand ur concern for ur country…u take some rest..relax…feel so sad for wats happening there..everywhere…

    • Shafiq Islam says

      My gosh! How the hell I overlooked ur post? Bro, no sarcasm here, I wish we all the geniouses here had the vision, realization and most importantly open eyes like you. Again , I am not joking . Some might think. You didn’t finish and it was bit sloppy but what you tried say was worthy of thousands philosophers . I think you tried to say was relax, don’t worry about anything , you do your parts let others do their parts and everything will fall into it’s places, right bro? Wow , how come I never thougths about it . Maybe brainlocked? ” live and let others live” heard millions times but did not understand the interpretation. Thank you bro

  3. says

    PLease replace the word Islamist with “religionist” – we don’t want any kind of religionist ANYWHERE in the world. As a woman, i’d be stupid to support fanatics in ANY religion. i don’t think any religion ever did any good anywhere in the world. Prem is a different topic altogether.

      • Shafiq Islam says

        How can you be a fan of her writing ? She’s nothing but an ignorant slut. She has no knowledge about anyother religion besides islam whatsoever . If she had she would mock about them also. There are fanatics or supremacists in every religion not only in is Islam. Some are far more worse than those of Islamists . All she needs to do is to learn the history of the world and present day world. I know it’s gonna be difficult for her since she’s too busy fulfilling her biological needs anyway she can. She’s nothing but a slut. All she wants is that cheap publicity because she’s so limited.All I can say about her is that she’s a biased whore.

          • Shafiq Islam says

            I ain’t no philosopher . So I don’t need to express my thoughts. I only react to sociopath like her and you. Do you understand , you filthy Cunt with capital C? I bet you won’t get it.

        • Shah Deeldar says

          What did you really write, you idiot? Spell it out if you care. Are you another typical Moha-Ah-Mok, who can chant but incapable of writing?

          • Shafiq Islam says

            I told you that you wouldn’t get it. FYI , I wrote it in English . Since you’ve limitations in English it’s beyond your comprehension. Comprehende,maricuno

        • Bobby Roy says

          Ms Nasrin you are atheist that’s alright. Many people are. That’s not big deal. Do not hurt other people’s feelings. It’s not worth it.

          • says

            You do realise that when someone’s beliefs reliably cause harm, those beliefs should be criticized, even if the person who believes them is made uncomfortable by the criticism? Otherwise harmful beliefs carry on causing real harm, harm which is worse than the hurt feelings of the believer? It’s about which causes less harm: believing in a version of Islam that supports the violent death of people who disagree with it, or believing that those who support violent death for those who disagree with them ought to be criticized.

          • GodsFavAtheist says

            **Baby crying** did Ms. Nasrin pierce 6 holes through your body with her rough words? Jeezus!! It is so freaking unbelievably easy to hurt you guys’ feelings.

            Sticks and stones may hurt my bones but your words HURT SO DAMN WORSE 🙁

        • Zachary says

          Shafiq, i simply hope you get slammed with a hellfire missile from a reaper drone. There is no speaking to people like you and me. The only dialogue between us will be the sword, and if you take a swing at me you better hope Im not breathing by the time you are done. I will likely take a swing at you should the opportunity arise.

          • Shafiq Islam says

            Yeah, yeah and yeah . I heard it so many times before. But still I am here. Now you decide. And you don’t have to inform me . Just try.Sorry to answer late but hope not too late for you. FYI : many people tried before.

        • says

          *She’s nothing but an ignorant slut.
          Prove it. Say why she is wrong.

          *She has no knowledge about anyother religion besides islam whatsoever .If she had she would mock about them also.
          So if she has knowledge of Islam she is worth listening to. How does the fact that she may not have knowledge about other religions make you right?

          *There are fanatics or supremacists in every religion not only in is Islam. Some are far more worse than those of Islamists .
          How does that take away from her points? I’m not willing to ignore the fucked up things in Islam because there are other problems elsewhere. A very unconvincing excuse.

          *All she needs to do is to learn the history of the world and present day world.
          What make you think she has not? I have yet to see you quote her words and explain why they are wrong.

          *I know it’s gonna be difficult for her since she’s too busy fulfilling her biological needs anyway she can. She’s nothing but a slut. All she wants is that cheap publicity because she’s so limited.All I can say about her is that she’s a biased whore.
          Sexual activity has nothing to do with the content of her argument. Everyone has bias. You are making exchses for ignoring the content of her argument and its pretty obvious you just want to rant and rave.

          *I ain’t no philosopher . So I don’t need to express my thoughts. I only react to sociopath like her and you. Do you understand , you filthy Cunt with capital C? I bet you won’t get it
          There is the base of it! You are an out of control child who can’t stand to see thoughts you don’t like. You are sad and impotent. Please sputter some more because you are interesting in how you logically squirm.

        • Guy Otten says

          I value Taslima’s writing highly. I find she is intelligent and insightful. Calling her a slut is not an argument against the truth she writes. Such personal attacks reveal the poverty of the ideas of the people who make them. Brony’s reply is just right

      • Dark Knight says

        For someone who has been awarded and recognised for Women rights and promotes and writes about freedom, I find such foul language, slandering, and a low level of intellect, rather ironic! The arguments and reasoning is quite pathetic really.

        It is obvious where the problem lies, which is with the individual and NOT the country or the religion.
        Goes to show all this awards, titles and accolades is worthless! It doesn’t improve a person in any way shape or form. It only promotes and breeds more hatred.

        This is exactly what can be expected from an Atheist, who are selfish and only care about themselves! No surprises there.

        • GodsFavAtheist says

          Man, people like you will do anything to prove religions innocence.

          Islam is a religion is domination. As for that matter all Abrahamic religion is shit. Trickled down version of the same old bullshit. So…..quick questions for you, if gold only created adam and eve and they had two sons….how did humanity evolve? Did the two sons screw their mother to make more females for the male to propagate? (Al-Ma’idah 5:27-32) How did these other people come into the story? Dude, your religion and every religion falls apart at the base. All you have to do is open your eyes and ask the right question.

        • says

          For someone who has been awarded and recognised for Women rights and promotes and writes about freedom, I find such foul language, slandering, and a low level of intellect, rather ironic! The arguments and reasoning is quite pathetic really.
          Then you should have no trouble discussing the arguments and reasoning instead of distracting with uninteresting commentary about her style.

          It is obvious where the problem lies, which is with the individual and NOT the country or the religion.
          Goes to show all this awards, titles and accolades is worthless! It doesn’t improve a person in any way shape or form. It only promotes and breeds more hatred.

          You simply asserted the bold part. Please explain why instead of insisting.

          This is exactly what can be expected from an Atheist, who are selfish and only care about themselves! No surprises there.
          More assertions of facts. A quick search on google reveals lots of atheist charities and such. Looks like more excuses.

      • MCI bd says

        I am a bangladeshi so i know her well. Actually various organisation are paying money to go against Islam. And She is doing nothing but live a economically strong life.

        Her on of the income(not too much) comes from various prizes for less popular writing elements but against islam.

        Well live 100 years but after that i hope creator may help you.

        • kraut says

          Fuck your creator, asshole.
          Any amount of money to agitate against Islam, Catholicism, Hinduism, religious fundamentalism and the abetters of all “liberal” religious stripes.

        • GodsFavAtheist says

          Lofer, being a prof at a worldwide respected university. Then come back to talk.

          Trash talking trash. What more to expect.

      • Shornolata says

        you are such a pessimist. you should not assess a country on the ground of a political extremist group. can you? i am also upset, frustrated with recent happenings, i will blame the political parties, not the country. you are a writer, you should better know what your homeland means to you. i hope it is not the rajakars,not the BNP not the peer babas or awami league. i am not a writer or an intellectual. dont you think it is also your responsibility to raise global voice against the war criminals through your writings having a bit positive attitude towards Bangladesh, rather than spoiling its image. i personally hate all political parties the same i hate Jamat e Islami. have anyone asked what is the reason for this “Shabag thing”. is not is created purposely by AL to redirect the media. Now they are changing the law! jst to kill time till election. we colour everything by political parties. A freedom fighter is not necessarily an AL. but our system and the media make him an AL activist by default. was Rajib an Awami leaguer just because he wanted to bring in positive change and hated Rajakars and Jamat? and now another issue required when Shabag andolon is slowing down! and is it Rajeeb’s life? how cheap a life is! we all need to fight the whole rusty system and bring in change.

        • Dark Knight says

          It is clear and obvious as always Taslima has taken full advantage of the cause in Bangladesh by deliberately inciting religious hatred and inflaming the situation.

          She is not really a women’s right activist, or cares about these or any other issues. Those who think otherwise are deluded and need their head examined.

          History has shown people that a true in their belief, cause and right deeds, stand their ground and fight. Not run away like a coward and chat from a distance.

          Her writing, as well as this web page is purely on economical grounds. The story sells and every site visit and click makes money for her and her supporters.

          If you really care in freedom, want to see justice and bring about real change, then spread the message of peace, compassion and unity. This is what earned Bangladesh its freedom, a country of opportunity.

          Boycott this site, stop wasting your valuable time and thoughts on a worthless person. As she is laughing all the way to the bank!

          • says

            You mean she deliberately claims that the country of her birth mistreats women despite the fact that we KNOW Islam has a terrible track record with women? That she has been threatened with death? That she lives her life in fear of murder? That even in Western Nations, muslims have killed their “Wilful and Westernised Daughters” for “honour”. WE jail those muslims. However we know that prosecution of such cases is very very slow and often the accused gets away with it.

            Funny how being threatened with death will make a person not like the country they were born in.

            Dark Knight… It’s simple. Stand in the Middle of Bangladesh on a Busy Street and Shout “Fuck Allah” loudly. Paint a Picture of Mohammed (Hell! If you cannot? I can lend you a print of Iranian and Mughal miniatures). Recite Lucknavi poetry. Sing songs from the Sufis.
            How long do you think your freedom to live will last?

            Watch me do the same to MY Country.

            Fuck Jesus. Fuck Moses. Fuck the Queen. Fuck Manchester.

            You see, I can say those things because I am free while you are not. Because you know that there is a bogeyman in Islam. And that doesn’t like you saying those things. As long as you are a good little boy who doesn’t say anything bad about Islam you are safe. But the moment you do?

            Bang… You are hiding out in India being protected by guards from people who want to kill you for the words you say. I bet if you said “Islam inculcates a culture of violence and a fascination with terror” you would have people lining up to threaten you with death with absolutely no sense of irony.

            And please… One of the major things that Earned Bangladesh it’s freedom was the intervention of India. A secular nation. Allah seems to be on the side with the biggest guns and at the moment the biggest gun in the region is India’s and China’s. Saying “Bangladeshi Freedom” was due to unity is to ignore all the Pro-Pakistan and Pro-Islamist paramilitaries that fought against your freedom. Your country started as a moderate islamic country. Now it is sliding to extremism. This is why secularity is better.

            Shabash Bangladesh.

          • Dark Knight says


            That’s why ‘Jimmy Saville’ abused and molested children for over 40 years, even got an honor from the Queen! That’s why the West has the highest population of Bastard children! No trace of who the actual father is.
            That’s why Wests has the highest teenage pregnancy and abortion!
            That’s why fornication and adultery is rampant! Resulting in breakdown of stable relationship and marriage. Children ending up in care homes and social services.
            That’s why incest is so common! Like animals, can not distinguish between daughter, mother or brother….

            That’s the product of your proud freedom!

          • says

            You certainly like to make a lot of claims without backing anything up don’t you!

            It is clear and obvious as always Taslima has taken full advantage of the cause in Bangladesh by deliberately inciting religious hatred and inflaming the situation.
            How? Just saying it without quoting anything is meaningless.

            She is not really a women’s right activist, or cares about these or any other issues. Those who think otherwise are deluded and need their head examined.
            Just because you say so huh? No, I think I will just keep reading her works. Unless you actually demonstrate something with more than emotions.

            History has shown people that a true in their belief, cause and right deeds, stand their ground and fight. Not run away like a coward and chat from a distance.
            …or stick around to get beheaded. I get the impression you would not mind this result.

            Her writing, as well as this web page is purely on economical grounds. The story sells and every site visit and click makes money for her and her supporters.
            …and I know this because you gave such a good example by citing her words and explaining the problem clearly to me!

            If you really care in freedom, want to see justice and bring about real change, then spread the message of peace, compassion and unity. This is what earned Bangladesh its freedom, a country of opportunity.
            I’m starting to think that Taslima’s message will get us there faster than yours.

            Boycott this site, stop wasting your valuable time and thoughts on a worthless person. As she is laughing all the way to the bank!
            I hope she gets more money for her writing, because when people who only use emotion and no arguments get mad I PAY MORE ATTENTION…

            That’s why ‘Jimmy Saville’ abused and molested children for over 40 years, even got an honor from the Queen! That’s why the West has the highest population of Bastard children! No trace of who the actual father is. That’s why Wests has the highest teenage pregnancy and abortion! That’s why fornication and adultery is rampant! Resulting in breakdown of stable relationship and marriage. Children ending up in care homes and social services. That’s why incest is so common! Like animals, can not distinguish between daughter, mother or brother…. That’s the product of your proud freedom!
            I guess all that bad stuff Taslima mentioned did not disappear when you tried to distract us with other bad things in another place huh? Now why don’t you actually try defending your ideas for a change?

          • srs says

            dark knight said, ‘That’s why the West has the highest population of Bastard children! No trace of who the actual father is.’

            According to believers all men/women are created by god/allah…isn’t it? So by calling some of them ‘bastard’, u r surely not praising (though they have no hand to their birth) but insulting them. But the thing is at the same time u r indirectly insulting ur god or allah for creating them! That means u don’t believe/support god/allah’s act!!!

            By the way, I consider Taslima is the bravest lady in Bangladesh. She is also one of the best writers of Bd. Many persons blame her for personal life and true writings against religion but can not defend her arguments logically.

        • says

          you are such a pessimist. you should not assess a country on the ground of a political extremist group. can you? i am also upset, frustrated with recent happenings, i will blame the political parties, not the country. you are a writer, you should better know what your homeland means to you.
          If someone wants a country to change, you have to criticize an element of the country. Since a country can be defined as one thing you can’t criticize the element without also criticizing the whole to an extent. Shame and rage from the reality the criticism addresses moves people to action and then change can happen. If you can suggest a way to fix her specific issues without what she is saying, please do so.

          i hope it is not the rajakars,not the BNP not the peer babas or awami league. i am not a writer or an intellectual. dont you think it is also your responsibility to raise global voice against the war criminals through your writings having a bit positive attitude towards Bangladesh, rather than spoiling its image. i personally hate all political parties the same i hate Jamat e Islami. have anyone asked what is the reason for this “Shabag thing”. is not is created purposely by AL to redirect the media. Now they are changing the law! jst to kill time till election. we colour everything by political parties. A freedom fighter is not necessarily an AL. but our system and the media make him an AL activist by default. was Rajib an Awami leaguer just because he wanted to bring in positive change and hated Rajakars and Jamat? and now another issue required when Shabag andolon is slowing down! and is it Rajeeb’s life?
          I certainly can’t say anything about the specifics of Bangladeshi politics, but I still did not see you refer to her specific words when you criticized her. So I can’t tell if you are worth listening to more than Taslima.

          how cheap a life is! we all need to fight the whole rusty system and bring in change.
          EVERYONE says that. What matters are the specifics.

      • Samad Ahmed says

        I like your book they are good for masturbating my monster cock. You were the only female “rising” porn star who became famous without participating in a film!!!! WOW! you got talent!!! Who said you only have 3 holes?. My country has certainly lost a porn star. I hope you are entertaining Indian dada’s uncut cock. (No I did not mean Coke its Cock baby) . If you wanted to become famous there were other ways , you could have made a porn and upload it over on the internet and you would have become famous instantly but did you really needed to criticize a religion? People became a demon because they refuse to take the good that has been prescribed to them so the prescription alone has no fault nor glitch in it its the people who refuses to take the good so do not point your finger at not only at Islam but at ANY RELIGION.

      • mohammed says

        আমি আপনার সাথে একমত যে আমার স্বাপ্নিক সোনার বাংলাদেশ SHUDHU F….KED-UP NOY, RATHER, SUPER F…KED UP. আপনি যেমেরুতে আমি তার বিপরীত মেরুতে অবস্থান করেও একি অবস্থা । জীবনের নিরাপত্তার ভয়ে দেশে যাচ্ছিনা। আপনি কট্ট্রর খুদাদ্রোহী, আমি খুদা-ভীরু । তবে আপনার মত কট্ট্রর নই । আমি মনে করি আপনি সত্যকে মিথ্যা মনে করে মারযিনালাইজড হোয়ে আছেন । আর আমি সত্যকে সত্য জেনে ও মিত্থ্যাকে মিথ্যা জেনে আমি মারযিলানালাইজড হওয়ার উপক্রম । আপনি খুদা মানেনা সেটা আপনার অপরাধ । আর আমি বঙবন্ধু মানিনা সেটা আমার অপরাধ । বঙবন্ধু নামের খুদাটা চূয়ান্ন হাজার বর্গ-মাইলের ভেতর এত শক্তিশালী যেন আপনার বিশ্বখুদার চেয়েও ক্ষমতাবান। এদের লগি-বইঠ-চাপাতির মহড়া দেখলে বিদেশে বসেও গা শিউরে শিউরে উঠে ।

      • Aladin says

        Dear Fucking Taslima, the world knows that you born to be a cheap calss prostitute born in Bnagladesh, you have not gone through islamic study so no use of your books, we will keep on killing a minority group of insects to save millions. here i can not give you islamic example because you have “0” knowledge about islam.

        • Guy Otten says

          With Aladin’s comment we now see the words of a person condoning murder; they are ugly and full of (irrelevant) sexual innuendo and (relevant but wrong) claims that Taslima does not know what she is talking about. The sexual references reveal that Aladin is afraid of freedom. As far as Taslima’s knowledge of Islam is concerned I have studied Islam for nearly 20 years and I can see she clearly knows the religion very well. The simple fact of Rajib’s murder which is supported by Aladin speaks volumes about his Islam and his sad loss of his own humanity. Fortunately there are Muslims who reject the criminal ideas of such as Aladin.

        • vedam says

          Only a mad man can say that he has gone through Islamic studies and found nothing wrong with Islam which is Evil Personified.

    • Agni_B says

      Islamist is mistaken description – should be called ‘Islamic terrorist’.
      Why worry about definition and not deeds?

    • hassan says

      How could you close your eyes on the atrocites committed by awami leaguers , the mukti bahins killed around 3 millions unarmed biharis before march 25th march operation , why did you keep silence on this?

        • says

          Simply because she still has Awami leaguer’s sperm in her odorous vagina…
          How cute! It thinks making things up for fun changes arguments…

      • says

        How could you close your eyes on the atrocites committed by awami leaguers , the mukti bahins killed around 3 millions unarmed biharis before march 25th march operation , why did you keep silence on this?

        Just because she wants to talk about one thing does not mean she is ignoring another. It also does not mean that what she is talking about is not worth talking about. Terrible distraction tactic.

    • Dark Knight says

      It is clear and obvious as always Taslima has taken full advantage of the cause in Bangladesh by deliberately inciting religious hatred and inflaming the situation.

      She is not really a women’s right activist, or cares about these or any other issues. Those who think otherwise are deluded and need their head examined.

      History has shown people that a true in their belief, cause and right deeds, stand their ground and fight. Not run away like a coward and chat from a distance.

      Her writing, as well as this web page is purely on economical grounds. The story sells and every site visit and click makes money for her and her supporters.

      If you really care in freedom, want to see justice and bring about real change, then spread the message of peace, compassion and unity. This is what earned Bangladesh its freedom, a country of opportunity.

      Boycott this site, stop wasting your valuable time and thoughts on a worthless person. As she is laughing all the way to the bank!

  4. cchoton says

    ইসলামিক ইতরামির সেরা দেশ হয়ে উঠেছে একাত্তরের ঐতিহ্যবাহী সোনার বাংলাদেশ। ‘৮০ দশকে পেট্রো ডলারে পুষ্ট ইসলামিক ব্যাবসায়ীদের হাত ধরে শাড়ির বদলে হিজাব-বোর্খা এসেছে, রগ কাটার রাজনীতি চালু হয়েছে। ধীরে ধীরে এই চোরাবালিতে প্রায় গ্রাসের মুখে প্রিয় বাংলাদেশ। দারুণ লিখেছেন। স্যালুট আপনাকে !

  5. Samantha says

    Atheism is not making up shit about religions and people’s beliefs. Atheism is not being anti but being a non believer of God. So there is a clear difference between ones who mocks others sentiments and ones who choose to be non believers and mind their own business. There’s a reason you couldn’t survive in the country that you call fucked up.

    • Muktasim says

      You are very right. This simple thing people don’t understand. Why do you need to bother other’s religion? Islam is a religion of peace. It never hated others. But it also does not tolerate others who make mockery of Allah and his messengers. Taslima would very well invest her talent in writing other things instead of writing against Islam and make fun of it. She could have written thousands of books on Atheism (nobody would mind) but not attacking or misinterpreting Islam in a rude/ baseless way. Thanks a lot for your comment.

        • Arfatun Noor Chowdhury says


          • Who Cares says

            This is called the no true Scotsman fallacy.
            These are people who identify as Muslim. The only thing you do by claiming they are not is saying you do not have to stand against them. Or to put it more bluntly you condone their behavior as done in the name of your religion.

        • says

          For your kind information, The word Islam literally translates in English to “becoming peaceful, acceptance, submission, self-surrender”.

          Islam is derived from the Arabic root “Salema”: peace, purity, submission and obedience. In the religious sense, Islam means submission to the will of God and obedience to His law.

          Islam never teach to kill and also does not accept any mockery on Islam and Prophet

          • says

            You do realise, I hope, that the sort of peace that comes from surrender is not the sort of peace one should want – i.e. a peace that is forced on people at the expense of their independence – in this case, their mental and intellectual independence? So to the extent that ‘islam’ does translate as ‘peace’, it’s a sort of peace that one should resent, not welcome.

            And if Islam never teaches to kill, why exactly are these people who call themselves Muslims so keen on killing? Surely your beef should be with them, not with Taslima?

            Thirdly, you say “Islam … does not accept any mockery on Islam and Prophet”. Who cares what Islam “does not accept”? Most people don’t follow Islam. Non-Muslims are not obliged to follow Muslim taboos, just like Muslims are not obliged to follow Hindu, Jain or Christian taboos, etc. So just as non-Hindus are allowed to eat beef, and non-Jains are allowed to kill insects, non-Muslims are allowed to mock prophets.

      • Thoga says

        After someone was killed, you have the gall to say, why bother? Are you out of your mind? This is the problem with religion! God is a man made concept. Killing in the name of god doesn’t make the crime any better. There isn’t a heaven or a hell. You sick deluded fool. You are so blinded with ignorance you don’t know that these people that are murdering people for talking against your imaginary god are nothing but cowards who are so afraid that the atheists might just be right. That there might not be a god in reality. And once that crutch is taken away from you people, how are you going to survive? That’s why you kill. If your god is so powerful why the fuck does he need someone like you, you puny human, to defend him? Can he not just do his own dirty work and do the killing himself? I’ll tell you why. Because he doesn’t fucking exist!

      • says

        Unfortunately, your religion insists on “bothering” others.

        This sensitive “allah” thing you’re so concerned about does not exist. It’s an excuse for violent politics that creates unearned privilege for a few at the expense of the many. Tolerating “mockery” of that will increasingly become non-optional for you.

        • Dark Knight says

          Are you deluded!? Have you read this women traitors article!? Which promotes hatred and insults the masses. If you had any common sense you would realise that.

          If you are so tolerant, why bother to write, just take a back seat and let the snake in the grass who is being paid huge money to get away with it.

          The non existence of belief is the result of inhumane thoughts!

          • Who Cares says

            Are you deluded!? Have you read this women traitors article!? Which promotes hatred and insults the masses. If you had any common sense you would realise that.

            Oh quit the tone trolling. She has every right to verbally lash out at the people who are killing because they don’t agree with what someone says, and the people who support them by staying silent. Don’t forget that Taslima would have been dead by now for the same reason if she hadn’t fled.

            If you are so tolerant, why bother to write, just take a back seat and let the snake in the grass who is being paid huge money to get away with it.

            Nice insult, wrong target though. You want the leaders of Jamaat. You know the ones that are so corrupt that if hell would exist they’d take it over when they die. The ones who fleece those masses and convince those masses at the same time that it is for their own good.

            The non existence of belief is the result of inhumane thoughts!

            Lets see. Speaking out against murder. Speaking out against the suppression of people. Speaking out for equality. All 3 are inhumane thoughts promoted by atheism? You do realize that you just labeled your religion as evil.

          • Dark Knight says

            She is not really a women’s right activist, or cares about these or any other issues. Those who think otherwise are deluded and need their head examined.

            History has shown people that a true in their belief, cause and right deeds, stand their ground and fight. Not run away like a coward and chat from a distance.

            Her writing, as well as this web page is purely on economical grounds. The story sells and every site visit and click makes money for her and her supporters.

      • Dark Knight says

        It is clear and obvious as always Taslima has taken full advantage of the cause in Bangladesh by deliberately inciting religious hatred and inflaming the situation.

        She is not really a women’s right activist, or cares about these or any other issues. Those who think otherwise are deluded and need their head examined.

        History has shown people that a true in their belief, cause and right deeds, stand their ground and fight. Not run away like a coward and chat from a distance.

        Her writing, as well as this web page is purely on economical grounds. The story sells and every site visit and click makes money for her and her supporters.

        If you really care in freedom, want to see justice and bring about real change, then spread the message of peace, compassion and unity. This is what earned Bangladesh its freedom, a country of opportunity.

        Boycott this site, stop wasting your valuable time and thoughts on a worthless person. As she is laughing all the way to the bank!

      • says

        Why do you need to bother other’s religion?
        Because sometimes people in religions won’t leave us alone. If your first response is that they “are not true____” don’t bother. I have no reason to think that you or them are the true members of anything. You go argue with the ones making your religion look bad, it’s not my job.

        Islam is a religion of peace. It never hated others.
        Some Muslims say and do differently.

        But it also does not tolerate others who make mockery of Allah and his messengers.
        Now we have a problem. What is mockery? How do we define it? Is saying that some Muslims beheaded that man mockery? Because some people do think that. IS believing Islam to be untrue mockery? How far does this go?

        Taslima would very well invest her talent in writing other things instead of writing against Islam and make fun of it. She could have written thousands of books on Atheism (nobody would mind) but not attacking or misinterpreting Islam in a rude/ baseless way. Thanks a lot for your comment.
        I have no way of knowing if any of this is true because you quoted nothing of what she said and demonstrated nothing.

    • Fazle Abed says

      if you dont like her writing dont read them. Who are you to decide in which country she should live? Who are you to comment. I guy consistantly telling her slut but you just write your views. Did you try to understand what she write? What she is trying to say? People like you for sake of islam Kill rajib, and take taslima’s rights to live her motherland. You can do it as you are in power. But Bangladesh will change.

      • tuhin says

        and people like you dream about secular bangladesh. you can’t undermine the fact that you and all the other socialist group fought in 1971 not to give wrights but only to make a secular ordered bangladesh. and you have the gol to condemed the fact that you of all the people are a mockery cause you target our socio religious terms to go on your course and you expect us that why we are not giving you a red carpet welcome. oh no that’s not gonno happen , and we don’t murder in the name of islam by the way, and we all know about the fact who is behind the so called islamic maurder conspiracy won,t we ,and they are not coming to you so why bother, you know truth is opposed by every other than itself but truth is truth oh and you know this

    • says

      Religionists don’t get to define What an Atheist Is.

      Being an atheist often includes standing against insertion of religious ideology into others’ lives by the power of state and violence. Religion is mere politics.

      When islamists and other religionists “mind their own business” and stop abusing others, maybe we can talk about it less.

      • says

        I love that comment – Religionists do not get to define an Atheist.

        When religious fundamentalists learn to leave others alone and “mind their own business” as you call it, and also lend a ear to the other sides point of view, then perhaps the Atheist and the Agnostics and the Secularists can sit down and have a dialog with the fundamentalists.

    • sadia says

      Thnxx.. samantha..u have said exactly what i wanna say… she is not an atheist but only a hater of Islam.. If she doesnt believe in God or any supreme soul its her problem.. no one gonna say anything to her.. but she always attacks on Allah n Muslims believes.. its not atheism but sort of terrorism.. as she wanna make chaos by attacking on muslims mind..shame on this woman who did nothing good to her country.. n she does not have even any respect for her country..

      • says

        “she always attacks on Allah n Muslims believes.. its not atheism but sort of terrorism.. as she wanna make chaos by attacking on muslims mind”

        As far as I am aware, Taslima has never beheaded anyone, thrown acid in anyone’s face, set off bombs, shot anyone etc. All she has done is criticise in writing certain beliefs that she thinks are factually mistaken, and certain behaviours that she thinks are harmful. If you think that this makes her ‘a sort of terror[ist]’, then I suggest that you haven’t thought hard enough about the relevant differences between, on the one hand, killing and injuring people, and on the other hand, saying things that people disagree with.

        If a god exists, people who believe in it should be able to demonstrate that it exists. When someone like Taslima points out that no one has been able to demonstrate the existence of any gods, including Allah, this ought to suggest to you that your reasons for believing what you believe are not as strong as you think.

        • sadia says

          Ohh.. i think u didnt notice i wrote the word – ‘sort of’ ..terrorism doesnt only mean killing or bombing.. anything which makes chaos in human society can be called as terrorism.. we real muslims never support killing or bombing or anything like that.. but u guys always mixing islam with terrorism.. n as u said she simply criticized those issues which she thinks as harmful.. but i really dont get it what harm Allah or Mohammad (sm) do with her !! i clearly told that if she doesnt believe in any God or supreme soul its her problem..n if i believe in any supreme soul or Allah its also my problem.. if u guys think that its not rational .. i even wont protest u… coz everyone has his/her personal opinion n thinking level.. but that narrow minded lady always use vulgar words towards islam n muslims.. as well as towards Allah n Md. (sm)..if any one wants peace in society he/she should respect his/her own belief as well as others believes.. i hope u will understand.

          • says

            No. Arguing with people is not terrorism. Disagreeing with people is not terrorism. Committing acts of violence in furtherance of an ideology is terrorism. Do not try to conflate these things; they are very different.

            If Taslima says something that so incenses somebody who disagrees with her that he commits an act of violence, then the person who commits an act of violence is [potentially] the terrorist, not Taslima. Of course, if Taslima said something that explicitly encourages and endorses acts of violence, then that may qualify her as a ‘kind of’ terrorist, but that is not what she is doing.

            And of course I am not ‘mixing’ Islam with terrorism. But it is nonetheless true that many terrorists at this moment in history happen to be Islamist terrorists. The fact that most Muslims are peaceful does not make it untrue that some are terrorists. The people who killed Rajib surely qualify as Muslims, and also as terrorists, under any reasonable understanding of those words.

            And you also don’t get to dissociate Muslim terrorists from Islam that easily. You can say, and I hope most Muslims would, that they are not interpreting the Muslim scriptures and traditions in the way that you do or the way that you would like, but you cannot say that they are not real Muslims – they are committing acts of violence in defence of the Muslim faith precisely because they believe that God wants them to commit violence in defence of the Muslim faith. Peaceful Muslims should be doing everything they can to marginalise this sort of belief, but until they do, they cannot claim that this sort of violence is not part of Islam, they can only claim that this sort of violence is not part of the version of Islam practiced by peaceful Muslims.

            “that narrow minded lady always use vulgar words towards islam n muslims.. as well as towards Allah n Md”
            Note again that she is forthright, yes, but all she is doing is saying words, whereas people like the killers of Rajib are doing things like … well, like killing people. And yet you come complaining about the use of ‘vulgar’ language, which causes no one any harm. It especially causes Allah no harm, because he almost certainly doesn’t exist, and if he does, he’s all-powerful and therefore by definition can’t be hurt by a human saying some words, and it doesn’t cause Mohammad any harm because, if he even existed, he died some 14 centuries ago, and there is therefore literally nothing that anyone could do that could cause him harm, and it makes the rest of the world look on in bafflement when people react so furiously when they perceive an insult against a 14-centuries-dead person.

            “.if any one wants peace in society he/she should respect his/her own belief as well as others believes..”

            Except that that’s not how it works. Rajib’s killers obviously believe that people who voice criticism of Islam deserve to die. Should we respect that belief? Of course not. That belief is insane, cruel, and obviously not conducive to peace.

            But more generally, beliefs are simply not the proper object of respect.
            People are entitled to respect, beliefs are not. Beliefs can be mistaken, and they can be harmful, and ‘respecting’ harmful and mistaken beliefs guarantees the perpetuation of harm and of falsehood.

            The only sensible way to proceed is to hold every belief open to criticism, and allow every one to defend their beliefs in the marketplace of ideas. As long as it is the beliefs that are being subject to criticism, rather than the believers as people, that is fine – to disagree with a person is not the same thing as to disrespect a person. Eventually, after everyone has had a chance to evaluate everyone’s reasons and evidence, true beliefs will win out over false ones.

            If the ideas of Islam are true, then no one should ever need to resort to violence in defence of them, and no one should ever need to demand respect for them – the ideas will gain respect to the degree that they can be shown to be true.

            And if the ideas of Islam are not true, then no one should ever want to resort to violence in defence of them, and no one should ever want to respect them – they will simply lose their place in the marketplace of ideas as it becomes apparent that there are no good reasons for thinking them true.

            Respecting ideas just guarantees that bad ideas go unchallenged, and no one should want that – even if it can feel uncomfortable having your own beliefs challenged, it is a discomfort you ought to be able to face, if you are being intellectually honest, because the challenging of ideas, the evaluation of reasons and evidence, is how we sift good ideas from bad ones.

          • says

            Actually no, terribly said…

            Ohh.. i think u didnt notice i wrote the word – ‘sort of’ ..terrorism doesnt only mean killing or bombing.. anything which makes chaos in human society can be called as terrorism..
            Either things are terrorism or not. You also don’t just get to redefine terrorism without an argument. Chaos is present when children play, are children terrorists?

      • Dark Knight says

        Islam doesn’t kill! It’s people who kill people. You probably been water boarded so much, you lost all common sense!

        • says

          Islam doesn’t kill! It’s people who kill people. You probably been water boarded so much, you lost all common sense!

          People who are Muslims claiming to represent Islam. Why should I believe you over them?

          • says

            Shafiq says it is people who kill not Islam, and of course that is correct, but why do people kill?

            The beliefs that people have move them to act, do they not? There are many verses in the Koran which mandate discrimination, warfare and Jihad against non Muslims, and however hard moderate sensible Muslims work, understanding the need to live in peace with non Muslims, these verses from the Koran will always haunt you (and us).
            Peaceful Verses
            The violent and antisocial verses appear to outweigh the more peaceful verses and the helpful moral guidance in Surah 17 (for instance). I have found that the nearest the Koran gets to Do Not Kill is 17.33:
            “And slay not the life which Allah has forbidden except with right”
            Of course this verse begs the question which is answered elsewhere in the Koran: Muslims are right to kill non Muslims.
            Is it not true that the Koran is no less than the words of God in Muslim belief and cannot be dispensed with without dispensing with Islam?
            There is the famous verse:
            2.256 “There is no compulsion in religion”.
            But I have seen hadith that claim this verse has been abrogated by other verses such as those which follow and eg. 9.29, 8.39 and 9.5

            To begin with I cannot see there is golden rule in the Koran; the ones in the hadeeth do not appear to apply to non-Muslims, because there are many many verses (I have seen one count at 534 verses) in the Koran which show rejection, condemnation and intolerance of, and discrimination against, non Muslims. Examples are:
            ‘Don’t be friends with disbelievers. They are your (and Allah’s) enemy.’ (Q60.1)
            ‘The believers are nothing else than brothers.’ (Q49.10)
            O you who believe, take not the /Jews and the Christians as awliya’ (friends, protectors, helpers etc), they are but awliya’ to one another” (Q5.51)
            “Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers; if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah” (Q3.28)
            “..The idolaters are unclean..” (Q9.28)
            Disbelievers worship false gods. They will burn forever in the Fire. (Q2.257)
            Don’t believe anyone who is not a Muslim. (Q3.73)
            If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him; and in the hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost” (Q3.85)
            Apostates are going to hell. (Q 4.55)
            Non-Muslims are wrong doers. (Q5.45)
            Never help disbelievers. (Q28.86
            Disbelievers will go to hell and will drink boiling water (Q14.17)
            In Hell, the unbelievers will have garments of fire, boiling water will be poured over their heads, whatever is in their bowels and skin will be melted and they will be punished with hooked iron rods (Q22.19-21)
            And in 7.166 the Koran goes as far as showing Allah turning Jews who had allegedly altered their scripture into apes: “Be you apes despised and loathed”.
            The very same point is made in 2.54: “Be you apes despised and hated”
            And in 5.60 Allah turns people of the Scripture who failed to believe in Islam into apes and swine
            So the scene is set: The Koran shows that Non-Muslims are first rejected, excluded and demonised, and then they are dehumanised! Killing them is thus made reasonable and logical (This was a technique also used by Hitler against the Jews):
            (so inviting me to talk to you is a notable act of friendship!)
            So the Koran then moves in literally ‘for the kill’
            Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them (Q2.191)
            Slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive, and besiege them, and prepare them for ambush (Q9.5)
            Exhort the believers to fight the unbelievers (Q8.65)
            Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them. (Q4.89)
            Slay the idolaters wherever you find them. (Q9.5)
            Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the last day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and his Messenger, and those who acknowledge not the religion of Truth among the people of the scripture, until they pay the jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (Q9.29).
            See also, Q47.4, 4.76, 8.12, 8.38-39.

            Further fighting is laid upon Muslims as a duty in the Koran:
            If you do not fight, He will punish you severely, and put others in your place(9.39).
            While 9.111 appears to guarantee a place in heaven for those who fight in the way of Allah
            And there is an entire Sura (chapter) in the Koran entitled ‘The Spoils of War’ – Sura 8,
            And in Bukhari’s hadeeth there are (a) 195 pages of traditions and quotes of the Prophet about the warfare Muhammad engaged in himself. (Book 64, hadeeth 3949 to 4473) and another 110 pages in book 56 entitled ‘The Book of Fighting for Allah’s cause’. And in Abu Dawud’s collection of hadith there is a section on battles too.
            Muhammad appeared to believe specifically in terrorism as recounted in a hadeeth recorded by Bukhari.
            “Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihaad)
            Narrated Abu Huraira:
            Allah’s Apostle said, “I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand.” Abu Huraira added: Allah’s Apostle has left the world and now you, people, are bringing out those treasures (i.e. the Prophet did not benefit by them).”
            Bukhari :: Book 4 :: Volume 52 :: Hadith 220 (Ps a numbering system I cannot trace in my copy of Bukhari)

            So the idea that Islam is a peaceful religion takes some explaining. I wish all power to those who try, but I would support anyone who having read the Koran and hadeeth rejected Islam as a violent Jihadist and imperialist movement.

      • tuhin says

        when people like you wage war against us and after we have done all the things to make a trity and you refuse, and people like you attack us to bring us down in a level of extinction , what will we do , suck our fingers and tell, oh great wise one don’t kill us ,we will lick your feet,then you will let us live or even not ,stabbing our back. oh don’t you know about that whose behind taleban and other so called muslim terrorist and who is funding them c’mon you know this man, oh we all know this.

    • KW says

      Absolutely agree with Samantha.

      This woman Taslima Nasrin is a classic case sick mentality. She even got a wrong photo attached to her low-life write up. The blogger who was murdered, which I do not condone, had been writing incredibly sick and evil things about another religion. He also encouraged hateful words against Judaism and Christianity too.

  6. roger ivanhart says

    So sorry to hear of the deaths of so many independent thinkers. For that is what they are. They are brave; they risk their lives to be free to decide for themselves what is right for them. They are called atheists because they have rejected the concept of a supreme, supernatural being but their crime is to be different and to insist on their right to be different.

    Those who kill independent thinkers are to be pitied. Their minds are closed to independent thought and because of that their usefulness to the world and to human society is severely limited. They have no value. They are inauthentic.

    Long may the memories of these brave, independent thinkers, these atheists, live on in minds of their friends, families and colleagues for they are the true arbiters of what is right and decent.

    • Dark Knight says

      YOU said it, “their usefulness to the the world and human society is severely limited. They have no value. They are inauthentic” which works both ways, including the so called free thinkers.

      What have they really contributed to society apart from vulgar language, slandering and hatred!? Which promotes more vulgar language, slandering and hatred!

      These rotten individuals are to be blamed.

      Coming back to USA, the land of the so called free! who are free to kill, innocent primary school children in masses, their neighbours, own people and other countries people that do not succumb to their thoughts. Get real. Who are you preaching to!?

      • Who Cares says

        Coming back to USA, the land of the so called free! who are free to kill, innocent primary school children in masses, their neighbours, own people and other countries people that do not succumb to their thoughts. Get real. Who are you preaching to!?

        Ah so you kill someone else who speaks out against oppression because a third person on another continent, not even remotely connected to the blogger who died, has decided that in another country he has the right to bomb random people. And you use that excuse to try and absolve your religion?
        You do realize that the only thing you’ve done so far here is show that you are a religious zealot who’ll distort anything if it might protect his religion. The only thing is that you are showing is that those murders that started this blogpost are not isolated incidents but an outgrowth to the hatred endemic in your religion.

        • Dark Knight says

          Religion is not to blame, it’s your attitude towards religion and the lack of respect for human lives and their country.

          Who invaded Iraq and bought death to hundreds and thousands of innocent people and destruction to the Country!? USA and it’s Allies (mainly the West).
          Who set up Guantanamo!? Keeping people in open air, caged like animals, with out due process and trial!? USA.
          Who is in Afghanistan, killing people!? USA and it’s allies (mainly the West).
          Who’s naval fleet is in Bangladesh waters!? USA.

          Mind your own business, stay away from other peoples land!

          If you can’t face to these facts and truth, you might as well be deaf, dumb and blind!

      • says

        I have rarely seen someone so ready to throw out assertions with no attempt to defend or demonstrate any of them. Did you know that everyone has opinions? Its true! You have to do things like quote people, and make connections between ideas so that your opinion is strong enough to not need emotional arguments.

        Because that is all you have given from what I have seen.

        YOU said it, “their usefulness to the the world and human society is severely limited. They have no value. They are inauthentic” which works both ways, including the so called free thinkers.
        What metric did you use to determine that they have no value? The very fact that you are here typing out many sentences means that have some value to you. Not the kind you wish they had true…

        What have they really contributed to society apart from vulgar language, slandering and hatred!? Which promotes more vulgar language, slandering and hatred!
        Because its the style that matters, right!

        These rotten individuals are to be blamed.

        Coming back to USA, the land of the so called free! who are free to kill, innocent primary school children in masses, their neighbours, own people and other countries people that do not succumb to their thoughts. Get real. Who are you preaching to!?
        This has what to do with the headless guy at the top of the page? That’s right, nothing.

        Religion is not to blame, it’s your attitude towards religion and the lack of respect for human lives and their country.
        Muslims who claim to represent Islam are to blame. Why are they wrong?

        Who invaded Iraq and bought death to hundreds and thousands of innocent people and destruction to the Country!? USA and it’s Allies (mainly the West). Who set up Guantanamo!? Keeping people in open air, caged like animals, with out due process and trial!? USA. Who is in Afghanistan, killing people!? USA and it’s allies (mainly the West). Who’s naval fleet is in Bangladesh waters!? USA.
        This has what to do with the headless guy at the top of the page? That’s right, nothing.

        Mind your own business, stay away from other peoples land!
        This is about Taslima’s article and the headless guy at the top of the page. Address the main point and don’t change it coward.

        If you can’t face to these facts and truth, you might as well be deaf, dumb and blind!
        Says the person offering opinion as fact.

        • Shah Deeldar says

          Little allergy against my words, bro? Try to write some complete sentences if you care. Another lost madrasa man, I supose?

          • rulzneverdie says

            I guess the number of idiots –so called বুদ্ধি প্রতিবন্ধী, are increasing. Adv -we’re having a good laugh at their brain functioning process.
            Disadv -idiots are producing idiots… Scarcity of good ppl w active brain…
            So Mr. Deeldar clown, you’re no diff than our Deeldar comedian.. LMAO

      • Dark Knight says

        It is clear and obvious as always Taslima has taken full advantage of the cause in Bangladesh by deliberately inciting religious hatred and inflaming the situation.

        She is not really a women’s right activist, or cares about these or any other issues. Those who think otherwise are deluded and need their head examined.

        History has shown people that a true in their belief, cause and right deeds, stand their ground and fight. Not run away like a coward and chat from a distance.

        Her writing, as well as this web page is purely on economical grounds. The story sells and every site visit and click makes money for her and her supporters.

        If you really care in freedom, want to see justice and bring about real change, then spread the message of peace, compassion and unity. This is what earned Bangladesh its freedom, a country of opportunity.

        Boycott this site, stop wasting your valuable time and thoughts on a worthless person. As she is laughing all the way to the bank!

  7. slc1 says

    Bangladesh is, indeed, quite fuckked up, as is Pakistan by the way. However, Ms. Nasreen should be careful what she wishes for. Syria is even more fuckked up.

  8. Nathair says

    There’s a reason you couldn’t survive in the country that you call fucked up.

    Yeah, because it’s fucked up.

    So there is a clear difference between ones who mocks others sentiments and ones who choose to be non believers and mind their own business.

    And that is exactly the entitled, self-righteous attitude that killed Rajib.

    • Samantha says

      Who are you to decide if the nation is fucked up? Is it because worthless award winners like Taslima Nasreen fed the info to you? Where are you from?
      Just to get your facts right, Islamists fabricated Rajib’s blog, he wasn’t an atheist to begin with. So yeah authors like Taslima, who feed you such materials, fail to conduct quality research before taking up the pen. I hope Delhi doesn’t ban her soon.

      • Nathair says

        Right, he wasn’t actually an atheist he was just accused of being one by Jamaat-Shibir terrorists and then murdered for it… and somehow that makes it all better for you?

        I’d say it’s not just the country that’s fucked up.

      • Dark Knight says

        It is clear and obvious as always Taslima has taken full advantage of the cause in Bangladesh by deliberately inciting religious hatred and inflaming the situation.

        She is not really a women’s right activist, or cares about these or any other issues. Those who think otherwise are deluded and need their head examined.

        History has shown people that a true in their belief, cause and right deeds, stand their ground and fight. Not run away like a coward and chat from a distance.

        Her writing, as well as this web page is purely on economical grounds. The story sells and every site visit and click makes money for her and her supporters.

        If you really care in freedom, want to see justice and bring about real change, then spread the message of peace, compassion and unity. This is what earned Bangladesh its freedom, a country of opportunity.

        Boycott this site, stop wasting your valuable time and thoughts on a worthless person. As she is laughing all the way to the bank!

      • says

        Who are you to decide if the nation is fucked up? Is it because worthless award winners like Taslima Nasreen fed the info to you? Where are you from?
        Everyone has the right to make a claim and try to defend it. Where they come from is meaningless. You have not said why Taslima is wrong. You are not convincing.

        Just to get your facts right, Islamists fabricated Rajib’s blog, he wasn’t an atheist to begin with. So yeah authors like Taslima, who feed you such materials, fail to conduct quality research before taking up the pen. I hope Delhi doesn’t ban her soon.
        That sounds like an argument. Those need evidence.

  9. Raihan Chowdhury says

    No war anymore! We need revolution. Revolution which can make pure human. We, young generation, know that we will do it. I know and understand you are very angry with islamists of Bangladesh. But your word ‘fucked up’ ‘suck’ also hurt us who love our Bangladesh.

    • says

      No war anymore! We need revolution. Revolution which can make pure human. We, young generation, know that we will do it. I know and understand you are very angry with islamists of Bangladesh. But your word ‘fucked up’ ‘suck’ also hurt us who love our Bangladesh.

      Revolutions ARE wars. Don’t take away from the seriousness of what you want. Face it with courage.

  10. local says

    Rajib Killed for his dispute with his neighbor and now its become political
    if you are truth full then publish right news.

  11. Sumaita says

    Who says ‘Bangladesh is a fucked up country’,how can she talk about ‘democracy’ for Bangladesh?I strongly oppose this statement of Taslima Nasrin. Shahbag movement is not of anti-muslims or muslims or hindus or buddhists or any others,it is a movement of the people of Bangladesh.We want justice and peace like Islam does.Islam is a religion of peace.You are not different from the islamist terrorists.You are also misleading people by mocking Islam and explaining Islam in a wrong way.If you can’t believe it,don’t mock it.

    • Dark Knight says

      Well said! If only the people who are actually gathered in Shah bag square had the same common sense, things would be different.

      They have lost sight of the purpose of the movement and fallen into the trap of the leading Bangladeshi political parties, who are taking advantage of the situation and manipulating people into anti Islamic thoughts and promoting bitterness.

      The fact is Bangladesh has 95%+- Muslim, who are the majority of inhabitants. So why do people incite religious hatred and expect apology!? Get real and wake up!

  12. Naved Mirza says

    There is no scope for equating pro-liberation stance with aethism in Bangladesh. This attitude is a dangerous blunder. 99 percent of pro-liberation forces of Bangladesh would hate to tag them as aethist. I hope the writer will realize the reality. Rajib was murdered not for being aethist, but for being a staunch supporter of pro liberation ideas.

    • Dark Knight says

      It is clear and obvious as always Taslima has taken full advantage of the cause in Bangladesh by deliberately inciting religious hatred and inflaming the situation.

      She is not really a women’s right activist, or cares about these or any other issues. Those who think otherwise are deluded and need their head examined.

      History has shown people that a true in their belief, cause and right deeds, stand their ground and fight. Not run away like a coward and chat from a distance.

      Her writing, as well as this web page is purely on economical grounds. The story sells and every site visit and click makes money for her and her supporters.

      If you really care in freedom, want to see justice and bring about real change, then spread the message of peace, compassion and unity. This is what earned Bangladesh its freedom, a country of opportunity.

      Boycott this site, stop wasting your valuable time and thoughts on a worthless person. As she is laughing all the way to the bank!

    • B-Lar says

      We critisise everything here. Nothing is protected from criticism. Nothing is sacred.

      Islam is insulted because it needs people to defend it. It is not strong enough to stand up to criticism, because it is imaginary.

  13. Maruf Ashraf says

    please name a few “not fucked up” countries according to your definition of “fucked up”…
    a group of people being brutal to others who doesn’t have same opinion about something doesn’t make a country fucked up… this has been going on since the start of the mankind…
    don’t misunderstand me… i am not a islamist or religionist… i am just hurt the way you described my country that’s all…

    • says

      A country can be described as a single thing made from lots of parts. If you criticism a part you are necessarily criticizing the whole by proportion. Taslima has the right to try to use nationalism in her criticism. Being defensive about hurt feelings instead of addressing her words makes you seem less convincing, not more.

  14. Sinha Humayun says

    I am a big fan of your writing, I am stating this in the very beginning. Thaba Baba’s murder has to be a national shame for Bangladesh. There is no human way to express the hatred against these inhuman crime. However, the last thing that the state of Bangladesh requires is a renowned laureate expressing in her personal blog that “Bangladesh is a fuc*ed up country”. I can completely understand your agitation and frustration, and given that sufferings that you have gone through I believe that such personal opinion might be justified. However, expressing them in public, badmouthing your own nation is not how you solve the problem. Constructive criticism is justified, not the use of foul language.

    Jamat and Shibir are to be objected, contested and banned. Because, they kill and oppress people who have opinions they cannot accept. The reason they do it because they don’t have the mental capacity or even intellectual ability to engage in a conversation to express their dislike. They go extreme and kill people, that is the only way they know to express their feelings. But you being an above average intellectual person are not handicapped for words or thoughts. If you use the F word to express the situation of Bangladesh and express your agony, what difference do you have with Jamatis? You might not be drawing the blood out of people, but you are hurting the nation by blackening the image of the country infront of international readers.

    I am a big fan of yours, and I still am. And I know Bangladesh is major issues. But, I don’t know how using the F word can help anyone solve the situations.

    • Osmani says

      What she is, she express herself that way. Don’t worry about her sinha. There are not muslim fundalist in the world, there are also Hindu, Buddist, Cristian, Shikh and Jews fundalist in the world. Did you see her to write anything against them. The western world and India are funding her to write against Islam. If you like to critisize Islam, first, you have to know Arabic Language and also Arabic literature of around 5th century. you don’t know arabic and critisizing their moulana’s waz, how their follower gonna tolerate you. If I critisize Krishna by reading the artcle of Bichintha only, it will be injustice for Krishna. Before critisizing him I have to know everything about him. Actualy a good religious people or a sofisticated modern people will not utter bad language to critisize others.

      • says

        What she is, she express herself that way. Don’t worry about her sinha. There are not muslim fundalist in the world, there are also Hindu, Buddist, Cristian, Shikh and Jews fundalist in the world. Did you see her to write anything against them.
        It does not matter. Are her words correct about reality or not? She could criticize nothing but Islam and it does not mean her words are wrong. To show that she is wrong you have to show us her words and say why she is wrong.

        The western world and India are funding her to write against Islam.
        Proof? Also even if true, this does not mean her arguments are wrong.

        If you like to critisize Islam, first, you have to know Arabic Language and also Arabic literature of around 5th century.

        you don’t know arabic and critisizing their moulana’s waz, how their follower gonna tolerate you. If I critisize Krishna by reading the artcle of Bichintha only, it will be injustice for Krishna. Before critisizing him I have to know everything about him. Actualy a good religious people or a sofisticated modern people will not utter bad language to critisize others.

        You are not Tsalima. Only Tsalima can critisize Taslima.

  15. says

    Hey fucked up whore woman. A bitch! People mamke you away from this country. But you are till talking about this country? Alas! Alas… for you, today Rajib find his won bussiness but you are still diversing people? Be preper for the day of judgement?

    • says

      Hey fucked up whore woman. A bitch! People mamke you away from this country. But you are till talking about this country? Alas! Alas… for you, today Rajib find his won bussiness but you are still diversing people? Be preper for the day of judgement?

      Are there any Bangladeshi cultural practices involving letting children use the internet? I doubt it but I’m curious because this on thinks name calling is convincing of, I don’t know what. Can you restate this?

  16. Milon Ahmed. says

    I have 100% support with Taslima Nasrin. Actually religion is great obstacle now. Jamat-Shibir is a product of religion.

    • Dark Knight says

      It is clear and obvious as always Taslima has taken full advantage of the cause in Bangladesh by deliberately inciting religious hatred and inflaming the situation.

      She is not really a women’s right activist, or cares about these or any other issues. Those who think otherwise are deluded and need their head examined.

      History has shown people that a true in their belief, cause and right deeds, stand their ground and fight. Not run away like a coward and chat from a distance.

      Her writing, as well as this web page is purely on economical grounds. The story sells and every site visit and click makes money for her and her supporters.

      If you really care in freedom, want to see justice and bring about real change, then spread the message of peace, compassion and unity. This is what earned Bangladesh its freedom, a country of opportunity.

      Boycott this site, stop wasting your valuable time and thoughts on a worthless person. As she is laughing all the way to the bank!

  17. F [nucular nyandrothol] says

    A fucked up country with many fucked up representatives in this thread. Here’s a thought – try to make your country less fucked up. It’s what most of the people who read these blogs regularly do.

        • rulzneverdie says

          But I don’t think Israil will like her filthy pussy… Starting from slum owner to hotel dalal left their dirty sperm in her cheap vagina. So the likelihood is Africa.. Where they don’t care about the vagina quality or the religion..

  18. Shusmita Islam says

    I don’t think anyone has the right to call a country “hopelessly pathetic”. It seems like your talking about Bangladesh like its an entity, and not a place with living, breathing and feeling people.

    Yes, I do agree with you that the country does need a radical change and religion is a part of the problem. But your short post is oozing with your own personal bias against the country.

    The manner in which your talking about Bangladesh is as though it is purely defined by its political problems, and not by the people who live everyday of their whole lives in the country. The love and patriotism that a person feels for their country is irreplaceable, despite religious and political problems. These are the feelings that push people to fight wars for their country. Especially the type of war that you seem think Bangladesh so desperately needs.

    From reading your profile, I see that your known to be an extremely open and outspoken writer with many exemplary distinctions. I would feel honoured to have someone like you on the side of the people of a country, trying so hard to achieve what is right.

    I also understand, that you had been asked to leave Bangladesh 20 years ago and perhaps this where your distaste for the country roots from. You do not feel the same pull and longing that a person feel for their motherland. I sympathize with what had been done so wrongly to you and hope that some day you will be able to resolve these feelings.

    But please, never lose your humanity and always remember that there is no way that any country can be hopelessly pathetic. Then we might as well just let the whole world just go to hell.

    • Dark Knight says

      You seem to plead and beg so much to a person who has lost all common sense and intellect. Isn’t it obvious from her article, she is no sympathiser and shouldn’t expect such!

      All these award and accolade she received is just worthless marketing and promoting gimmick! It doesn’t change a bad person, into good. It shows their true degrading character, so don’t sink to her low level by supporting her, just because she is a women. Begging is not a good virtue to have.

  19. Rasel says

    There are two ways to be known to the world: by famous or by notorious means and ways. You chose the second one because it’s not so easy to be famous by making an enduring good contribution to the society and human being. By attacking someone’s belief, culture, heritage, religion and one’s own country (like you fucked up your own country!), one can be known to people only notoriously but not in a good manner. The country where you are living now has many examples of how to be famous. See Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandi. They never attacked anyone’s culture, belief and/religion but they are famous and people from all religion respect them.
    You are trying to find a cheap way to reach the heart of the people. Young people may find orgasm by reading your choti. When I was in my early twenties I also liked your choti book, by reading of which I found my pennis erected and dreamt you fucking.
    How dare you fuck up a country and when it is the country where your parents showed you this life? Your parents (not sure they are alive) would repent for giving birth to a wothless, hatred and betrayed girl like you. You were married to a guy but how many times did you sleep with other playboys?
    You are a gone case! No more cheap ways left for you to become even notorious. You tried all. You are even fucked up by those whom you believed and those who supported you to please u and to go to bed with them. How old are you girl? Surely not less than 50! Coz when I used to read your choti, I was early 20s, now I am turning into 40. Do you still have libido, got rid off menopause?
    You fuck yourself with dildoes available in sex toys shop but don’t fuck up our beloved country. It may have many problems but it is the country where I was born, I got my life, I enjoyed my childhood to young life, where my dad fought against Rajakar. So you fuck off from every corner of this life. You… I said you are a failed one, crippled one, demoralised one in every aspect of a life.

    • Ali says

      Good comments Russel…She needs some more fucking.. I would be glad to fuck her up and up…Read the indian bangla choti where some one fucked her ass…

    • says

      There are two ways to be known to the world: by famous or by notorious means and ways. You chose the second one because it’s not so easy to be famous by making an enduring good contribution to the society and human being.
      How is she notorious? Why is she not a good human being? You explain nothing give notion but uncontrolled emotion.

      By attacking someone’s belief, culture, heritage, religion and one’s own country (like you fucked up your own country!), one can be known to people only notoriously but not in a good manner.
      She criticized, not attacked. Because you want to pretend it’s like hitting or killing you have to exaggerate.

      The country where you are living now has many examples of how to be famous. See Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandi. They never attacked anyone’s culture, belief and/religion but they are famous and people from all religion respect them.
      So she is not to your taste when it comes to style. WHY is she wrong?

      You are trying to find a cheap way to reach the heart of the people. Young people may find orgasm by reading your choti. When I was in my early twenties I also liked your choti book, by reading of which I found my pennis erected and dreamt you fucking.
      Finally we get to the “meat” of why you are here. You are here not to actually deal with an argument, you are here to simply rage about like a dog with no mate that he can control. Such weakness you have at controlling your emotions and using your intelligence. It takes practice but no one is hopeless.

      How dare you fuck up a country and when it is the country where your parents showed you this life? Your parents (not sure they are alive) would repent for giving birth to a wothless, hatred and betrayed girl like you. You were married to a guy but how many times did you sleep with other playboys?
      You still have not proven any of that. How did she “fuck up a country”. Did she use mean words? Don’t be such a child. What playboys? Or is that your childish imagination working on something that it is capable of creating, mere insult.

      You are a gone case! No more cheap ways left for you to become even notorious. You tried all. You are even fucked up by those whom you believed and those who supported you to please u and to go to bed with them. How old are you girl? Surely not less than 50! Coz when I used to read your choti, I was early 20s, now I am turning into 40. Do you still have libido, got rid off menopause?
      I find it interesting that the stereotype is that Women are the ones who can’t control their emotions. I usually find that this is believed by ones like this who are in fact the ones with no emotional control. It has no argument, so it sputters and rages and imagine characteristics…

      You fuck yourself with dildoes available in sex toys shop but don’t fuck up our beloved country. It may have many problems but it is the country where I was born, I got my life, I enjoyed my childhood to young life, where my dad fought against Rajakar. So you fuck off from every corner of this life. You… I said you are a failed one, crippled one, demoralised one in every aspect of a life.

      I can do that too! You are a big poopy-head that pushes the poop from used diapers into your…

      Nevermind. It’s too thoughtless….

      • Rasel says

        Brony, it’s not only you to support Taslima’s writing or simply liking her. There were many but eventually they were also fucked by her or they fucked her.. She went to Sunil, who supported her initially but finally found no gem may be you got some!

  20. Agni_B says


    Offended by Taslima’s F- word? Must live a sheltered life, not exposed to popular culture of other countries A foreign word –you all trying to give it a south Asian interpretation, Just does not work

    it is a common practice of all English speaking nation to use’ fucked up’ word every day , no one offended
    Don’t Get paranoid with a non-issue. Get your priority right -stick ‘to the main subject matter- Islamic terrorism in BD which attracted Taslima’s attention

    Looks, all of you ‘rent a mob virgins’ not been fucked yet. Only decent things you all can do is to apologise now

    [Meaning of Fucked up= broken, destroyed mismanaged, not related to physical sex fuck]

    • YZA says

      Are you sure Bangladesh fucked up? I think our govt don’t bother to find out who is killer of Rajeeb. They are not honest as well. They have loads of “snake” in side with them. Now young generation rising their voice for justice & capital punishment. Govt killed Rajeeb to turn the situation in another side. What you think?

      • says

        Then go to a place where they want to be civil and discuss this. Nothing is keeping you here but your ego. HAve the courage to address her arguments despite her “naughty words”.

  21. says

    I am deeply saddened with Rajib’s death. It is just too early for this young man to go. He was only a writer with a pen and yet these SOBs could not tolerate his words.
    The title of this discussion is rather strong and cruel. I do not consider the country as a fucked up country. We, all some how are guilty of not dealing with these bastards in 1971. They were all forgiven and rehabilitated in our society. They were monsters then and they are no better now.
    This may lead to a civil war situation but we need to deal with these devils. Now or never!

  22. says

    How you spoke about Bangladesh? Some one send meanings of the word. we also know the meanings, its not our culture to say this word to mean a country or anything. Don’t forget, you born here. I know your anger made you to say this. Don’t do that. You should love the country untill the end of your life. I also hate islamist but not Islam.You are not controlled yourself. I have read some of your books, but today got you to write something.

  23. Mr. F says

    ISLAM = IS LAME. Those islamist motherfucker living in 14th century , they don’t know people living in 21th century . They don’t belief in freedom , seriously they are lunatic killer.

  24. Narendra says

    What plagues countries like Pakistan,Bangladesh and now even India is ISLAM…ISLAM is the cancer which needed to be rooted out in order to save these countries….People of these countries would have been one if they would have not been converted to ISLAM centuries back…The Moslems need to revert back to their original religion i.e Hinduism…Hinduism has its own problems but certainly it is not as cancerous as ISLAM.

  25. No One says

    They have gathered here today. The tone trolls, the chill girls, the possessors of low self esteem, the authoritarians, “patriots”, the offended, the misogynists, the xenophobes, and the sexually repressed. Even the “you never pick on the other religions” crowd. I though only christians said that to atheists about islam. It is so charming to see muslims accusing an atheist of not criticizing christianity. It’s as if religions all have the same hollow arguments. Imagine that. So let me clear it up for all sides.

    Fuck christianity.

    Fuck islam.

    Fuck hindu.

    Fuck the greek gods.

    Fuck the norse gods.

    Fuck zoroastrianism.

    Fuck budda.

    Fuck the cargo cult.

    Fuck voodoo.

    Fuck every superstition in listed “The Golden Bough”.

    Fuck satanisim.

    Fuck astrology.

    Fuck scientology.

    Fuck mormonisim.

    Fuck the tao.

    And finally…

    fuck atheism too…

    I raise my glass to humanity free of the bonds of superstition, and political oppression, regardless of culture or skin color. I raise my glass to progress, equality of treatment, enlightenment, the exploration of the universe.

    And I leave you with one last thought, there is no reason Bangladesh cannot escape the shackles of dogma, 93 years after women won the right to vote in America look where they are now:

    ‘Cmon Bangladesh get off you ass and do something.

    • don1 says

      I notice you stopped short of abusing the FSM. Very wise, he’d fuck you up with his noodly appendage. Taslima, I can only begin to imagine the frustration and anger you must feel when you look at your homeland. The more rabid of your critics here make your case for you with their misogyny and violent fantasies.

  26. grumpyoldfart says

    Most people remained silent for decades.

    There’s the problem. When the fanatics start taking control, the liberal believers don’t speak against them – usually for three reasons:

    (1) They don’t want outsiders to think there is in-fighting among the believers.
    (2) They assume they can keep the fanatics under control.
    (3) They quite like the idea of living in a country ruled by God (or men speaking in god’s name).

    So the fanatics are first welcomed, then tolerated, and finally ousted. Trouble is, the ousting usually takes a couple of thousand years.

  27. Shahin says

    Taslima don’t lie as u r doing always. U may be fucked up but not my beloved Bangladesh. pls don’t lie any more., better u take rest at Europe or India what u really wanted……

  28. Nujhat says

    Can You Stop Using Fucked up or Suck while taking our country’s name? People are struggling to get justice and clear the name of our beloved country Bangladesh. Can you try not to insult the country?

    • says

      What insult? You can’t just type something vague like that and expect people to believe you, specifically what did she say that was an insult and why? Otherwise I’m just going to think that you are mad about something truthful that she said and can’t make an argument.

  29. Onlooker says

    What else can you expect from this lady? It is this Taslima Nasreen who in the late 1990s had to be rescued from her rented house at Mogbazar when she, at her age 29, was caught red-handed while raping a minor boy (son of the landlord of the rented house), aged only 11.

  30. Ali says

    Taslima nasreen was and is fucked by many people. She like fucking by different dicks..That is what she called women independant…Nari shadhinota…

    • says

      Another example of a person who is so emotionally out of control that they think sexual activity somehow makes arguments go away. Do you believe in spells too? Because I still see her words up there and I don’t see you addressing them or explaining why she is wrong.


  31. TxSkeptic says

    Bangladesh has not been on my radar previously, now it is. I saw the story earlier today, on HuffPo, about the protests sparked by this tragedy, They seemed very careful to keep the dreaded A-word out of it, but at least they did report it as an anti-islamist protest. You certainly filled in some blanks in the picture.

    However, as distraught as you obviously are, with great justification, I can see a very encouraging sign in the size & persistence of the protests that were sparked by this.

    There seems to be alot of this going around lately. From the couple of green revolution uprisings in Iran a few years ago to the Arab Spring in Tunisia and Egypt that seemed to be led by young, more liberal, activists, to the now renewed protests in Egypt by the same crowd against the Muslim Brotherhoods seeming takeover of the coup results, There have been several other incidents in the region that have given me hope that the bonds of authoritarianism wielded at the hand religious fundamentalism are finally being severely strained.

    I just hope that the US involvement in the area can be scaled back enough to keep our terrorist creating actions from spoiling the potential positive direction that is gaining strength at the hands of the citizens themselves that seem fed up with the situation they have been subjected to for decades.

  32. Sahbag andolon kari says

    Fuck you Taslima nasrin. . You dont believe in GOD/ISLAM, Its your fucking own problem. Protestors at PROJONMO CHaTTaR are not against islam. ISLAM MEANS PEACE. The people/party who creat violation by the name of islam aren’t anything but TERORIST.
    BD PEOPLE FUCKed u Because u criticized ISLAM. DONT Try to make ur story similar to Sahbag protestors’ story. SAHBAG IS A PLACE FOR ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE IN BANGLADESH WHO’re against WAR crime. They’re not standing against ISLAM.
    So, stop talking like that.

    • says

      Fuck you Taslima nasrin.
      Yes you’re such a peaceful Muslim.

      You dont believe in GOD/ISLAM, Its your fucking own problem. Protestors at PROJONMO CHaTTaR are not against islam. ISLAM MEANS PEACE. The people/party who creat violation by the name of islam aren’t anything but TERORIST.
      They say they are Muslims and represent Islam. Why should I listen to you? You go talk to the terrorists who are giving you a bad name.

      BD PEOPLE FUCKed u Because u criticized ISLAM. DONT Try to make ur story similar to Sahbag protestors’ story. SAHBAG IS A PLACE FOR ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE IN BANGLADESH WHO’re against WAR crime. They’re not standing against ISLAM.
      So because she wants to criticize something people get to do bad things to her? That is terrible morality.

      So, stop talking like that.
      What if she says no?

  33. Nabila says

    Bangladesh is indeed a fucked up country because it produced authors like you Ms. Taslima Nasrin. AND for you KIND information people at Sahbagh are not against Islam but they are against “Rajakars” who causes death to many people, looted women’s dignity in the the war of 1971, later took a vail of SO CALLED ISLAMIST to hide their Devious activities. These fucked up rajakars choose Islam to dominate people because most of the people in Bangladesh are ignorant about Islam. WE lazy people do not read Quran just believe that what huzur says is right. They are the peers they know everything. In this situation if the say that “According to Islam the easiest way to get Jannat is to eat cow shit” ignorant people will try to eat or eat cow shit but they will never think that “lets me check what is actually written in Quran. Islam is the religion of peace but some ***** has made it a religion that you should afraid. You know nothing Ms. Taslima. you are indeed one of the ignorant. You couldn’t make this simple equation??? HOW FOOLISH !!!

    • Agni_B says

      It is obvious, you have not read Quran. Taslima knows more about Islam than you can imagine, this is why she renounced this blood thirsty cult. Her mind is free from the doctrine of Arabic slave master, but you are still in the gutter with all the bullshit.

      Islam for peace??? An example from your so called holy book (which copied from other religious books)

      “Fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem …” Now doesn’t the image of Islam as a religion of peace … Don’t take my word, look for it in Quran

      Be like Taslima , have courage and seek knowledge and unchain yourself from all falsehood
      No man or any kind of sexual gratification for woman in your jannat, but 72 virgins & 28 boys for man

      • Dark Knight says

        Have you sat in her quarters and witnessed her reading!? If not, then you are a blatant liar.

        Just reading translation doesn’t make you or her any credible, it reassures people of the scripture of your nonsense blurb and not taken seriously.

        Those women or men who talk about freedom and insult others, usually have been psychologically affected by childhood abuse and molestation by their own parents and peers. So they need to divert that anger and hate through the cry for freedom. Don’t blame society for your unfortunate up bringing!!!

        • Nabila says

          Well said. Agni_B can you tell me which ayat of Quran u r talking about? I also like to read which part you are talking about. And you know, naturally who don’t believe anything is a person with deep frustration. Or any childhood problem can lead to a big psychological problem in mind that makes u to an unbeliever. However, I have my Quran with me, if you tell me which ayat you are quoting I also can understand your point.

          • Agni_B says

            Answer- Surat At-Tawbah [9:5]

            If you have a curious, intellectual mind –

            * find out how Quran came into being
            *When and how it was compiled.

            Quran as u read now, is not the original version.
            Sound astonishing?

          • Dark Knight says


            This is exactly what she/he wants you to do, read translation of a part of Qur’an and misinterpret it. She/He, like Taslima are not fluent in Arabic language. It’s like giving a 5 year old child to read and interpret Shakespeare’s book, not the same and cannot be relied upon.

            Unlike many other scriptures, the Qur’an has not been altered and will remain in it’s original form until judgement day. This is the eternal truth, just pick up a copy from anywhere in the world and you will not find a single error.

    • says

      Bangladesh is indeed a fucked up country because it produced authors like you Ms. Taslima Nasrin.
      Why? You need more than an opinion. I think she is a good author and I think she is convincing. So why is she wrong?

      AND for you KIND information people at Sahbagh are not against Islam but they are against “Rajakars” who causes death to many people, looted women’s dignity in the the war of 1971, later took a vail of SO CALLED ISLAMIST to hide their Devious activities. These fucked up rajakars choose Islam to dominate people because most of the people in Bangladesh are ignorant about Islam. WE lazy people do not read Quran just believe that what huzur says is right.
      Then go argue with those people because they say they represent Islam and are Muslims and I have no reason to think otherwise. They are giving a religion a bad name and Taslima is pointing out what they represent themselves as. Insulting a messenger is easy.

      They are the peers they know everything. In this situation if the say that “According to Islam the easiest way to get Jannat is to eat cow shit” ignorant people will try to eat or eat cow shit but they will never think that “lets me check what is actually written in Quran. Islam is the religion of peace but some ***** has made it a religion that you should afraid. You know nothing Ms. Taslima. you are indeed one of the ignorant. You couldn’t make this simple equation??? HOW FOOLISH !!!
      This makes no sense.

  34. Ubermensch says

    Islam, Christianism, Judaism and all other religions are ALL fucked up ! There are a lot of contradictions in all these “sacred” books (written by gooroos) but Islam is more fucked up than the others !!! Which “God” can promote sex with a 9 y.o girl and sex with women slaves ?? Which God can promote violence, war and mysoginy ? You’ll probably say that Islam is a religion of peace or another kind of bullshit but go live in Saudi Arabia, you’ll see how wrong you are. You’ll say probably that the people who create violation of the name of Islam are terrorist. Well, in that case, all Muslim are terrorist. When I saw Muslim people (=men) act for Sharia, it makes me sick. Islam is disgusting. You’ll say I’m a ignorant but not to see the situation in most of oriental countries and not to see what’s really in hadiths and Quran are more stupid than me.

    • Nabila says

      Right. Nastik manushra shob shomoy manoshik vabe frustrated thake karon tader believe korar kisui nai these people are always derailed like a parent-less child.

      • Dark Knight says


        They have psychological issues. Usually been abused and molested by parents and peers! So they need to get out the frustration somehow.

  35. Salim says

    What the fuck you are taking about.The people of Bangladesh fucked you because you criticized Islam. You are nothing but an unbeliever. You don’t know about Islam. Islam means PEACE. If people do something rough in the name of you, this is not your fault. Similarly, The people/party who creat violation by the name of islam aren’t anything but TERRORIST. Keep in mind that there is no place for terrorist in Islam.

    The people who have gathered in SHABAG are trying to get pure justice against people who involve with WAR crime. They are not standing there against Islam.

    • says

      What the fuck you are taking about.The people of Bangladesh fucked you because you criticized Islam. You are nothing but an unbeliever.
      So what? Why is she wrong. Don’t be lazy, explain yourself.

      You don’t know about Islam. Islam means PEACE. If people do something rough in the name of you, this is not your fault. Similarly, The people/party who creat violation by the name of islam aren’t anything but TERRORIST. Keep in mind that there is no place for terrorist in Islam.
      The people she writes about say they are Muslims and represent Islam. Why should I believe you when you say otherwise?

  36. naznin says

    Fuck you Taslima nasrin. . You dont believe in GOD/ISLAM, Its your fucking own problem. Protestors at PROJONMO CHaTTaR are not against islam. ISLAM MEANS PEACE. The people/party who creat violation by the name of islam aren’t anything but TERORIST.
    BD PEOPLE FUCKed u Because u criticized ISLAM. DONT Try to make ur story similar to Sahbag protestors’ story. SAHBAG IS A PLACE FOR ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE IN BANGLADESH WHO’re against WAR crime. They’re not standing against ISLAM.
    So, stop talking like that.
    Thank u 39…..that is exactly my opinion …

  37. Gen, Uppity Ingrate. says

    I am sorry you’re getting these kinds of comments, Taslima. I can only shake my head at the profound misogyny you receive from these “defenders” of Bangladesh or Islam or FREEZE PEACHES WITH EXTRA CIVILITY or whatever they imagine themselves to be.

    They are proving your point perfectly, though. And despite what they so desperately want to believe, you ARE making a difference for good.

    • Dark Knight says

      Another pet pleading and begging for Taslimas right to insult and hate. Is it any surprise that you hide and flee the country!? If only you got paid huge money like her, how sad you are!?

      What good is her religious hatred and insulting a country as a whole doing? She is making money and leaving a bitter after taste, this is no achievement and makes no difference!

      Actually we are giving too much credibility to worthless junk!

      • says

        Another pet pleading and begging for Taslimas right to insult and hate. Is it any surprise that you hide and flee the country!? If only you got paid huge money like her, how sad you are!?
        What insult? What hate? Why are they insults and hate? Defend your words with examples or be proven empty of nothing but emotions.

        What good is her religious hatred and insulting a country as a whole doing? She is making money and leaving a bitter after taste, this is no achievement and makes no difference!
        If it is good enough to get you mad, it means you are worried. I believe that even more as I see you ignore her specific words again and again. You have nothing.

        Actually we are giving too much credibility to worthless junk!
        Giving credibility? All I have seen out of you is empty puffing and fuming.

  38. Farheen Rahman says

    Taslima Nasrin plz don’t slap your motherland because of some rotten people. Yes we also get irritated when we see hijabs with tons of makeup and ornaments, mullahs with bad sermons, rapists blaming girls for being raped and so on but that doesn’t mean we would tell Bangladesh fucked up country. If you are so progressive why you left the country, you should have the courage to stay here and then doing you galagali. You shouldn’t be afraid of death. You know it’s always easy to tease staying safe.

    • Shah Deeldar says

      Farheen, that whore doesn’t have a country. And she didn’t leave Bangladesh, Bangladesh kicked her out… She was forced to leave this country… Because she was and still is a completely fucked-up tranny.

    • don1 says

      Why did she leave the country? Because the alternative was being butchered by the very types of people attacking her here. Shouldn’t be afraid of death? That’s a big claim. But nevertheless it is reasonable to get the hell away from people who want to kill you. It’s basic survival, not difficult to understand.

      She uses words and ideas to make her point. Her opponents use rape and butchery to make theirs. There are people in this discussion who would love to see a photo of Taslima like the one at the head of the page. They would get off on it. Try putting youself in that position.

  39. Agni_B says

    @rasel @Ali @jewel @shafiq Islam@Sahbag andolon kari

    I can see that BD is fucked up with degenerated assholes like U
    Your vocabulary confirm that you all have a Madrasa educated Islamic upbringing

    Converted Arab slave cant think, must follow his masters and Terror manual Quran.
    I wonder why your parents did not do oral sex or use contraceptive to prevent your birth.

    Like Saudi parrot you all recite Islam is peaceful!!!- Remember 1971 -how your Paki Muslim brothers fucked,raped & massacred your mothers and sisters (3 millions+) in the name of peaceful Islam? While all Muslim Arab counties supported Paki action-Hindu India fought to save you- gave you dignity and identity. An ungrateful specimen of human race

    • Shah Deeldar says

      The miskins, who would love to be Arab slaves because they hate so much their own origin of poor birth? Guess what, Arabs need only @sses not the people!

      • Shafiq Islam says

        Your English sucks, you knuclehead. Again, your top is all vegetables and all bones. You’re a hopeless Oxymoron.

        • don1 says

          ‘your top is all vegetables and all bones.’

          that’s an interesting idiom but it doesn’t really translate into English. Could you explain what it means, on the surface it’s gibberish.

          Oxymoron? I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

    • Shafiq Islam says

      Memo to Agni B(Antagonist):Let me make myself clear here, I am neither a fundamentalist nor a hate-monger.I am just a human being happened to be a Muslim.And I am thankful to be one . I harbor no animosity against any religions or beliefs including atheists. Everybody is entitled to have their own belief and practice it. My problem is with those who interfere with others beliefs and make derogatory comments against them. As did Taslima Nasreen against Islam. If she did it against any other religion I would’ve same problem with her, nonetheless. Every human has the right to have their own belief and practice it. Every democratic gives it’s citizen freedom of speech and freedom to practice their own religion. But by giving them freedom of speech does not give them right to make derogatory comment against others religions or any religion for that matter. So, Taslima Nasreen is guilty of doing so in the court of Law and in the court of public eye. No question about it. That’s all about her. Now allow me talk about you. For your information terrorists are terrorists, they don’t need any other adjectives. Sometimes they disguise in religions sometimes in the name of nationalisms and sometimes could be creations of particular groups. So, that’s explain it. You said that Paki and Rajakars killed 30m+ bangladeshis and raped our mothers and sisters. Yes, they did the most heinous acts in the history of civilized world. I will never ever forget it and forgive those Pakis and Rajakars. But you didn’t mentioned them as your mothers and sisters . So your mothers and sisters were spared by those Pakis and Rajakars or was it you who delivered them to Pakis or they went their own and submit themselves to their lusts. We are proud that our mothers and sisters sacrifice for the country but did not submit . I would not say they were raped , I would say they were violated. They were glorified citizens of Bangladesh. My heart felt salute to those immortals. Now , you go and scratch your that part of the body where sun never shines…you oxymoron. By the way , enjoy the scratching. LOL.that’s all for now. If you need more come cross my path again. Next time I will not be stingy.

      • No One says

        Shafiq Islam @ 48.2

        Every democratic gives it’s citizen freedom of speech and freedom to practice their own religion. But by giving them freedom of speech does not give them right to make derogatory comment against others religions or any religion for that matter.

        Were I live it does. Some countries are “more democratic” than others. So I repeat; “fuck islam”. What are you going to do about my derogatory remarks as pertains to your superstitions? Write me a reply? Do so, it’s free speech.

        • Shafiq Islam says

          Your remark itself defines you’re nothing but a miserable sociopath. I refuse to share my thougths with you until you get a life. Even your name is No One. That’s describes you exactly. Done and over with

          • No One says

            That you fail to understand the literary reference of “No One” does not surprise me in the least. I do find your authoritarian narcissism vaguely amusing. Is this common to all who share your superstitions, or are you the cream that has risen to the top? Off you go now, to prostate yourself to your imaginary being.

      • Agni_B says

        Taslima never made any derogatory remarks- just provided hard facts on Islam
        which can be found in your holy book and Hadith

        Yes, terrorist can have any religion but religion of 99.9% terrorist is Islam

        Not raped but violated???. Have U watched the rape scene as a pimp? BD journalist, H.Right Org. will disagree.
        My mother and sisters fed and sheltered your raped/violated m/sis. My people died to free u from Paki Islamic slavery.

        Look back your ancestry line how 90% of U were Hindus- converted by barbaric Muslim Arabs.
        Taslima broke no laws. She expects this hysterical reaction from Muslims like U. She just got ur Muslim ass on fire. Truth hurts

        • Shafiq Islam says

          What about the remark “Bangladesh is a fucked up country”? If you don’t have a problem with that then your are definitely a Rajakar or Paki. If you are neither of them then you must be a traitor. Shame on you! And again you mentioned not me that Paki raped”your mothers and sisters” so that’s put us alongside patriots . If we were Rajakars then our mothers and sisters would’ve been spared. This is not what people call logic. Maybe , your mother and sisters were not raped but not sure if they were spared. If you don’t know for fact go ask them. If you are a pimp of your own mother and sisters then you know the truth already. Lol

          • says

            What about the remark “Bangladesh is a fucked up country”?

            That is a summary of her opinion. It is what is connected to that, that matters. You are screaming at the cover to a movie without appearing to have watched it.

    • Sahbag andolon kari says

      U fucking dog, look at Hindustan. . (Thanks india for 1971 help. I dont wanna talk about that.. )

      YOU SHOULD OIL YOUR OWN MACHINE. BSF is killing hundrates of human every year in india-bangldesh bordar . Where is your Huminity ? ? One day it’ll be thousands a year. Is it the problem of himduism ? No. Because, islam taught me to respect huminity/non-islamic people. It happens because, You dog have a tail that’ll never be straight.

      #Criminals have no relegion. They use relegion.
      # ISLAM NEVER GIVES THE PERMISSION TO HURT ANY NON-MUSLIM PEOPLE. You’re on your way, i’m on my way. You criticized my ISLAM, we muslim will give you a chance and forgive but, you criticize more and more, islam permits muslim to hurt you.

      #anyone doesn’t blv in islam, no problem. But, He/she doesn’t have the r8 to criticize ISLAM.

      • No One says


        and in the same paragraph:

        ou criticized my ISLAM, we muslim will give you a chance and forgive but, you criticize more and more, islam permits muslim to hurt you.

        Two contradictory statements in one paragraph. Is this what islam does to your brain, denude it of logic? Please forgive me Mr. muslim, give me a chance don’t hurt me. What a pompous authoritarian ass.

    • Shafiq Islam says

      Yes, my parents did not prevent me from coming into this world, they rather planned to bring me into this beautiful world. And they raised me appropriately to be a human being. And I didn’t disappoint them. You’re definitely just the byproduct of two individuals wilderness. If you ever meet them then please ask them whether you were meant to be produced or simply byproduct. Then you might find your identity

    • Dark Knight says


      My earlier thoughts above on your opinion actually now proves my point, that you must have been abused and molested by your parents and peers! Such unfortunate up bringing has given you this cry for freedom and with out understanding gets true meaning you insult others and society for your misfortune.

      Defending, promoting, swearing and supporting hatred, doesn’t make you any better person, it takes one to know one.

      • says

        You are still not being specific so its impossible to see how your conclusions are warranted.

        Which words above?

        Why does being molested (even if true) make an argument incorrect when I have yet to actually see you try to argue with someone? All you do is toss around emotion and say things are this or that.

        You are not a very convincing person.

  40. MSN ALI says

    dhormio onubhuti te aghat kore andolon egono jabe na. andoloner , mool chabita tahole Ki , chalonan shokti kon tele chole , amra ashole ki chai , edesher alo batashe jara amra lalito palito, amra desher jonno , ki dekte chai , amra jara muktijuddo dekkechi 1971 , dekkechi , okkane amara shob rajniti chariye ekta proyasher dikke eguchhilam sheta hocche amra maar kkhete arr raji chilam na , ar er jonno juddo korte amra didha korini . aajey torunra , jodi edeshe thakte chay bachte chai , kichu korte chay , tahole , sristishil chintar modhe diey , andolon ke jagroto koro , amader 1971 er bostha poch jirno slogun bhule jaw , nutan , nutan slogan , chobi , natok , shahitto , niey mete otto , shetay andolon , shahbagher chitkar jodi theme jay othoba thamiye dey , tobe nijer kache nijhe , protigga boddo how jeno , amra tinta bhab niey kokhono compromise na kori , shotto , shundor ar sristikorta. ey tin ta jinisher bikash theke amader deshta boncchito, karon ache , sheta ekhane blar bishoy noy , ponero theke poitrish bochhor boyosh jader , tara jeno kichutey mene na ney je , procholito rajniti dhormoniti , shongkritir dhara , shothik ebong obbaertho , . Bishwas korte shikte hobe je amader nobinder jeta dabi , sheta mene neay ey desher bobhishot ujjol aar arombhor purno hobe , hote bayddo . aar jodi , hotash hoey poro , takiye dekko , yeneb, bahrain , tunisia , algeria , egypt arr libya’r dikke , boka sheje theko na, buddiman how , shotik kaaj koro , andolon take underground niey jao , procholita dhara, oshushto dhara , oshushto niti, obosh shorkar , borbor rajniti manina manbo na. jibon diyeo na. JOY BANGLA!

  41. Roman says

    Actually u Taslima, fucked-up from BD, that’s why you told BD like thate, you have very little knowledge, and being that u have a very strong ambition to get popular, and u did what u did, it’s human nature. And U fucked-up!!!

  42. Tyson Kidd says

    sotti apnar shahosher proshongsha krte hoy…shahosh thakle ekbar bd ashen….rajibre to koetay marse..apnare pura deshbashi marbo…lojja lage na eisob bolte apnr!!!shikkha hoy nai desh theika bitarito hoar por o!!!asolei apni manusher moddhe ki Allah er srishti kono makhlukater moddheo pren nah..apni ghrinno chilen n thakben..dont ever try to say ny bad thing about our Bangladesh…tui mor jaia..slut kothakar..tor bap ma o tore jonmo diya gunah krse….beshorom…….shun r jiboneo amr desher name ektao baje kotha bolbi nah…r amdr islam k niye kisu bolbi na…tui vabsos india jaia shorgo paia gesos…magi tr shorgo sob chutbo ekdin…ghrinno nari tora….ghrinni toder jaat…..Laa..Naat…

  43. shahi says

    Its not yet confirmed who killed Rajib. Jmaat is fighitng police, RAB, BGB and Awamiligue at this momment. They did not target any individual in particular till now. Who knows may be the assassination was carried out by government to ignite the movement. Government already successfully put those kids at war against Jamaat. Whereas its the job of the government to fight Jamaat.
    Why we expect inncocent kids to fight Jamaat when we voted the governement in the office to carry out those fights. I think Governement is giving Jammat opportunities to bomb this crowd at shahbag so government’s failure of last 4 years can be diverted into something else and next election come easy to them. Otherwise knowing jamaat could do anything at this mommnet for the survival why would the government allow so many young fellows to gather at Shahbag and continue to stay there 24/7 for weeks. So many of those young people do not even belong to any political party. They made it clear so many times. Then why the government would allow them to gradually go against a particular political party. Why would the government open a new warfrront against jamaat led by innocent young people. Fighting Jamaat is not their job. They did not even know that they were going to start a fight against jamaat when they first started their protest. They were protesting the government for playing with verdict of the war crime trial. Now what are we witnessing. Its not the Awamiligue or Chhatraleague or any other political parties fighting Jamaat. Its the young people at Shahbag who are calling the fight. When government forces like police, rab, dgfi, bdr with all kinds of arms, ammuniation and menpower are failing to fight jamaat then why these young, innocent people who barely have any political affiliation would fight jammat. Who is getting this game played. Why this easy target would have to be the main target of government’s main enimy.
    Don’t you think Awamiligue wants jamaat to take the opportunity of such a easy target. Is not this an entrapment?
    Just think about it..

  44. Bangladeshi says

    First of all, ur not even worth the word “hit” because hitting u would contaminate any person.
    Second of all, why the fucking hell would you insult an entire country (ur own country where u were born and brought up by the sound of things) because of a few idiots? that makes u the biggest idiot!
    And i agree 100% with the people who have insulted you in their comments, and I definitely agree with the people who banned you from our country! We deserve sooo much better than the likes of you, and Bangladesh is a 1000 times better off because you were kicked out of it!
    Have a good life and go screw yourself!
    And I am sorry that I just wasted the last few minutes of my life reading and reacting to your idiotic fucking bullshit!

    • Yajna says

      What is the name of Bangladesh actually? As far as I know it is ‘People’s republic of Bangladesh’. its name says that it is a democratic country. What is ‘democracy’ in your terms? Should an ideal democratic country respect the fatwas of any fanatic ? The answer is ‘NO’.
      This your dumbness and the country’s ill fate (that they have not realized yet) that they did not respect ‘Democracy’just because a handful of fundamentalists and their supporters (who themselves do not know what exactly is written in the books).

      Taslima has every right to write whatever she has written so far. She belongs to a very strong literary and scientific background. She can understand the problems with all religions. She has researched with an open mind on that and could see those flaws, that you can not see or are not willing to see.

      She had opened her eyes during her childhood and learned to ask a question “WHY ?” . this ‘WHY?’ has traveled with her all the times and she became the person she is today – learned and wise. When she started writing her columns in the news papers, the fanatics like you, named her a ‘whore’. Why? just because she voiced the problems of women – which are created by your society? ” She started realizing that the root cause of the problems is as a whole ‘ our religion’ . She took up her pen and started pointing out the causes so that you can relize them as well and modify your thoughts accordingly… you know what?? this was for your own good. I feel so very sorry for you that you would never be able to understand or rectify the issues that is embedded in you. I dont know what keeps your eyes still closed…. it is so tightly closed that i cant even imagine when on earth that day will come… the day of true secularism… the day when human beings would be human beings no matter what… i really wish…

  45. righteous says

    Please keep your fucked up ideas to yourself. i don’t like extremism either and nor am i an atheist. i like to believe your religion is what you believe it to be but do not blame Islam on what is wrong with this world. people are solely to blame here. people have taken Islam and used it to carry out heinous acts. you seem educated enough so for your sake do not blame Islam for this. blame extremists like is normal.

    • says

      Why are her ideas fucked up? Why should she not blame Islam when the people she is discussions say they are Muslims and represent Islam? Why are you here instead of taking the reputation of Islam from the ones cutting peoples heads off.

      I have no reason to believe you over terrorists when you say they are not Muslims. I just see that Muslims are sometimes terrorists like lots of other people.

  46. mimu says

    All I see you are Fucked UP By so many people as you told in your life history book.If your father protect him before start F*** with your mother then Shaitan not able to ADD the Sin in your fathers sperm. But now it seems that you are created with mixture of Saitan+human and you do what Saitan Ask you ot do and think.

    • says

      How is any of this related to Taslima’s words? I choose to believe that you are simply mad and have nothing but emotions and no arguments until you prove otherwise. A person with facts would not have to try to pretend that magic sperm and such mean anything…

  47. Anis says

    Taslima you are totally lost. Do you have any idea what are you talking about? you are a FUCKING BITCH that is why you are talking like that……..

    • Dark Knight says

      It is clear and obvious as always Taslima has taken full advantage of the cause in Bangladesh by deliberately inciting religious hatred and inflaming the situation.

      She is not really a women’s right activist, or cares about these or any other issues. Those who think otherwise are deluded and need their head examined.

      History has shown people that a true in their belief, cause and right deeds, stand their ground and fight. Not run away like a coward and chat from a distance.

      Her writing, as well as this web page is purely on economical grounds. The story sells and every site visit and click makes money for her and her supporters.

      If you really care in freedom, want to see justice and bring about real change, then spread the message of peace, compassion and unity. This is what earned Bangladesh its freedom, a country of opportunity.

      Boycott this site, stop wasting your valuable time and thoughts on a worthless person. As she is laughing all the way to the bank!

  48. Nepenthe says

    Huh. Judging by the comments here you can add misogynistic to that title as well.

    I’m not surprised, just saddened.

  49. Milton says

    Thank you Shafiq, I’m repeating your word. She is nothing but a slut.
    “How can you be a fan of her writing ? She’s nothing but an ignorant slut. She has no knowledge about anyother religion besides islam whatsoever . If she had she would mock about them also. There are fanatics or supremacists in every religion not only in is Islam. Some are far more worse than those of Islamists . All she needs to do is to learn the history of the world and present day world. I know it’s gonna be difficult for her since she’s too busy fulfilling her biological needs anyway she can. She’s nothing but a slut. All she wants is that cheap publicity because she’s so limited.All I can say about her is that she’s a biased whore.” — Well said.

    • says

      Thank you Shafiq, I’m repeating your word. She is nothing but a slut.

      Same for you. How does sexual activity change the content of her arguments. You are irrational.

        • says

          Not really. You put the fact that she did something sexual in nature as a reason to not read her words. That makes no sense because the correctness or incorrectness of a persons words has nothing to do with anyone being a slut or not.

          Words are correct or incorrect on their own. Have courage and address them instead of using nonsense.

  50. Taru Dutt says

    Thank you, Taslimadi, for your frank, heartfelt, outspoken comments. There are many haters here who would like to dismiss your legitimate anger and sense of outrage at what happened to Mr. Haidar, by pointing to your use of the F word. This is a rather sad attempt at red herringery. The F word was necessary to describe how angry, sad and disappointed you felt at Mr. Haidar’s murder, and what it says about the power of the forces of fanaticism in Bangladesh,and anyone claiming to be a decent human being must share your feelings. Thank you so much for expressing them, and for not mincing your words. Please, please ignore those who would seek to douse your blazing voice into some little unthreatening lamp whose glow they can control to suit their own narrow limitations, who wish to destroy your intensity and vigour and life and bring you down to a tame level at which they feel more comfortable. You cannot be ruled, cannot be contained, by these petty minds. You are far stronger, and freer, than they ever will dare to be.

    You have always spoken the truth without fear or favour. People are so, so afraid of the truth that they seek to silence the messenger or force her to sugarcoat her words. Don’t let yourself be silenced. You are a woman warrior, and long after your haters, who include not only the rankest of religious bigots but also the crudest and most vicious of misogynists, have been consigned to the dustbins of history, your voice will continue to ring out, clear and true.

    Love and support, dear Taslimadi.

  51. Shafiq Islam says

    Jamaat-Shibir,War criminals in Bangladesh ,Terrorists and Atheists:I despise jamaat- Shibir as much as anybody if not more. They should be banned from politics. No argument ,period. They’re menace to the society. They should be uprooted. Govt. Should take initiative and people must follow. Rewrite the constitution if that’s what is necessary then just do that. Because majority of the people want them to be banned from politics. And throw book at them for their past deeds. Justice will be served. As for war criminals, I want them to be executed. No compromise. They even don’t deserve fair trial. What fair trial those so called humanitarian activists are talking about. Where were they when these animals did their heinous crimes against humanity, killing 3m innocent civilians including children and raped 200k women of all ages. What a travesty!!.if this government for some reason fails to execute them all , I never want to see them in power even though I am a Awami-leaguer and Bongobondhu is my idol. That will fail them miserably fulling their promise. And will be a shame for the country as a whole . And as for the terrorists , they should be wipe out from the face of the earth. No otherway around. Joy Bangla, Shahbagh Andolon Zindabad

  52. Shafiq Islam says

    My view to Atheists : I do not have any problem with people’s beliefs, thoughts or sexual preferences as long as they are not harmful to the society. And I have problem when they spew hatred and become prejudice . I have problem when someone doesn’t defend his country. Not defending one’s country is cowardice and selfish. And supporting someone who spew hatred and try to defame your country is an act of treason. If you have corrupt government or a tyrant in the power then you stand against it. It’s not only justifiable it’s your duty to your country to make a stand against it. Raise your voice, revolt, fight if necessary to over throw them. But never ever go against your country and don’t let anybody do any harm to your country in any shape or form. Remember country doesn’t owe us anything, you owe to the country because she was here before us. This is Mark twain quoted not me. If a particular group of people are thread to our country let’s fight them together. When it concern the we the people should be one unit which is the citizens of the country. Not Hindus , Muslims , Christians, buddists , believers or non believers. In this case this particular group is Jammat-Shibir ,let’s fight them together hand in hand. And if we can do that Jamaat-Shibir doesn’t have a chance. We definitely can banish them forever if we stop spewing hatted to each other. Now, let’s bring Taslima Nasreen for on last time. She said,””Bangladesh is a fucked up country”let me say . why it should bother us and condemn her. We, each and everyone is an element of the country. So, we the people are the country. Isn’t it? So, who she called fucked up exactly. You be the judge. No hurt feelings to anyone. Best regards to all the true citizens of Bangladesh and her well-wisher .

    • No One says

      You have misquoted (or incorrectly paraphrased) Mark Twain, try this instead:

      “Each must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, and which course is patriotic and which isn’t. You cannot shirk this and be a man. To decide it against your convictions is to be an unqualified and inexcusable traitor, both to yourself and to your country, let men label you as they may. If you alone of all the nation shall decide one way, and that way be the right way according to your convictions of the right, you have done your duty by yourself and by your country–hold up your head! You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

      He would be describing Taslima perhaps? She decided herself what was right and what was wrong while she resided in her country and spoke out. By those standards she is a true patriot.

      As critical as Samuel Clemons (Mark Twain) was of religion and superstition, I’m amused that you would quote him, however badly.

      Here is another quote for you:

      “In religion and politics people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing.”

      – Mark Twain’s auto biography.

    • says

      All those words and you were still lazy.


      “Bangladesh is a fucked up country”

      Is a summary of her argument. When you merely attack that you are attacking nothing. Address her points.

  53. sahan says

    The hardest thing in this world is to correct ownself & the easiest thing is to talk bull-shit about others…. Surely all of you will get what you desreve at the very eve of realization……

  54. Noor Hossain says

    You are fucky women. So you think, every one is fucky. Bangladesh is your birthday place. You should not say this kind of talk. Bangladesh is our home land and I proud for this.@ Taslima Nasreen

  55. Bobby Roy says

    Please don’t say our country fucked up. If there is something fucked that is your thick head. You are nothing but a attention seeking street hooker. You might have few pimp but I think Shah Deeldar doing the best job. Bravo.

    • says

      Why are her words wrong?

      Since you make no effort at actually explaining anything I will assume you are simply mad and looking for anything that will take her words away from the eyes of others. If she was a hooker how would that make her words wrong? There is no logic here…

  56. Unpredictable says

    Fucked up people always thinks, everyone is fucked up. What I say, Mr. or Mrs.! Taslima Nasrin ever tried to earn publicity with the help of unrealistic, unsubstantial & bizarre types of topic. Could you please stop your stupidity!!!

  57. says

    I do not know who these people are. Many of them claim or sound like they are from the Shahbag movement. If they are Islamists, fine. They are hopeless. But it is very alarming if the defenders of Islam and the filthy misogynists who are abusing me here are the people from the current Shahbag movement and are considered the most ”progressive people” of Bangladesh.

      • Dark Knight says

        It is clear and obvious as always Taslima has taken full advantage of the cause in Bangladesh by deliberately inciting religious hatred and inflaming the situation.

        She is not really a women’s right activist, or cares about these or any other issues. Those who think otherwise are deluded and need their head examined.

        History has shown people that a true in their belief, cause and right deeds, stand their ground and fight. Not run away like a coward and chat from a distance.

        Her writing, as well as this web page is purely on economical grounds. The story sells and every site visit and click makes money for her and her supporters.

        If you really care in freedom, want to see justice and bring about real change, then spread the message of peace, compassion and unity. This is what earned Bangladesh its freedom, a country of opportunity.

        Boycott this site, stop wasting your valuable time and thoughts on a worthless person. As she is laughing all the way to the bank!

        Hint! Hint! Look at her carefully chosen words, very subtle.

        • says

          Well done Taslima for reporting this. I think this entire comment thread proves that your voice is important and more voices are needed to speak for people who grow up in this sort of mess.

          Islam is in a dark age and people like Taslima are the ones who speak out against it. If their voice is silenced then the dark age will continue and worst of all? It will make casualties of many of us.

    • says

      I distrust all who make excuses for suffering and death. I distrust all who replace a persons words and meaning with exaggerations that do not match reality. I distrust those who think that sex or gender or sexual activity somehow make a persons words magically disappear as if they were children in the mind.

      It is clear whose words have value. That is why they are here.

  58. Bobby Roy says

    Ms Nasrin there is no difference between you and those fanatic. You are both haters. You both spread hatred. You should sit down in dark room and think a little bit. Do you have a heart I don’t think so. You are so lonely and sad. Don’t spread hatred just a little advice. It won’t make u happy.

    • No One says

      No difference? Tell me how many people has Taslima beheaded? She has the courage of her convictions, as opposed to the dogma (for the most part) displayed here. She has pulled the nationalist, religionist underbelly of Bangladesh kicking and screaming into the daylight so that all may see it for what it truly is; the psyche of a mal-adapted child with the strength and ability of a psychotic adult.

      • Bobby Roy says

        You tell me how many people got beheaded in Bangladesh for religious purpose. Of course there is few crazy fanatics. But they are only less than 0.5%. More than 99% people in Bangladesh live in peace with each other. We are proud we are living together Hindu Muslim Christian buddihist peacefully for long time. Only few fanatics try to damage this love. On the other hand people like Dr Nasrin and you also do the same thing like them in different kind of way. You guys also spread hatred in the country and damage our love. Fanatics do it because they are crazy and blind and also lack of education. But you guys do it to earn your own benefit. You guys don’t care that your act is really harmful to the society and damage more our country. And you know that very well. You can be atheist or whatever that’s ur choice and many people are. You have to stop now. Stop spreading hatred and leave our country alone. Our country is not fucked up never been. It’s a great country with great people. Our people work so hard with so little resources. People like u and those half paki rajakar just shut the fuck off now. You are both the same who hate our beloved country. So just shut the fuck up.

        • No One says

          You guys also spread hatred in the country and damage our love.

          Followed by this in the same paragraph:

          People like u and those half paki rajakar just shut the fuck off now.

          Cognitive dissonance.

          • Bobby Roy says

            Please stop calling my country fucked up coz its not. Fanatics and you guys are only one percent. We are the 99%. So just leave us alone and my country. We are doing just fine. Taslima Nasreen should be ashamed of herself. She did not contribute anything to our country so these rajakar aswell. She is a bad example of women and a waste of life.

    • says

      You ignored what No One said. Let me try.

      Ms Nasrin there is no difference between you and those fanatic.

      Fanatic= person who cut off heads.
      Taslima= not a person who cut off heads.

      Therefore you are wrong. Period.

      You are both haters. You both spread hatred.
      That might be true, but what matter is should we hate the thing that Tsalima hates? I think we should. You need to say why we are wrong.

      You should sit down in dark room and think a little bit. Do you have a heart I don’t think so. You are so lonely and sad. Don’t spread hatred just a little advice. It won’t make u happy.

      I think its more likely that thinking made her say the things she said.

  59. shoma says

    excuse me everyone…

    Firstly I pray to Allah to bless her with sense.
    She is a mentally ill woman with a family history, please ignore her.
    Read this, it might help
    and she being a atheist is actually a disgrace to their kind. LoL. I wonder how many she slept with to get those worthless awards. and can someone please explain me why she wrote this piece? is it to critisize Islam. If its so, no one should bother to debate with her cz she doest seem to have any idea about the religion infact no regilion. dont tell me this is because she is concerned about Bangladesh. She should be acused of being a Rajakar, for writing shits about Our Bangladesh

    “T te toslima
    tui rajakar
    tui rajakar”

    • Yajna says

      Do you know for what Dr. Taslima Nasreen (Yes I would like to call her a Doctor as she is one, which is much more than being just ‘Ms. or Mrs. ‘) has gotten those awards? I am sure you do not know. I think you should go ahead and do a research on these.

      Basically you are so ignorant, misogynist and escapist, that you yourself prove by posting this comment that you are unaware of the rest of the world, other than your own pothole.

      I am surprised to see the comments of you people, who ever is abusing her. In all the places I see that you directly name her slut, whore etc etc when she just writes the truth.

      I am very keen to know from you that which word she has written here is incorrect? Also, everyone should keep in mind that this is a BLOG where we can have a fair discussion about our thought process. If you disagree with her you can write that in a proper manner.

      She is a person who is adored worldwide. Her blog is visited by millions of her readers from different countries. Just think that what message you are passing to them about you people and your culture.

      you are so foul mouthed that one will think ten times before he/she begins a relation with you guys.

      Forget about others, you see yourself that up to what extent you are uneducated.

      Knowing English language and posting the comments in English does not mean that you are educated.

      Education and awareness is something else – something big – something enormous.

      Your comments convey a picture that shows how much your eyes are closed with the glue of religion and also you guys lack confidence and effeciency to analyse and face the situation.

      Solely immature, uneducated and worthless people you are.

      You are ignore the facts and impose the beliefs, which is completely against the progress.

      You should be proud that this lady, who belongs to your country, has earned so much honor worldwide.

      You should thank her as even after being so much humiliated by your countrymen, she has not put her pen down, she kept writing for you, you and only you. If you have read her books (Though i think you have not, else you just read bu did not understand the matter), you must have known how much love she has for her motherland.

      Stop being so foolish people. Otherwise later you won’t even be in a position to regret.

    • Dark Knight says

      It is clear and obvious as always Taslima has taken full advantage of the cause in Bangladesh by deliberately inciting religious hatred and inflaming the situation.

      She is not really a women’s right activist, or cares about these or any other issues. Those who think otherwise are deluded and need their head examined.

      History has shown people that a true in their belief, cause and right deeds, stand their ground and fight. Not run away like a coward and chat from a distance.

      Her writing, as well as this web page is purely on economical grounds. The story sells and every site visit and click makes money for her and her supporters.

      If you really care in freedom, want to see justice and bring about real change, then spread the message of peace, compassion and unity. This is what earned Bangladesh its freedom, a country of opportunity.

      Boycott this site, stop wasting your valuable time and thoughts on a worthless person. As she is laughing all the way to the bank!

      • No One says

        History has shown people that a true in their belief, cause and right deeds, stand their ground and fight. Not run away like a coward and chat from a distance.

        Being beheaded is so noble. Care to lead by example?

        • Dark Knight says

          Study history and you will find endless examples!

          Being a coward doesn’t mean you are right and care for others. It just shows you are selfish and care for yourself, which by definition is trait of a coward!

          • No One says

            You mean like the Dali Lama, Ruhollah Khomeini, Yasser Arafat, and Charles DeGaul? They all lived in exile. By your sloppy standard they are all cowards. If this is what passes for reasoning in your land Taslima is right, it is fucked up.

          • Dark Knight says

            You certainly lack historical knowledge! Couldn’t you find better examples of prominent figures, that really made change to culture, race and the world!

            Limited in vocabulary, limited in thoughts!

            Hint! Hint! Dr Martin Luther King, Malcom X, Khaled bin Walid, Ghandi, Mujib…

            Once a wimp, always a wimp! That’s cowards for you.

          • No One says

            The truth is that both examples, the ones I cited and yours, are of people who have influenced the world through their convictions. That you are unable to concede that people of influence have at times been forced to live in exile and still have been able to influence the world (for better or for worse) shows a lack of reasoned logical thought and maturity on your part. I would suggest reading Sun Tzu look to the sections on “advancing to the rear”, commonly known as a strategic retreat.

            “Once a wimp, always a wimp” What a laughable statement. And utterly untrue.

          • Agni_B says

            @ No One

            Not fair. Lend him your copy .He will never find Sun Tzu in Madrasa or Mosque, They only keep Quran which
            they memorise without understanding a word of Arabic

            ,No doubt, he is familiar with Mohammed Caravan raid and ambush technique

            I don’t wish to offer him Arthasastra’ by Chanakya. He won’t read ,it is not halal

    • says

      Firstly I pray to Allah to bless her with sense.
      Evidence that this does anything?

      She is a mentally ill woman with a family history, please ignore her.
      Read this, it might help
      and she being a atheist is actually a disgrace to their kind.

      Why does any of that make her wrong about the specific words on this page even if any of that is true? I doubt we agree on sexual morality anyway. You have no arguments and have to resort to emotions.

      I wonder how many she slept with to get those worthless awards.

      and can someone please explain me why she wrote this piece? is it to critisize Islam. If its so, no one should bother to debate with her cz she doest seem to have any idea about the religion infact no regilion. dont tell me this is because she is concerned about Bangladesh. She should be acused of being a Rajakar, for writing shits about Our Bangladesh

      You can ask her why she wrote it. But I would start by reading it because it does not look like you have read it.

  60. pallab says

    First of all, humiliating other people’s believe in a nasty way is not the best thing an activist should do.

    Taslima Nasrin never wanted good for women in Bangladesh, she just wanted to be famous by quick and dirty cheap anti-islamic propaganda. Show us a single effort Taslima took to improve womens’ life in Bangladesh, she just wanted free sex and free life to be established in Bangladesh, putting the blame of her own recklessness to men.

    It is not true that Bangladesh is intolerant about others’ believe, we live in peace with our hindu brothers years together. Taslima’s comment “Rajib was killed by Islamic people” is inappropriate, police don’t know who killed him yet, this government has no control on the law and order whatsoever.

    • says

      First of all, humiliating other people’s believe in a nasty way is not the best thing an activist should do.
      Why? It brought you here? Sometimes you need to make people upset to change the world. I notice you have said nothing about why she is wrong.

      Taslima Nasrin never wanted good for women in Bangladesh, she just wanted to be famous by quick and dirty cheap anti-islamic propaganda.

      Show us a single effort Taslima took to improve womens’ life in Bangladesh, she just wanted free sex and free life to be established in Bangladesh, putting the blame of her own recklessness to men.

      It is not true that Bangladesh is intolerant about others’ believe, we live in peace with our hindu brothers years together. Taslima’s comment “Rajib was killed by Islamic people” is inappropriate, police don’t know who killed him yet, this government has no control on the law and order whatsoever.
      Some people in Bangladesh believe different and they are giving you a bad name. Go argue with them because they are making your country look bad and you can criticize a country that does not remove its criminals.

  61. janiceintoronto says

    Well if your government has “no control on the law and order whatsoever.” I’d have to say it’s probably a pretty fucked up place, as lawless places tend to be.

  62. Rumi says

    It is outrageously unethical and plain and simple wrong to publish an unrelated photo to dramatize the article. The photo in the article is not of blogger Rajib. Blogger’s Rajib’s photo with stab wounds in the neck has been published in many mainstream newspapers and it was the profile photo of many co-bloggers of Rajib.

    Whose beheaded body is this? Can you please tell the readers?

    And you all claim moral superiority? Call Bangladesh fucked up? Who is fucked up?

  63. rainbow says

    peoples like you, are continuously fucking this country.who does not know how to respect other’s religion what ever they r HINDU, MUSLIM, CRISCHIAN, BUDDHIST. PEOPLE LIKE YOU( TASLIMA NASRIN) only know how to hate… and people who kill peoples and do all kind of violence are not MUSLIMS.. the are terrorist… she is totally a pointless and confused woman who even does not know the difference between TERRORISM AND ISLAM. PLEASE STUDY WELL, KNOW ISLAM AND THEN COMMENT. DO NOT CONFUSED PEOPLE WITH UR COW-DUNG HEAD PLEASE MISS TASLIMA NASRIN

  64. Scr... Archivist says

    These comments reminded me of a recent post by Ophelia, in which she quotes 19th century British philosopher John Stuart Mill. In a post on February 16, she included the following:

    With regard to what is commonly meant by intemperate discussion, namely invective, sarcasm, personality, and the like, the denunciation of these weapons would deserve more sympathy if it were ever proposed to interdict them equally to both sides; but it is only desired to restrain the employment of them against the prevailing opinion: against the unprevailing they may not only be used without general disapproval, but will be likely to obtain for him who uses them the praise of honest zeal and righteous indignation. Yet whatever mischief arises from their use, is greatest when they are employed against the comparatively defenceless; and whatever unfair advantage can be derived by any opinion from this mode of asserting it, accrues almost exclusively to received opinions.

    I recommend the entire post, over at Butterflies and Wheels. And I would add that unreflective patriotism is an example of a prevailing opinion. Those of you who love Bangladesh have much bigger challenges than a few bad words on the internet. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

    Oh, and for the record, Ms. Nasreen also criticizes religions other than Islam. In the last month she has had posts that criticize the Pope himself, some Christian women politicians from the U.S., and fundamentalists of all stripes. This stuff is not difficult to find.

  65. Shafiq Islam says

    Did you try to find whether it’s Rajib’s body or not? Did you try to find out the credibility of the site? You did not bother, right? Or you have much faith in them. Or it’s your own site? Or you are an accomplice of them. I think, you and them work together. You and them have same goal which is destruction. Someday someone will take your veil off. That’s for sure. Then under whose sheet you gonna hide?

    • No One says

      Here’s an idea. Why don’t you provide evidence on whether or not the photo is authentic? Or are you just an arm of the Bangladeshi secret police sent here to discredit Taslima’s post? Or are all of the negative postings here just you under different names? It seems that all of you and your sock puppets have the same goal, the repression of the truth. It seems that people are taking the veil off, and you don’t like it.

      • Shafiq Islam says

        This Is not the same picture I have seen on Bd tvs and newspaper. And heard from people who has seen it? But don’t tell me you know better unless you’re the culprit who did it.

          • Asha says

            Look brony u stupid fatherless son of a prostitute. Every single person is avoiding ur mental paychic naggings. Yet u choose to continue. Get the fuck out of here and find a way to ur whore

      • Shafiq Islam says

        I always search for the truth. Never try to hide from it or run away from it. Whether I always get it or not that’s another story. I failed countless time in my life. I been wrong so many times on so many issues but its not because of my sincerity but could be my lacks(inteligence). But let me tell you something, I am nobody’s puppet,that I can say with conviction. And I am fortunate enough that I live In a free society in s free country. Which has the best existing system in the world.some might argue. But in my eyes , she’s the best. But by no means , it’s perfect, far from it. And far away from this bloggers. I just took part in out of case find someone dumber than me . Have I found someone? That’s stays within me.

        • says

          I always search for the truth. Never try to hide from it or run away from it.

          Then answer some questions. Specifically what is your reason for not believing her source. What is your source for information and why is it better?

      • rulzneverdie says

        No One, I really liked the fact how you are sucking her dick.. But my friend, she doesn’t produce good sperm -go somewhere else.

        • Shafiq Islam says

          Experienced it first hand? It did not taste good? Did you throw up? Or smell really bad? But as far as I know people like you are used to consume stinky stuff. By the way I was hoping to find you. Got it?

          • rulzneverdie says

            Shafiq bro, you got it all wrong. No One likes sucking Taslima’s dick [which is why he’s kissing her ass] when everyone knows a tranny doesn’t produce good sperm…

        • No One says

          “You are the misfiring flagellum, of a virus infested bacterium, flailing in the puss of a syphilitic pimple, on the ass of a blind one-legged scab covered pig.”

          See guys… That’s what a real insult looks like.

          So please give me a bit more of your sexual repressed, madonna/whore, homophobic insults. You can tell much about a fellow by the quality of his insults.

          • Shafiq Islam says

            I am laughing my lungs out… Let me break a news :Taslima Nasreen got syphilis and she blamed her ex-husband. And it’s fact. Anyway I did not break any news. Everybody knows it.

          • says

            Its funny. These are not even insults. They do nothing to change her words that they dare not quote and explain. All they can do is go on about body parts and fluids like obsessed children.

            She gets their attention for a reason. She has power over them or they would not be here. What might that power be? It must be something in her post since they try to hard to avoid that.

    • Dark Knight says

      Hey No one, No brains;

      Did see and count the hundreds and thousands of innocent women, children and men’s, dead bodies in Iraq, when USA & it’s allies the West bombed it!?

      Did you see and count the continued killing in Afghanistan by USA & it’s allies the West, as they stroll the streets to this day!?

      Did you see and count the thousands of dead bodies of innocent people in Lebanon, while Israel bombed with the help of USA!?

      Do you not see the deliberate provocation by Israel in occupied Palestine and the huge wall cutting of vital aid and supply…!?

      Who’s counting those bodies!? Talk is cheap!

      If you deny this facts and truth, then you might as well be deaf, dumb and blind!

      • No One says

        You forgot Hiroshima, and the American Indians. Iraq? No business being there in my opinion. Afganistan? Should have ended in Tora Bora. Israel? I have no particular love for their foreign policy, or judaism.

        Learn to control your temper, you will think clearer that way.

  66. Bobby Roy says

    You tell me how many people got beheaded in Bangladesh for religious purpose. Of course there is few crazy fanatics. But they are only less than 0.5%. More than 99% people in Bangladesh live in peace with each other. We are proud we are living together Hindu Muslim Christian buddihist peacefully for long time. Only few fanatics try to damage this love. On the other hand people like Dr Nasrin and you also do the same thing like them in different kind of way. You guys also spread hatred in the country and damage our love. Fanatics do it because they are crazy and blind and also lack of education. But you guys do it to earn your own benefit. You guys don’t care that your act is really harmful to the society and damage more our country. And you know that very well. You can be atheist or whatever that’s ur choice and many people are. You have to stop now. Stop spreading hatred and leave our country alone. Our country is not fucked up never been. It’s a great country with great people. Our people work so hard with so little resources. People like u and those half paki rajakar just shut the fuck off now. You are both the same who hate our beloved country. So just shut the fuck up.

  67. Bobby Roy says

    You tell me how many people got beheaded in Bangladesh for religious purpose. Of course there is few crazy fanatics. But they are only less than 0.5%. More than 99% people in Bangladesh live in peace with each other. We are proud we are living together Hindu Muslim Christian buddihist peacefully for long time. Only few fanatics try to damage this love. On the other hand people like Dr Nasrin and you also do the same thing like them in different kind of way. You guys also spread hatred in the country and damage our love. Fanatics do it because they are crazy and blind and also lack of education. But you guys do it to earn your own benefit. You guys don’t care that your act is really harmful to the society and damage more our country. And you know that very well. You can be atheist or whatever that’s ur choice and many people are. You have to stop now. Stop spreading hatred and leave our country alone. Our country is not fucked up never been. It’s a great country with great people. Our people work so hard with so little resources. People like u and those half paki rajakar just shut the fuck off now. You are both the same who hate our beloved country. So just shut the fuck up. PS: Dr Nasrin if u call yourself a writer then write something creative and stop being attention seeking whore.

      • Shafiq Islam says

        Honey, you know why I call you honey because you sound like that. You know what Ieant by that. You smart. So please tell me what’s the proper synonym of “No One”. Is it douchebag or Taslima’s crony or ..never mind.By the way did you asked her or you knew it already. Since you are aka…you know who . Chow.

      • Shafiq Islam says

        Did you ask her how she got her that STD? Was it her polygamy or her ex’s? I know you don’t need to ask. You know it. So you can ignore me. That’s fine and dandy with me.

  68. great1american1satan says

    Excuse me,

    I’m on your side in almost every way, Taslima, but would you mind putting images of death “below the fold”? It’s a similar courtesy to a “trigger warning,” and without it, I don’t see myself ever reading this blog again. Thanks!

      • Shafiq Islam says

        You mean Rajakars(you and your associates) still out there. But not for long, that’s for know what’s awaiting..,,

      • Shafiq Islam says

        By the way, I forgot to ask you one more question. Hope you don’t mind to answer it. What you mean by “doesn’t produce good sperm” that? Couldn’t get you pregnant ? Simply, don’t blame other. Even though that’s what people like you do. Isn’t possible your eggs aren’t fertile enough ? I have a free advice for you go , check with doctor

          • No One says


            That was my point a couple of posts up. You can tell much by the nature of the insult. Most of it is sexually repressed, madonna/whore, and homophobic, with a touch of ancestor denigration. 12 year old boys on the playground stuff. Pretty disappointing. My fingernail clippings are more offensive.

          • Shafiq Islam says

            Bro, I posted for you but went somewhere else. Sloppy me or my finger tips for that matter. What Ieant to say was , no rifts , no hurt feelings. Only love & peace. So long rulzneverdie

          • rulzneverdie says

            Shafiq bro, it’s all good –no worries. We are cool… But lets not waste our valuable time to a pig whore’s mumble babble. Her shit kind of writing will always float around in the society –just tell do we really care? Its just so amusing for us figuring out “dumbass do exist”

      • says

        So desperate aren’t you? Don’t stay here! Anywhere but here so we can fill the page with empty emotions and not have to actually explain anything!

        • Shafiq Islam says

          Are you not the same one I said that your top is all vegetables and bones? Just reappeared after changing name?

  69. leni says

    Go back to momma’s lap babygirl… You shouldn’t be out this early -outside is scary!

    Funny, that is exactly what I think every time I hear a Muslim whining about uncovered women or having a meltdown because someone criticized their ridiculous beliefs.

    Except I don’t call them baby “girls” because I know that having a pair of testicles doesn’t prevent someone from being a whiny asshole who thinks the whole world revolves around them.

    See, if I were to judge that based on the comments here, I’d think having a pair of testicles was a requirement for being an infantile jackass who can’t handle the slightest upset, but thankfully I have more to go on than these assholes.

  70. Bobby Roy says

    Please stop calling my country fucked up coz its not. Fanatics and you guys are only one percent. We are the 99%. So just leave us alone and my country. We are doing just fine. Taslima Nasreen should be ashamed of herself. She did not contribute anything to our country so these rajakar aswell. She is a bad example of women and a waste of life. If you really wanna help our society then write about corruption. This is the only big problem for Bangladesh. Or. Just do us all a favour keep quite stop creating controversy stop looking for attention and finally do not call my country a fucked up country. Please stop now.

    • GodsFavAtheist says

      Bangladesh is my country too, and you know what I am not ashamed of saying it’s fucked up. 1st step of recovery is admitting the problem. Keep denying it, you will only make the problem worse.

      • Bobby Roy says

        Not denying we have no problem. But we have to focus on right things. Smart atheist normally leave other people’s religious faith alone. Fanatics never won in our country not in 71 or 90 or now. And never will. Coz we are 99% who loves to live in peace with everybody. Our people are greatest in the world. Few people like u and ms Nasreen and fanatics are haters. You won’t make any difference.

      • Promzee says

        If we try talking about our problems and finding a solution, these so-called ”peaceful” people will ostracize you. I too think Bangladesh is heading towards a huge disaster and we gotta do something about it instead of fighting each other. I’m a believer in Islam too but I also hate the fact that women are so looked down upon in Islam. I don’t have any grudge against Taslima whatsoever . It’s alright that she’s upset and angry about Bangladesh ’cause she’s been banished from her own country. I haven’t read any of her books so I have no idea what crimes she’s committed against bangladesh. I’m just trying to be neutral and please cut her some slack people. Screaming obscenities won’t make you any better than her.

    • leni says

      That’s nice. Now tell us why she’s wrong about Islamists in Bangladesh and how much it actually matters what the body of Rajib Haider Shuvo looks like?

      Go ahead! And please try to explain this using an argument other than “Taslima Nasrin is a whore”. Unless, of course, “she’s a whore” is the best argument you’ve got?


      You are an asshole, does that make you automatically wrong? Mohammed was a child rapist*, does that make him wrong?

      *Cue meltdown in 5…4….3….2…1…

    • Yajna says

      Even if the photograph is not of Rajib’s it is of some one else’s. Hence this anyway does not change the truth you guys are lawless and awful. Super oxy-morons, who does not want to see and change the situation of this country. Awfully hopeless.

    • patnaikt says

      Do you really believe calling someone whore will solve the problem of your country? If you cannot engage her with arguments that itself shows that you are a big a$$hole period!

  71. Hindulover says

    Convert to hinduism. Ask your countries fellow men and women to convert to Hinduism. We made you free from pakistan all bangladeshi should convert to hinduism…

    • Shafiq Islam says

      Yeah, after doing so I can take my clothes off, get a machete , beheaded thousands, make a garland out of the cut off heads, lashing my tongue out and dance naked , blood dripping off my mouth and I will be worshiped . That’s not what one of your goddess did? Brilliant suggestion!!!!

  72. Tarik says

    Bangladesh is fucked up…oh really? Grapes are sour isn’t it! I don’t want to call you names, because even that will sound to good for you. Some people are saying that if a religion is harmful to people, people should have the right to criticize that religion. Nice, 1.57 billion people has no problem with the so called harm! Some people are going as far as calling for reaper drones to fire hellfire missiles onto Islamist. Let me get the fats right, your hellfire missiles couldn’t defeat some uneducated, poor, brainwashed madrassah graduates in more than 10 years! What will happen if the whole of these 1.57 billion people stand against you? And if you do some research, you’ll find that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Enough proof that Islam is tolerant. The stupids among us who are trying to radicalize things are a mere portion and you must not criticize the religion a s a whole for a small fraction. I do condemn the killing of blogger Rajib, at the same time I do condemn his posts (there is still reasonable doubt that he has posted them).

  73. Shafiq Islam says

    To: All the folks who stand against Taslima-she said , “Bangladesh is a fucked up country” . Big deal? So what? Who cares? Who the fuck is she? Is Bangladesh a fucked up country because someone named Taslima said so? No, never.period. Banladesh is much better than most of the countries. So , who gives a flying fuck on her idiotic comment? Nobody. But if we pay attention to her and her cronies then she gets cheap publicity. And that is her objective her. It’s nothing but money making scheme for her. She doesn’t care whether Bangladesh is fucked up or not. She’s all about me, me and me. She’s not even worthy of a “FART”. Maybe a fart bag which can mak Sound like a fart without any impact. And im another term taking a mole-hill as a mountain. Hope , we all are on the same page .Let’s dump her altogether forever. Storage I am. Best regards

    • says

      We give a fuck. I give a fuck.

      You are so fearful that you have to spend all this effort on empty emotions. You don’t once actually quote something and say why it is wrong. So you rage like an animal.

      But some people are reading her words here. People like me who know how to spread word.

      Until question are actually given answers instead of emotions, I will give a fuck.

  74. GodsFavAtheist says

    I am glad you got the chance to leave the country before you were murdered. I remember that islamist hit that was put upon you. Really saddens me that in the year 2013, people are still dying for believing in facts.

  75. Don Quijote says

    This thread has been very educational. Taslima puts up a post about Bangladesh being a fuck-up country and so many people turn up to prove the point.

      • says

        And you are an intellectual coward. Incapable of quoting a person and connecting ideas to make a point.

        You spew emotions, nothing more. I bet you even buy into the “women are uncontrollable emotional” lie while you reflect that very thing.

  76. ulgaa says

    What a lovely circle jerk of misogynistic stupidity. You vile people really make a person think well of Islam and Bangladesh, NOT!

  77. Janine: Hallucinating Liar says

    Thank you, Taslima Nasreen. This has been educational. Reading the comments of people who are made much more upset about calling a state “fucked up” then by the mob murder of an outspoken atheist, people who are made uneasy by the fact that other do not follow their creed and are not offered unearned respect; seeing the rage being tossed at you.


    And yet this has to be much easier to deal with then the real life comments and threats that you received when you lived in Bangladesh.

    For what it is worth, you have the respect of this “pet”.

  78. mudskipper says

    Dark Knight:

    I have decided that I am going to count the number of times you have trolled this comment thread with the exact same posting. And then I am going to visit this site exactly that number of times to give Taslima some income for putting up with your self-serving twaddle.

    It’s clear to me that the reason you think Taslima should have stood her ground is that you know she would have been executed and silenced forever. Convenient that.

  79. tyro says

    I read through half of the comments and I feel dirty and disgusted. The open misogyny, the abuse, the denialism, and the hatred directed at Taslima rather than at the murderers… If I ran this site, I’d burn all the comments with fire then curl up into a ball and sob.

    I am donating some money to Taslima. I’m not responsible, but kindness, charity and devotion aren’t enough to put up with the level of shit that’s being flung here.

  80. doubtthat says

    Good lord, how wonderful that goofball people believing in fairy tales about Mohammed popped in to justify every negative comment Taslima made. Hell, her post now appears to be a radical understatement concerning the backwards ideology that is Islam.

    But most of all I enjoy the people whining about the use of the phrase “fucked up” to describe Bangladesh, then going into detail about Taslima being a bitch-cunt-whore who needs to be raped. The lack of self-awareness is astonishing.

    Dealing with such offensively destructive god-botherers like these addle-brained Islamicists is a vexing problem. I think the civilized nations of the world need to start a fund to relocate anyone who asks (especially women) from that type of religious barbarism to any functioning nation they prefer-USA, Europe, Japan…etc.

  81. omnicrom says

    I truly am blown away by the amount of really disgusting hatred being spat by the commentators in this thread. If these people are the defenders of Islam then it really goes to show how ugly and fucked up that religion is.

    Talisma I want to post to show my solidarity with you. Don’t let the bastards get you down: every time rot is forced into the open it’s a good thing because the disgusting bullshit that’s on parade in this thread just reinforces your point a thousandfold. You’ve done good work, here and elsewhere, and I wish you the best.

  82. MFHeadcase says

    I can only assume that the reason Taslima has not been swinging a BanHammer with gleeful abandon, is that the people screeching at her help to prove her point.

  83. says

    I see: Pointing out hateful behavior is “inciting hatred” and condemning it is “profiting,” “slandering,” and “taking sides.” Got it.

    Pointing out religiously motivated crimes by religious people can be nullified by saying,”They’re not True and pointing out other crimes. Let me tell you, putting two crimes together does not make either of them less evil.

    When that fails, spewing sexist obscenity and insults nullifies the facts.

    And you wonder why a country that allows this is backwards?

    How about outlawing religiously motivated murder and maiming?

  84. Nick Danger says

    All religions are nonsense. Islam is one of the worst. Never got out of the 7th Century and never will. Barbarians. Incredibly insecure, too, since they feel (not think) that anyone not an idiot mohammedan is a threat. Infants.

  85. says

    OK, now that we’ve dealt with the hateful trolling, what about the main point of the blog post? If you say, “Islam isn’t really like this,” Does that mean you agree that it’s evil to kill people for disagreeing with you about religion? Then why don’t you say so, with equal forcefulness, to the murderers and those who agree with them? Or if you think it’s OK to kill people for disagreeing with you about religious beliefs, admit that you, too, are hateful and evil? Why derail that basic discussion with sexist vulgarity?

  86. taslim uddin mahmud says

    You bustd.. liar, that Dust was killed by his lover it has already proved..Rajib, who was a sexual vulger, he was involved with many dirty girl, deserve no ideology…reactionery and anarchiest in Bangladesh…..

  87. SaimaNK says

    Go f*ck yourself. Who gave you the right to criticize someone’s faith? Being modern doesnt mean to disrespect others beliefs. I am a woman of 21st century, earned my highest degree from a country like the US, still I dont think I am ‘modern’ enough to tease someone’s faith. I despise people like you, who mocks Islam to be in a good book of west countries. Shame on you and thaba babs. An atheist who had a janaaza. Clown!

    • SaimaNK says

      Go f* ck urself. Who gave you or thaba baba to ridicule someone’s faith?does being modern means to mock others? I am a woman of 21st century, i have the highest degree from a country like the US. Still i am not ‘modern’ enough to mock someone’s faith. Kindly just back off. You and people like rajib, an atheist who had a janaaza, clowns!

    • Guy Otten says

      Of course a faith can be criticised and even mocked just like any other idea. There can never be any restriction on the free movement of ideas in a society that is not totalitarian. Some faiths and ideas need criticising more than others because they are so clearly false and dangerous. Islam is in this category. Its origins are mythological ie they have been invented, and its texts encourage antisocial behaviour which we have seen played out. What I am waiting for is a hint of regret, remorse or apology about the brutal and outrageous killing of a brave man

    • rr says


      Who gave you the right to criticize someone’s faith?

      Criticism is how we uncover fraud. Ask yourself why do you care if someone criticizes your faith? Why is faith so fragile that it must be protected from rational inquiry?

      • Guy Otten says

        Every human being has an inalienable right to criticise anything at any time. using obscene language doesnt change this!

      • Saima says

        yes, it does. I am peace loving person and my faith is my pride, my home, my tiny corner of the heart where I find peace. Nobody should spoil it. Besides, I don’t agree using abusive and vulgar languages only to tease a faith is criticism. Have you read Rajib’s blog? will you call that constructive criticism?? First learn what criticism is. Calling someone a womanizer doesn’t say much about that man but certainly say much about you. Using profanity to describe a language, a very sensitive issue of a large portion of people in the world very well says how ‘brilliant’ critics you all are. Live and let live. Mind you own faith..ooops, no faith.

        • Stu says

          “Live and let live”

          Now please scroll up and look at that picture again. Does that look like “live and let live” to you?

    • steve84 says

      Why do unproven beliefs deserve any respect? Get over yourself. Beliefs should be criticized especially hard when they are used to subjugate people which is the case with all extremist religions.

  88. says

    I’d just like to thank all the Muslim supporters who have come into this thread and spoken on behalf of Islam. They’ve done an excellent job of proving Taslima’s point for her.

  89. Stu says

    As for Islam being peaceful, here are some greatest hits (note: this does not necessarily make it any better or worse than any other religion — it’s just the obvious and stupid lying that annoys me).

    Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment.–4:56

    Allah will make disbelievers’ lives miserable in this world and torture them forever after they die. 2:114

    “Fight in the way of Allah.” 2:190, 2:244

    If someone murders your slave, then you get to kill one of his. If it was a male that was killed, you kill one of the killer’s male slaves. If a female, you kill a female. Murder for murder. Slave for slave. It all works out swell with Allah’s wondrous rules. (Oh, and if you don’t follow them, you’ll have the usual painful doom.) 2:178

    “Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you.” 2:190

    Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kill them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. (But if they desist in their unbelief, then don’t kill them.) 2:191-2

    Allah says that you must keep fighting until there is no more persecution and everyone on earth is a Muslim. Then you can stop killing people. 2:193a

    But if there are any wrong-doers around after you’ve killed off all the disbelievers, persecutors and aggressors, then you’ll have to kill them too. 2:193b

    War is ordained by Allah, and all Muslims must be willing to fight, whether they like it or not. 2:216

    If you die fighting for Allah, you’ll be rewarded in heaven. 3:157

    Those who die fighting for Allah will go to heaven. 3:195b

    For disbelievers, We prepare a shameful doom. 4:37

    Allah will bestow a vast reward on those who fight in religious wars. 4:74

    Believers fight for Allah; disbelievers fight for the devil. So fight the minions of the devil. 4:76

    Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them. 4:89

    If the unbelievers do not offer you peace, kill them wherever you find them. Against such you are given clear warrant. 4:91

    Those who make war with Allah and his messenger will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. That is how they will be treated in this world, and in the next they will have an awful doom. 5:33

    Let the idolaters kill their children. It is Allah’s will. 6:137

    When you fight with disbelievers, do not retreat. Those who do will go to hell. 8:15-16

    Don’t let the disbelievers think they can escape. They are your enemy and the enemy of Allah. 8:59-60

    Slay the idolaters wherever you find them. 9:5

    Helping the poor is not as important as believing in Islam and fighting in holy wars. 9:19

    et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

    • Molla Ibrahim Zaman says

      Well, you’ve referred to some verses but couldn’t clearly specify the source. There are some numbers and colons at their end points but I have no idea how to use them for referring to the sources. Would you please be kind enough to either provide some further explanations of those numbers and colons or specify the sources by writing the name of the Surah, number of the verse and the number of hadith if it is.
      Waiting for your reply.

  90. Real Shit says

    Rajib was an athiest writing purely on the need to rebel against Islam. In a country that is very strongly islamic. His mistake, as this was his punishment. Clearly he was a non believer that thought that he could go away with all his bullshit that he writes about god. Stupid he was, cause god clearly gave him what he deserved.
    Cause and effect don’t you think?
    And I know all you atheists will come bashing at my comment but this is my opinion. Don’t like it, then I really don’t care. In the end your the joke. Us muslims knew this day would come, when people like you stop believing in god. We know that this is a day closer to the day of judgement…

    All that aside, I’m not saying that the islamist groups in Bangladesh are just, or doing the right thing. I’m not saying kill people in the name of allah, cause no where does it say that violence is right. In no religion, not even mine. I’m just saying that Rajib would have been punished one way or another, if it wasn’t the islamists, then he would have been punished another way. Believe it.

    Bangladesh is corrupt at this stage, and it’s hopeless. But is Saudi Arabia? Clearly not and they are 100X more islamic then bengalis. THAT is why we say that Islam is peaceful, because there is living evidence of a peaceful atmosphere through Islam.

    Now must I conclude with, blame my corrupt country for this event. Blame the people who have made my country so damn unbearable, but never blame my religion. Because it’s not religion that was the due cause of anything to do with Rajib. It was the people of Bangladesh that barely know anything about Islam but use it for political reasons. And Rajib is an idiot for even trying to rebel against something so powerful, thank you 🙂

    • Guy Otten says

      The person who hides his identity under the name ‘Real Shit’ has really lived up to his name. Why do Muslims try to blame anyone and anything for the violence caused by Islam, except for Islam itself. How can he sincerely blame anyone else for killing brave Rajib except those Muslims who said they were killing him because they objected to his beliefs on religious grounds. The world is groaning under the heavy weight of religious intolerance and fanaticism. Islam is a mythology that is false as well as dangerous. The sooner it is rejected by countries like Bangladesh, the better the world will be.

      • Molla Ibrahim Zaman says

        That’s what the problem is with the aethists, they remain so much busy making their judgements about others that they forget how to make a judgement. My question to you is:

        1. Have you ever studied the English translation of Quran?
        2. Have you ever tried to know which ones are the authenticated and widely believed books of Hadith?
        3. Have you ever studied any of the authenticated Hadith books?

        I’m sure you didn’t, and still you talk about rationality and logic while your very own judgement about the Islam and Muslims are solely based on your own goddamn prejudices, hatred and the things you heard about Islam from other.

        4. Can you show me in which parts/clauses/Surahs of the Quran and Hadith have it been mentioned that Muslims should kill any person who opposes their faith?
        5. Can you explain to me what is JIHAD and of how many types? Which Jihads are more emphasized and which are less?

        And of course, the most important of all, can you explain how the first human being was born?

        Look man, we have no problems with a different opinion. If you are happy to believe that there’s no GOD, that neither weakens my faith in GOD and nor does it lessens my bank balance, right? They why the hell would I care about your beliefs?
        What we expect for all members of the other religions is that they will not point their fingers at Islam, we will not point ours to theirs, and we’ll be fine to co-exist peacefully
        Rajib Haider has fanatically hurt the emotions of more than 1 billion Muslims through his write-ups which can’t be rationalized from any point of view. Yet, I completely and strongly deplore his killing because It was Mohammad (PBUH) who taught us to be kind and polite to those who envy us. But is the Muslims who have forgotten all the lessons that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) taught us and started to act like beasts rather than Muslims.
        I’m extremely sorry if I’ve hurt your feelings in anyways. I was just trying to defend the blames you had hurled at my religion, my intention was never to demean your faith.

        • Guy Otten says

          Thanks for your message Molla. Been away so only just seen the message for me. The questions you raiser are straightforward to answer and I will do it when I have a mo in the next few days. Guy

          • Molla Ibrahim Zaman says

            Definitely brother, take your time. I will be waiting until you figure out things.
            But as a Muslim and your well-wisher, I will request you to thoroughly study the Quran, the 6 authenticated books of Hadith to judge Islam. Very few people in today’s world perfectly follow their religions and it’s same for Islam. People like Osama Bin Laden, the former government of Afghanistan etc. have all exploited Islam for their own political and financial interests by taking the advantage of the religious sentiments of many innocent Muslims.
            Most Muslims don’t study the Quran or Hadith but rely on what the religious leaders interpret to them. That’s where all the problems begin. The unscrupulous religious leaders teach them to become violent to anyone who says anything against Islam.
            Whereas, there are clear evidence that our Prophet (PBUH) used to be kind to the persons who envied him, tortured him or demeaned Islam. His such polite behavior impressed many non-believers to accept Islam. This is what is said to be PREACHING.
            There’s no doubt that you can’t convert people towards being Muslims by putting gun on their foreheads. They may accept Islam in front of you out of fear but their faith will never change, if you want to convert others to Islam, they you have to do it by impressing them with your greatness, truthfulness and politeness. Only then people will keep faith in Islam. Islam highly emphasizes in Preaching and have outlined the ways Muslims should adopt to preach Islam.
            But Muslims today have forgotten the teachings of ALLAH and His Prophet (PBUH), they become aggressive and think that faiths can be imposed on people, and that’s why Islam’s image has been seriously tarnished.
            I must admit that it’s not your fault that you hate Islam, it’s rather our fault that we’ve made you hate Islam whereas it was our mission to make people love Islam.
            So, please don’t blame Islam, blame the Muslims for what ever is happening out there.
            Hope you understood my point.
            May Allah bless you my brother

          • Guy Otten says

            Molla’s Question 2
            2. Have you ever tried to know which ones are the authenticated and widely believed books of Hadith?

            I understand there are 4 sets of hadith that are generally credited with authenticity. I have those of Bukhari and Abu Dawud.
            I only acquired Abu Dawid’s Sunan recently and have not yet had time to study them.
            However what is extremely clear from the account of Bukhari is that in the process of choosing the approx 7000 hadith he authenticated, he discarded nearly 300,000 which he felt were not authentic. What modern scientific scholars (such as those I listed yesterday ) note in this report is that there was a massive hadith fabrication industry active around the time 200 years from the traditional date of the prophet’s death. I do not think this is disputed by Traditional scholars. However this fact inevitably casts doubt on all hadith.
            In addition Bukhari’s method for authenticating hadith contains a fatal flaw: he considered the isnad. If he considered the chain of transmitters to have included only reliable people he authenticated the hadith, but in an environment where hadith are being fabricated wholesale, it would have been the easiest thing in the world to fabricate a good looking isnad as well. Modern scholars look for reliable contemporary evidence which has not been changed in assessing the authenticity of texts; the hadith are not contemporary, having only appeared 100s of years after the events they describe; they show signs of fabrication and therefore scientific scholars view the hadith as an unreliable source of good evidence about the prophet’s life. This is not to deny their importance as a sourc e of sharia and sunnah, ie of Islamic belief.
            Modern scientific scholars look for reliable contemporary evidence which has not undergone change. The hadith were collected some 250+ years from the death of the prophet, after a process of creation of Islam which evidence now suggests included the Qur’an (within 100-150 years), the sira about 200 years and the hadith up to 300 years after the prophet’s death.
            The basis for these views lies in the extensive literature of independent and scientific study of the origins of Islam, a fascinating and important field of study I recommend.

            Your latest post
            Thank you very much for your good wishes Molla.I wish you the same. I fully agree careful study is necessary. I understand that devout Muslims are divided about what Islam means as far as issues like Jihad are concerned. I am interested in your reference to the prophet’s kindness to his opponents. Would you kindly refer me to the relevant passages. I presume they are in the hadith.
            I agree with you about the tarnishing of Islam by people who seek to advance Islam by violent means. Where do you say these folk believe they derive their religious authority to do this from?
            The answer to this question might help me assess whether it is Islam or Muslims who are to blame!!

        • Guy Otten says

          Molla’s Question 4:
          Can you show me in which parts/clauses/Surahs of the Quran and Hadith have it been mentioned that Muslims should kill any person who opposes their faith?

          Now Molla you come onto an important question, which goes to the heart of one reason why Islam is a morally challenged religion. Sadly the Qur’an abounds with antisocial verses. There are of courses supporting verses in the hadith as well, but there are also peaceful verses in both.
          One of the verses it’s right to start with is Q17.33: ‘Do not kill unjustly’ This looks good, but what is meant by unjustly? While other religions often include everyone in their ethics, Islam makes a distinction between Muslims and non-Muslims. See for example
          Don’t be friends with disbelievers. They are your (and Allah’s) enemy.’ (Q60.1)
          ‘The believers are nothing else than brothers’ (Q49.10)
          O you who believe, take not the /Jews and the Christians as awliya’ (friends, protectors, helpers etc), they are but awliya’ to one another” (Q5.51)
          “Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers; if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah” (Q3.28)
          “..The idolaters are unclean..” (Q9.28)
          Disbelievers worship false gods. They will burn forever in the Fire. (Q2.257)
          Don’t believe anyone who is not a Muslim. (Q3.73)
          Apostates are going to hell. (Q 4.55)
          Non-Muslims are wrong doers. (Q5.45)
          Never help disbelievers. (Q28.86)
          So the Qur’an softens the Muslim up first to regard non-Muslims as somehow unclean and enemies . Then comes the violent counsel:
           Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them (Q2.191)
           Slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive, and besiege them, and prepare them for ambush (Q9.5)
           Exhort the believers to fight the unbelievers (Q8.65)
           Have no unbelieving friends. Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them. (Q 4.89)
          These verses are taken straight from the Qur’an and regrettably we see them played out by Muslims on a regular basis.

          I am aware there are plenty of Muslims (and I hope you are one) who seek to interpret away these unacceptable verses in various ways, but my concern is that they are always going to be there ready to influence every new generation of hotheads and fanatics to go out on killing sprees, such as we are now seeing with Boko Haram in Nigeria. Those who rely on the hadith which suggests that the prophet, after the battle of Badr, said word to the effect of ‘that’s the end of the lesser Jihad, now we turn to the greater Jihad’ (which is taken to mean the spiritual jihad), fail to take into account the violence and conquests in the prophet’s name that Tradition records after that battle and also that this hadith is not as authoritative as the Qur’an. So the problem remains!!
          This problem has been going on for centuries, and the only right way forward in my opinion is for right thinking Muslims to reject Islam as irredeemable, ie impossible to save from amounting to a danger to World Society.
          I therefore call upon you and all decent and peaceful Muslim folk to abandon it and seek a more ethical way to live.

        • Guy Otten says

          Dear Molla
          This is my last response to your original post on 2 March. I hope to read your further comments.

          Molla’s final comments
          “Look man, we have no problems with a different opinion. If you are happy to believe that there’s no GOD, that neither weakens my faith in GOD and nor does it lessens my bank balance, right? They why the hell would I care about your beliefs?
          What we expect for all members of the other religions is that they will not point their fingers at Islam, we will not point ours to theirs, and we’ll be fine to co-exist peacefully
          Rajib Haider has fanatically hurt the emotions of more than 1 billion Muslims through his write-ups which can’t be rationalized from any point of view. Yet, I completely and strongly deplore his killing because It was Mohammad (PBUH) who taught us to be kind and polite to those who envy us. But is the Muslims who have forgotten all the lessons that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) taught us and started to act like beasts rather than Muslims.
          I’m extremely sorry if I’ve hurt your feelings in anyways. I was just trying to defend the blames you had hurled at my religion, my intention was never to demean your faith.”

          Thank you Molla.

          I agree my believing there is no God appears not to weaken your belief in God, sadly. I hope you will one day free yourself of belief in mythological religion.
          I don’t understand the reference to bank balance. That is nothing to do with it.
          I care about your beliefs and thought you cared about mine. I am taking the trouble to explain why I think your beliefs are mistaken, and look forward to reading any good points which might make me reconsider.
          I do not have a religion, but I think it’s important that all beliefs (including my own) are exposed to criticism and debate. That is the only way we can sort out good ideas from bad ones. By claiming Islam should be exempt from normal criticism because it offends, you are making Islam into a ‘Sacred Cow’ and seeking a status for Islam above that of other religions and ideas which no belief system deserves. In fact it even makes a fetish of the religion which sounds like associating something with Allah (in your terms).
          I reckon the more an idea or religion or ideology is protected from criticism or analysis, or is claimed to be above criticism, the more it is likely to be rotten and in need of exposure. That is the case with Islam in my respectful opinion, which not only contains violent and antisocial commands, but is also ethically challenged in a number of other ways. Taslima has identified many of these problems.
          Rajib Haider was a brave man who had come to these same conclusions, along with a large number of others across the world. His killing just underlines what the main problem is with Islam: it substitutes violence for argument, a bully’s force for reasonable persuasion, immorality for ethical conduct – which is why, Dear Molla, I ask you to reject it. Even if Rajib did offend that is no reason or excuse for him to be brutally murdered. Hurting emotions cannot on any reasonable basis be anything other than a minor issue to be dealt with by calmly explaining the hurt and seeking an apology or explanation.
          If Muhammad taught Muslims to be kind and polite to those who envy you (do you mean ‘envy’ or do you mean ‘criticise’?), why was Rajib murdered? I think few non-Muslims ‘envy’ Muslims; we mostly think that Muslims are victims of brainwashing. I do not envy the state of being brainwashed!!
          I agree with you about Muslims acting like beasts, but I and many other non Muslims only see the violence of Muslims generated by extremists and Mullahs quoting from the Qur’an; if only we saw the mild and polite Muslims instead all the time! And if we only saw them opposing and dealing with their violent co-religionists.
          I am in no way hurt by you expressing your point of view Molla. I enjoy discussion where points of view are honestly and forthrightly put forward. Thank you for that

  91. Proud Muslim says

    How she is so sure that Islamist killed Rajib? Before accusing somebody you have to investigate to find the truth. In Islam every people has right to practice own religion but don’t have the right to mock others faith. Even a muslim does not have right to mock others believe. The glorious Qur’an says

    “if any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.”

    “When you hear Allah’s messages disbelieved in and mocked at, sit not with them until they enter into some other talk.” (4:140)

    • Mad_world says

      There was a time when people were burnt if they believed, the earth was round! And the killing was justified in the name of religion!

      There’s so much to say but…


    • srs says

      now u know who killed Rajib, u got ur answer. Taslima was correct – they were the Islamists backed by jamaat leader. And it was also suspected by millions of Bd people. The killers were not repentant, they told boldly that they had done their ‘Imani duty’!!!

  92. M. Nader says

    Since my childhood I learnt that my country (birthplace) is my mother, any abuse on my country is on my mother. I think the same is with you Ms Nasreen. You may be fucked by many ppl but I don’t believe that for some spoiled people my country is fucked up. Ms Nasreen, did you get your desired country? I don’t think there is such country where there is no few spoiled people….

  93. Atm abdullah says

    The man who think thaba baba or rajiv is enlighten i think he never saw what is light. I love athiest like budda. I love Michel, i love sham herris but i hate people like rajiv and asif Mohiudin. I think this kinds of people are just like cancer in the society.

  94. isaac says

    ms Taslima Nasreen DO not listen to this people they have no education ( and education is not just geting first class) its about knowledge which u have ms nasreen. please keep doing what u are doing but please give up hope to fix Bangladesh it is really really broken and the only good that will happen to it is most part of it will drown in the year 2070. i represent no muslim christian or hindu all are fucked in there own way. people don’t understand religion was created by the government same as ghost was created by people so get fear among people.we are so stupid we only care about our selfs anyways. thanks for what u did for few of us hope u have a long meaning full life.

    • says

      Came across this article and feel ashamed of being born human. So sad. We are all looking to seperate ourselves. Why cant we ALL just TRY to be a little more evolved? That goes for both islamists and secularists. Lets find the common thread that unifies us. Not the labels that seperate us. .. Please!

  95. Guy Otten says

    Answering Molla Ibrahim,Zaman

    Dear Molla
    You have asked me 5 questions and I will answer them over 5 days.
    Question 1 was
    1. Have you ever studied the English translation of Quran?
    Answer Yes. I have studied for about 15 years. I have mainly used Marmaduke Pickthall’s translation – the one usually given to UK enquirers by Muslims, but I have also studied the translation prepared by Dr Muhammad Taqi-ud -Din Al-Hilali and Dr Muhammad Muhsin Khan for the King fahd Complex for the printing of the Holy Qur’an,
    I also use the translations of NJ Dawood (1956), JM Rodwell 1909, Abdullah Yusuf Ali and Maulana Wahiduddin Khan.
    If you know of any other good ones, please let me know.
    I also used commentaries mainly that of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
    In addition there is a vital scientific literature which explains the intricacies of the language of the Qur’an, especially the works by or edited by Ibn Warraq, Keith Small, John Wansbrough and Christof Luxenberg

  96. Guy Otten says

    Molla’s Question 3.
    “Have you ever studied any of the authenticated Hadith books?
    I’m sure you didn’t, and still you talk about rationality and logic while your very own judgement about the Islam and Muslims are solely based on your own goddamn prejudices, hatred and the things you heard about Islam from other.”

    Answer to 3:
    I have studied Bukhari but not as much as the Qur’an. I would welcome guidance on how to study the hadith.

    I have read several anthologies of hadith, and I have also read books about sharia which quote from the hadith. It seems to me that almost anything can be found in the hadith or Qur’an. The quantity is so large the prospect is daunting, and then each Muslim quotes different hadith. I admire Muslims whose knowledge of the hadith is so good that they can argue a good case for higher standards of ethical conduct than those which seem to come from the Qur’an directly.
    My understanding of Islam is largely based on the Qur’an and the objective examination of it. I find it easy as a former lawyer to look at material objectively. Of course I consider the Qur’an exactly like I consider any text of ancient origin; it is a piece of literature which was created for a purpose. If I accepted its claim to divine authorship without examination, that would be prejudging it! I reject the suggestion that I am prejudiced or hate Islam. I find Muslims quickly resort to this suggestion in a defensive way rather than face the genuine and strong criticisms of their faith which are all around them. I quite understand this as no one likes to have their cherished beliefs questioned. I am aware of the achievements of Islam and appreciate them (eg art, architecture, some science in the distant past and authors like Ibn Khaldun)

    The opinions I have formed are based on clear reasons which are strictly tied to evidence, and are always open to be revised in the light of better information. I find the Qur’an is a long way from the perfect literature it claims itself to be. I find that Islam as a religion based on the Qur’an is strongly ethically challenged, as compared to other religions and philosophies. This position is easy to demonstrate from Islamic sources themselves. While the hadith may mitigate this situation, the hadith do not have the authority that the Qur’an possesses

    Taslima’s post yesterday about leaving Islam is the natural and logical next step!

  97. Aliya says

    You are a disgusting whore, you deserve every bit of humiliation you got..and yet you still have the audacity to speak…if it was anyone else, they would have put their tails between their legs, and ran very far away you stupid cunt, you are the fucked up one and leading all these poor kid to their death by filling their heads with hate. I pity you Taslima

    • Guy Otten says

      I am offended by Aliya’s language, but worse is that Aliya gives no reasons for her outburst. This shows that his/her reaction is purely emotional and not reason based , sadly. I do hope you can free your self dear Aliya of this problem soon

    • Molla Ibrahim Zaman says

      Dear Aliya,
      The Islam religion itself teaches us to be well versed and polite to strangers. I can understand your feelings about Taslima Nasreen for her outrageous remarks about Islam. But if we, the Muslims resort to bullying to refute her statements, she’ll begin to hate Islam and the Muslims much fiercely.
      As Muslims, we should follow the principles of our Prophet (PBUH) who himself always showed respect to others (followers of other religions and atheists). The only instances of our Prophet’s violent behavior could be found during the battles in which the Prophet, as the chief of the army, tried to defend his community from invaders as a defensive move. No one is trying to physically harm the Muslims currently (except in Iraq and Afghanistan), so it is better for us to be nice to those people who think we are not going in the right path.
      Now, if you think that I am shame to to Islam and Muslims, please let me inform you that I have been pious ever since I grew up and infact, I was born and brought up in Saudi Arabia, where Islam is strongly practiced. (Although my 18 years of experience with the Saudis make me believe that the biggest enemies of Islam and humanity as well, lives in the Arab World.)

      • Guy Otten says

        Dear Molla

        In your note to Aliya you mention that the prophet was always respectful to atheists and Christians, but I quoted the other day some verses from the Qur’an in which the prophet is shown demeaning non Muslims, calling them unclean and saying they would go to Hell etc. There are other verses where he talks of Jews as apes.
        See (Maududi’s translation) 7:166 But when even after this they disdainfully persisted in that from which they were forbidden, We said to them, “Become apes—despised and disgraced!”
        See also “2:65 And you know well the story of those among you who broke Sabbath. We said to them: “Be apes—despised and hated by all.” 66 Thus We made their end a warning to the people of their time and succeeding generation, and an admonition for God-fearing people. ”
        And see 5:60 “Then say: “Should I inform you [People of the Book] of those, who will have even worse recompense from Allah than the transgressors? They are those whom Allah has cursed; who have been under His wrath; some of whom were turned into apes and swine; who worshipped taghut [the devil or idols]; those are the people who are in a far worse plight and who have turned farthest away from the Right Way.”

        This does not appear to me to be giving Jews etc respect!!
        Further I think atheists (ie people who do not believe in any god) as such did not exist at that time in Arabia as far as we know. By ‘atheist’ I suspect he might have meant people who disbelieved in Allah

  98. Guy Otten says

    My answer to question 4 is on another page. Cant see it here. This is my answer to Molla’s Question 5
    “5. Can you explain to me what is JIHAD and of how many types? Which Jihads are more emphasized and which are less?”

    Answer: A very relevant question. When I was at school I learned that Christianity used to have something called the ‘Church militant’. This was a spiritual jihad, not a military crusade, but of course we know that in the Middle Ages the Pope called crusades because Muslims had started to make difficulties for Christian pilgrims visiting the Holy Places, and the plan was to recover these former Chruisrtian provinces from Muslim control.
    I am aware of two types of jihad: the lesser (military) jihad beloved of the Wahhabis, Boko Haram and islamists, and the Greater Jihad – the spiritual struggle. My last post mentioned these.
    I think most peaceful and law abiding Muslims emphasise the greater jihad and see the lesser jihad as something that would only ever come into play defensively.
    But my concern is that notwithstanding the prophet’s reported decision to end the lesser jihad after the battle of Badr, this has not happened, and wahhabis and others dispute the validity of the report. And in any event generations of Muslims are exposed to the violent verses in the Qur’an which promote violent jihadism. However law abiding most Muslims might be we see all the time Muslims extremists surfacing and causing mayhem. They always have some excuse for killing their opponents, but might can never win an argument fairly; it can only end the argument by bullying.
    My remarks before apply. Islam is not so much a religious movement as a political and potentially totalitarian ideology which poses a danger to humankind. It needs to be consigned to the list of abandoned beliefs like belief in Jupiter, Zeus, Odin, the flat earth , witchcraft etc

    • Molla Ibrahim Zaman says

      Dear “Guy Otten”

      I couldn’t do much homework on your replies since I was terrifically busy for a friend who recently suffered from a serious internal brain injury in a bike accident. He’s quite well now and I will start doing some homework on the Holy Quran for verifying the phrases you’ve mentioned as igniting violence.
      Once I’m done with those references, I’ll come up with a reply about my opinion.
      Sorry for my delayed reply. I will be following your posts.
      Stay Well. Bye.

      • Guy Otten says

        Dear Molla

        I am sorry to hear about your friend and hope he recovers quickly and fully. My own nephew was killed in a cycling accident in London in 2005, and I still feel sad about that.

        Here is my answer to your 6th question

        Molla’s 6th Question
        “And of course, the most important of all, can you explain how the first human being was born?”

        Answer: This question can only have been asked by someone who is not familiar with the Law of Evolution. Dawkins book ‘The Greatest Show on Earth – Evidence for Evolution’ is recommended.
        Every human being, indeed every animal, is born to parents from the same species, but over millions of years there are variations in the appearance and structure of all animals as a result of the forces of natural selection which operate on all animals and living things. Every living form of life whether plant microbe or animal (which includes humans) has evolved from earlier forms over geological time.
        In the case of humans we have to go back about 6 million years before we come across a primitive ancestor who is also the ancestor of chimpanzees, but if we go further back we eventually find common ancestor to every other living thing on the planet.
        The evidence of this is overwhelming and confirmed in every other relevant scientific field so that Evolution is now accepted as fact by all respectable scientists. There is no evidence at all for the creationist myths which are found in the Bible and Qur’an and in other religion’s creation stories.

        I will carry on addressing your further comments tomorrow.

  99. ruhul says

    taslima nasreen how you said bangladesh fucked up country . that mens you and your monther fucked by the pakistani .i think you need horse to be fucked you what will be enough for you .

    • Guy Otten says

      Does Ruhul’s response mean that he condones Rajib’s murder? Insulting Taslima is not an argument for anything. Where do you stand Ruhul?

  100. Indian_atheist says

    Hi, I have been reading these comments in the blog.

    I am an Indian, a Hindu and a Bengalee (and an atheist). Must say, I am most impressed by the level of debate and discussions that is happening in Bangladesh. Even though I personally consider myself an Indian first and then a Bengalee, I feel extremely proud as a Bangali after witnsssing the courage of protesters who wear their nationalism and patriotism on their sleeves (ahead of their religious identity) and the tolerance I see in this blog amongst people (on both sides of the debate) in Bangladesh.

    I am sure, Bangladesh would one day set an example of a progressive, secular country amongst the Muslim world and the world at large (am sure you already have got the world’s attention on this).

    Amazing to hear that your great leader (Mujibur Rahman) had once said (correct me if I am wrong), “Ami Prothome ekjon Manus, tar por ami Bangali ar tar por ami Musolman. While politicians have their own interests to serve (no matter how great they are or however great their contribution is towards their nation), I feel this is an extraordinary statement to make (for a politician) in a country where the majority of the population is Muslim.

    Way to go Bangladesh! We admire the courage, intellect and ability to put nation and mankind ahead of religion. I do feel proud to be a Bangali….

  101. Tahir says

    I came on this blog incidentally….I concluded that most of human activists do their job assigned by their foreign false gods like USA, UK. ISRAEIL AND INDIA etc, just to spread hatred among people. No one has right to criticise any one,s religion but under specific conditions. All who earn cheap fame like Tasleema Kazab ( a cursed ignorant ) are liable to penality under law. U believe or not There is definitely a God who created this universe and created us all. I m Muslim and I love my religion. May Allah show true path to ignorant and if not deserve then clean this world from people who spread anarchism ( Fasad). Ameen

    • Guy Otten says

      I am sorry to see a message such as Tahir’s resurfacing again in Taslima’s excellent blog. Why the abuse Tahir? Why the paranoia and the false allegations against other countries? Why on earth suggest that anything is above criticism? Anything that cannot be criticised becomes a sacred cow and is likely to be corrupt. Islam is no different. There are so many things that can and should be criticised about Islam. You can love your religion, that’s fine, but you have no right to stop people criticising it, and threatening penalties against some one for it in nothing less than barbarous and criminal

  102. A M says

    1. No rationale human being including the Muslims in Bangladesh can justify the killing of Rajiv Haider.

    2. There are a number of theories who actually killed him. Nobody knows for sure. Bangladesh is not known to be an example of rule of law and fair justices. There are a number of groups, scapegoats and planned beneficiaries in a very complex turbulent political climate that the unfortunate country is now going through. It is wrong to point a finger to any group without substantiated evidences.

    3. Do our Indian friends and Ms Nasreen actually know what Thaba had written? In my humble experiences, I have never come across the triple xxx-rated homosexual pornographic description and alcoholism graphically attributed to the prophets, his companions, to the origin of prayers, revelation of the Quran, Eid and so forth. This will make any decent person shiver with total disgust. I doubt Ms Nasreen has read it. Her writing in terms of vulgarity is no match to Mr Rajiv Haider and Mr Asif Mohiuddins. She has forgoten she is a middle-aged lady and the world has moved on. She is simply history.

    4. In the world of blogs, people write anything they like. They have their freedom of expression as they should. But Ms Nasreen conveniently forgot to mention that these bloggers (Haider, Asif et al) wanted to assume the political leadership in the Shahbag. Just like a politician’s and poet’s life and behaviours will come under public scrutiny, their personal lives and writings also became available to public domain as soon as they came under the lime light. This was to be expected and happen everywhere in the world. If they had not wanted to assume the national leadership with the Shahbag projonmo chattar, I guess their writings, no matter how offensive to any groups of people, would not be exposed, Not their bohemian personal life style which was neither Islam nor ageold Babgalee tradition of Hindus and Muslims.

    5. Ms Taslima Nasrin is unwanted both in India and Bangladesh. The west has also discarded her seeing her true literary caliber. The above piece itself is an example. The secular Awami League Government and the right wing political forces are both against of her., It was the Awami League Govt that actually did not want her back. Mrs Mamata Banarjee is also able to see her real literary capabilities and her vindictive agenda.

    6. In conclusion, Tasliam is a very frustrated 50 some lady who just trying to get some mileages from the current political upheavals in Bangladesh. Just like a vulture wait for a dying man to die. It will be wise for Indians and Bangladeshis not to used by this very vindictive lady suffering from middle ages crisis.

    • Guy Otten says

      While I am glad AM starts by saying nothing can justify the brutal murder of Rajib, the comment then goes downhill!

      AM’s remarks contain more abuse (but admittedly more polite abuse than some we have seen). What they do not contain is any actual arguments or reason;

      The suggestion (if true) that Rajib Haider wanted political leadership is not an argument for killing him, or even disrergarding him.
      The suggestion (if true) that Taslima is a 50 year old frustrated lady is not an argument; it is irrelevant abuse.

      Prejudice like this says more of AM’s povertyy of thought than throws light on the subject

      And I for one in the West value Taslima’s comments and her literary talents.

  103. A M says

    Thanks Guy for some of nice words.

    To be honest, I am a bit surprised because you seem to have assumed for yourself a moral high ground in trying to judge others. In a debate, if you want to have a constructive and mutually respectful exchange of thoughts (free thoughts?), you usually do not do that. We try to learn from each other if we are well-meaning.

    You have misunderstood me. While saying Rajib’s killing cannot be justified, I was trying to explain what might have predisposed him to his fate. You cannot justify Israel’s Bantusani apartheid in the West Bank but you can certainly explain why she is doing this. Justification and explanation do not have the same meaning in English.

    Second, we need to be humane and fair while condemning acts of violence. How many killings do you know are taking place in Bangladesh and in many occupied territories and in countries run by despots? I often think that we suffer from a selective amnesia; our humanity have become sanitized or biased by the ideologies or personal thought process that we often blindly subscribe to. When the victims are the faceless poor masses or if they are on the other side of the political or whatever equations this does not seem to affect us and yiou. Constant disappearances, extra-judicial killings, killings in jails, killings of women and children with superior fire power, trafficking of women do not seem to make headlines. Why this is so Guy? Why we have become sanitized and this is why this is so blatantly naked and shameless.

    Whether you or I are/am an atheist or we follow certain traditions or religions are least important if we have lost our human souls. Yes, the word is selective amnesia that must challenge our human conscience. Are you with me Guy?

    Have you heard about Arundhuti Roy of West Bengal?

    The issue is not atheism vs religion here. Darwin was an atheist and there are many who are respected all over the world. The problem arises when you insult the faiths, the beliefs, deeply-ingrained cultures, ethnicity, skin colours or Semitism.

    It is not a matter of my politeness but my ability to speak my mind with honesty that I express my personal views that Taslima Nasrin and Rajib and the likes suffer from shear lack of intellectual depths. They use(d) languages of ultimate abuse with a profound dose of vulgarity to express their view points. They attacked and insulted. This is the reason they have failed in their missions of spreading atheism. Some of us seem to rode the wrong horses!!

    Rajib has been made a myrter in a myterdom that he did not believe in. And he must not have been made a myrter but let him live as long as their biological clocks would naturally permit them.

    I wish Ms Nasrin will live far beyond her 50s into her centuries. This is something I am writing to help her at a human level. She and some others need professional help to live a happy enjoyable life. My another view and I am also entitled to it whether you or anyone else disagree: Persons who have hatred and vindictiveness in their hearts they live a living hell everyday because he/she is his/her own enemy. Living in a state of perpetual denial and in hatred is a nightmare
    They are deprive of the one of the most beautiful things of life – the simplicity of thoughts, the kindness of hearts and the simple living.

    I refer you to TIME Magazine very relevant commentary on Taslima phenomenon many years ago. I also refer you to many secular and high calibre atheist novelist in Bangladesh. Syed Shamsul Haque and Emdadul Haque Milon are definitely not Islamist! They are very well known to both Bengals and to Taslima

    I see a cheap attempt by Nasrin to exploit the current crisis in Bangladesh to her advantage. I have compared the poor, impoverished nation of millions of resilient hard working non-elitist masses as a dying person (a bit exaggeration). Only a vulture would use the following word to describe one of the most unfortunate time of our national history with her chosen word ‘f..ked up’ country.

    I see your rating of such an author with this kind of words and using highly inflammatory divisive politics as being talent. You do not feel the pain because perhaps your humanity is superior to us and perhaps this Bangladesh is a third world impoverished nation with inferior races of people who cannot debate, who cannot rationalise. Bravo my Guy Oten!

    Finally if you value Taslima’s talents, you are fully entitled to it. I am not disrespecting you, so before blaming me of lack of politeness and of shallow thoughts (I am not a writer), I simply ask you not to be so crudely judgemental, dismissive and patronising. By doing so, you do a disservice to the spirit of decent debate and definitely to yourself.

    • Guy Otten says

      Thanks Am for your detailed reply which I appreciate. Perhaps I understand you better now.

      My point is that people like Rajib and Taslima are intellectually brave and important contributors to freedom of thought, which the Govt and lslamist lobby of Bangladesh is wrongfully trying to repress.

      You may feel offended by their criticism of Islam and find it offensive, but their right to say it is vital. Bangladesh will be the poorer for trying to return to the ‘endarkenment’ which Islam has been in for centuries.

      I wouldnt use the same words Taslima uses and I see you find them offensive, but that is of no consequence compared to the vital struggle for freedom of thought.

      And there is so much about Islam that is immoral and shameful, which is still even now resulting in death and injury. I can only imagine that true peace loving Muslims are embarrassed by their religion.

      I hope we are getting closer to agreement!

  104. A M says

    Ms Taslima, Mr Guy Oten, and the owner/moderator of this site,


    Up until now I did not have a chance to read the thread because of its incredible length. My browsing stopped at the reporting the fact that the image shown on this page is not that of Rajib’s. I did not know the details circumstances of Rajib’s death.

    I am extremely shocked at this gross violation of basic journalistic ethics and in simple term, manufactured graphics to mislead the readers. By doing so, Ms Nasrin not only reinforces the integrity questions often raised about her character but also make a dead man, a consumer product. Rajiv and in fact grossly dishonored , the very man she was apparently trying to project.

    Truth ultimately prevails, just as universal civilization values and spirits. Whether you are a religionist, a fire-brand fundamentalist, an atheist whatever are all hollow talks if you have lost your human souls.





  105. A M says

    This is my last message on this site about this subject.

    1. Taslima and Guy show just a bit of straightforwardness responding to my above demand (date-time stamped April 24, 2013 at 7:39 pm).

    2. Guy, I am not sure exactly how the ‘word’ bravery is defined in your dictionary. If specific homosexual pornographic actions describing the genesis of sizda in Muslim prayers (many more atrocious verbal diarrhoea) suits your taste of intellectual finesses and bravery to expose whatever you think about Islamic darkness, it is not an ideal exposition of your “richness of thoughts”.

    3. Rajib is a central element of this debate so it is not irrelevant to try to know more about this man. Specially in the context of women rights that Ms Taslima seems to be fighting for relentlessly. Cheating on your wife, using two young girls from small towns at different times so each does not know the presence of another are not compatible with the concepts of dignity and rights of women. Ask Mrs Haider about her deprivations of the rights of a married life and her months of sufferings in the hand of her husband. Go through the news items that came through DB analysis of Rajib’s cell phones etc. Ms Nasrin, the proponent of women right, does not seem to be bothered, nor Mr Guy.

    3. I quote you Guy, “And there is so much about Islam that is immoral and shameful, which is still even now resulting in death and injury. I can only imagine that true peace loving Muslims are embarrassed by their religion.” With this single comment you are showing that you are irrational at the best and xenophobic, Islam hater at the worst. Not really a rational atheist. You actually defame the atheists who are not motivated by political agenda. The horses you are riding and your heroes also speak volume …

    The power of truthfulness and the humanity have always prevailed and will prevail against all kinds of exploitation and weapons of mass deception. That’s the eternal message of human civilization and human spirit from all ages and all continents.

    Be brave for your own souls for a meaningful life as a human being.

    • Guy Otten says

      Dear AM

      I am unaware of the ‘homosexual pornographic’ material you are referring to, but why are you mentioning this? You seem to seeking to excuse the murder of Rajib. No verbal material or pornography could conceivably justiufy murder, even if it were true. Further I support gay equality whereas I am unsure you do or not, so your description of ‘homosexual pornography ‘ might be one I would disagree with as well. I am referring the Rajib’ bravery in identifying himself as an atheist in a country where people are murdered for rejecting Islam – something which is commonplace elsewhere in the world.

      What has cheating on your wife etc got to do with this debate about whether murder is justified for declaring your atheism? That kind of conduct is shameful in any culture. And are you suggesting that Mrs Haider’s alleged suffering (about which I know nothing) justifies her husband’s murder? You started out condemning the murder but ever since you seem to be trying to justify it. You seem to be morally confused on this vital issue!

      Thank you for quoting my analysis of Islam’s moral shortcomings. This statement is made after years of careful study, and is far from irrational. I can quote you chapter and verse. I am no way xenophobic. I have many Muslims friends and you may know that the UK has about 10% of its population who are born abroad and we generally get on well together. It is indeed because all religions are accepted as having an equal say in the marketplace in the UK, that we can so easily see how morally bankrupt Islam is. IIslam is alos a mythological religion (like most others) I would refer you for example to the blog , the world of Islamic mythology blog,awaiasAftab’s blog and others for more on this

  106. A M says

    Hi Guy,

    You have not addressed my # 1. Why despite my repeated request?

    Unbecoming of a seasoned debater: you are playing the broken record that I am justifying a murder despite the detailed response in my preceding posts to the contrary. This is a cheap diversionary tactic of those who whip up mobs on the on the street. This is a sign of your desperation seeing the powers of reasons. Sorry pal. I like to trust that you are capable of being honest.

    Here we are not debating a faceless victim of murder (refer to my earlier post on selective amnesia for another perspective). In your own word, Rajib was a brave hero who confronted dark side of Islam. It is Ms Taslima and people like you who have got this dead man to this place dishonouring him and all of us with a forged picture where he has been put under microscope. You don’t want to hear the whole side of the arguments about the merit of calling him a brave hero. Most importantly, you must NOT conveniently forget that moral side of a person is extremely important if you were to assess him publicly as a very brave man and a hero.

    I emphatically remind you not to purposefully forget again that the argument here is about the merit of calling one a great brave man on a mission, not justification of a murder.

    You have no excuse “that I did not know”… what Rajib wrote or about his life style with a neglected and cheated wife” Very naive. Someone who claim himself to be so seasoned, how could that person be so shallow of not doing thorough background research on his ephemeral hero in the person of Mr Rajib? I do not think you know the culture, history, the sensitive of our people, the details of the evolution of the projonmo chatter and the roles of its actors (specially someone who got a massive posthumous religious farewell at national level).

    We do not want arm-chair scholars from London to judge us. We have had enough during our 200 years of enslavement.

    I really doubt you know much about world cultures, history and religions. And I doubt you really care about Taslima and Rajibs and the likes

    The only explanation I have is that your entire arguments are driven by a rigid and fixed goal to get your perceived “Islamic bogeyman” agree with your notion. This not a sign of a liberated man but a sign of arrogance of irrational extremists of any colours and origins. Your choice of words about Islam again demonstrates, beyond any shadow of doubt, your ingrained single-focus hostility against Islam.

    I wish I did not have to say this: you are just not xenophobic. You are bigoted, and you are a pathological Islam hater dangerously verging as almost having a disease of the mind.

    Be brave for your own souls for a meaningful life as a human being.

    • Guy Otten says

      Dear AM
      You will have to be more specific about the point #1 you say I havent addressed!

      My reference to your apparently justifying murder comes directly from your remarks. I hope this is not true of you!

      We are in agreement about Rajib being a brave man who confronted the dark side of Islam. So what mystifies me is the suggestion that I am in any way dishonouring him, when the reverse is and has always been the case.

      I am happy to hear arguments about Rajib one way or another. No one is perfect in this world, but whatever a person’s faults, if they stand up for an important principle and suffer for it, in my book they are brave and should be recognised!

      You have the advantage of knowing more about Rajib’s alleged defects of character than I do. My point is that he was killed because of his atheist stand, and that is why (I think we agree) we should honour him.

      Ah, arm chair scholar from London and 200 years of enslavement. Thanks! After two + generations of independence the colonial argument is getting a bit thin. It is time to stop making excuses and analyse what is happening for what it actually means now! I was born in 1947, the year of Bangladesh’s independence!

      Actually I am always on the look-out and often meet ex Muslims or doubtful Muslims, or Muslims who are committed to human rights. I enjoy debating with them and presumed you are one. I gave a talk in Leeds last night on the Mythological Origins of Islam, about which I have made a study and there were two open minded Muslims present who gave me some constructive feedback.

      I do not hate Islam. I admire some of the ethical stances revealed in Surah 17 but I do hate violence, anti-equality, totalitarianism, and discrimination as shown in 5.51, 3.28, 9.28, 4.55, 5.45, 28.86, 2.257, 3.73, 4.84, 4.11-12, 2.282, 3.85, 16.106, 4.89, 2.191, 8.65, 4.89. In my judgement these passages fatally undermine Islam’s claim to be a peaceful and moral religion.

      You refer to a soul? What do you mean by this?


  107. A M says

    HI Guy,

    In order to help to be specific so that we don’t go around the cycle and waste our time, I am embedding my replies this time within your letter and have used notation. PLEASE READ MINUTELY as per clearly marked sequential points. Thanks for your focus.

    Dear AM

    You will have to be more specific about the point #1 you say I havent addressed!

    AM1>I have even provided date and stamp in the one of the above replies addressing directly you. Unless you want me to do the work for you to reproduce it, I want you to scroll up with a just a second effort please.
    My reference to your apparently justifying murder comes directly from your remarks. I hope this is not true of you!

    AM2> Not enough; there is no scope of the convenient evasion, “apparently” in the absence of any honest straightforward arguments.

    Furthermore, it is patronizing that I object to when you write, “I hope …”. It is of a big ZERO VALUE to me whether you do hope or not about my stand because my stand is based on a set of ideals and inner strengths that does not require a certificate from you or anyone else. Make no mistake about it please.
    We are in agreement about Rajib being a brave man who confronted the dark side of Islam. So what mystifies me is the suggestion that I am in any way dishonouring him, when the reverse is and has always been the case.

    AM3> Wrong; we have never agreed on that. It is directly related to your inability to come clean and disavow or disapprove a blatant forgery on this page which has actually made Rajib a consumer product. This is the dishonour. No I am not going to refer back again to what I have already explained. You need to do a bit of reading and thinking please.
    I am happy to hear arguments about Rajib one way or another.

    AM4> Guy. You are another debater. You are NOT in the seat of a judge in a court to hear arguments of others. Please come down to earth. Please debate on equal footing and do your hard work in researching please. Look the length of my post compared to yours that I am getting a pain in my wrist (sounds a bit childish, right?).

    You have the advantage of knowing more about Rajib’s alleged defects of character than I do. My point is that he was killed because of his atheist stand, and that is why (I think we agree) we should honour him.


    (a) In my first email, I said there are a number of theories on the motives of his killing and who the ring leaders could be and who are the real beneficiaries of his killing in a very complex time with multitude of actors in the field.

    (b) When so many people die for so many noble reasons who get to honour them? Just a current example: about 300 persons, mostly poor women who died in collapsed building near Dhaka – actually mass murder because the building and garments owners were aware and were asked to close down the building but they forced the workers to come so that they can pile up their profits. These people (mostly women) living in perpetual poverty, keep this country afloat bringing in some $12 billion dollars a year. I consider them the real heroes of this land, the unsung, sweating faceless heroes who put fashion garments in your upmarket shops. But in your prejudiced and pixel-sized black and white view of the world, they do not count but Rajib does. Because he is a remote proxy in your personally motivated fight against Islam, although an utterly misplaced one. This is where you and my humanity differ. You have a single-point pixel sized focus which is utterly fixed and rigid and I have a large frame of the humanity in need (sorry for the digress).

    (c) At a higher level, I have been questioning your sense of judgement, impartiality (objectivity) and also your attention to details that are required to make an evaluation of Rajib by yourself INDEPENDENTLY. Do it the hard way – research. Again you disappointed me.

    (d) You would have found find and I challenge you to prove me wrong with the result of your research that Rajib did NOT write anything to prove a point against Islam. As reproduced in detail in print and electronic media after his death, he wrote highly sexually explicit pornographic STORIES that probably endeared him to a very small section of people with a strange taste (didn’t think it was you). I repeat all are stories; no evidence-based, objective exposition or intellectually stimulating essays. I never wanted to state the stories published local dailies and their online versions because they were so disgusting and so distasteful at any standard. I made a brief reference to in my last message hoping you would care to do some research; instead you misconstrued in an evasive way. Now let me write just one of his stories as I recollect reading in the media: how sizda (know what it is?) was invented in Islam. Rajib wrote, the Mohammak (naujibillah, your job to make the meaning) after fasting all day to supress his libido used to rush to consume alcohol in Mecca at night. He used to get so drunk that all his male companions would take advantage and serially f..,k him all night (naujibillah). And in the morning when he woke up, there would be so much pain in ‘ that he would bow down in the position of sizda to get comfort in his rear (naujibillah). And the companions would follow him in this position and this is how sizda was invented (naujibillah)

    Please note, if he has done anything, he has tremendously damaged the prospect of an atheist cause in this country. You might not agree because you are not an objective peace-loving atheist but basically an Islamophobic. Two different species. I have done a big favour to you setting aside my deeply offended feelings to write the above. You proved evasive and cynical (I hate), you ascribed another utterly wrong, jaundiced interpretation of what I could have meant about this reference in my message (homophobic).

    (e) You always refer your points against Islam as being immoral. You would not apply this requirement to your acclaimed hero. What a glaring contradiction and biased stand! Rajib was reported to be involved in the following as reported in the local media: Repression and deprivation of his wife’s marital rights and dignity (Mrs Haider separated as a result) and involving with multiple vulnerable young girls arriving in Dhaka from regional towns and even there, cheating one against another. It showed a very weak, corrupt and opportunistic social parasite type of character who cannot conceivably have the strength of character to fight a battle against your Islamic bogeyman. Commonsense. Full stop.

    (f) Rajib was not a known atheist of any standing whatsoever. To be fair to him, he tried to lead the Shahbag movement but nobody in the public knew him much. His vulgar writings came out to public domain by chance only after his death which were dug out by the media. So this punches a big hole in your repeated assertion that he went down fighting like a brave soldier!

    (g) Based on all the above, he is nobody’s brave hero except yours and perhaps Taslima’s. The casualty is our respect for you in your sense of judgement, your lack of attention to details, your relentless effort to force your view of stereotyped Muslims to submit to your narrative on Rajib’s bravery and martyrdom to expose the evil Islam .

    My advice Rajib might be your hero in your fixated, black and white tunnel vision but please do not try to make others accept your hero. It is your standard or substandard and you are fully entitled to it.

    Ah, arm chair scholar from London and 200 years of enslavement. Thanks! After two + generations of independence the colonial argument is getting a bit thin. It is time to stop making excuses and analyse what is happening for what it actually means now! I was born in 1947, the year of Bangladesh’s independence!

    First, I was complaining your overbearing posture akin to the shrunken colonialists dependent on leftovers from the big brother across the Atlantic. All this particular descendent of my colonial masters, Guy, not to judge, not to lecture and not to patronize a fiercely independent and proud people with thousands of years (by the way any flashback on the dark ages?). MYOB.

    Second, you even don’t know the year of our independence, my friend; how do you claim to debate far more complex subject (politics, culture, peoples sensitivities, and religions) of my country. This is why this arm-chair scholar characterisation is also applicable.
    Actually I am always on the look-out and often meet ex Muslims or doubtful Muslims, or Muslims who are committed to human rights. I enjoy debating with them and presumed you are one. I gave a talk in Leeds last night on the Mythological Origins of Islam, about which I have made a study and there were two open minded Muslims present who gave me some constructive feedback.
    I do not hate Islam. I admire some of the ethical stances revealed in Surah 17 but I do hate violence, anti-equality, totalitarianism, and discrimination as shown in 5.51, 3.28, 9.28, 4.55, 5.45, 28.86, 2.257, 3.73, 4.84, 4.11-12, 2.282, 3.85, 16.106, 4.89, 2.191, 8.65, 4.89. In my judgement these passages fatally undermine Islam’s claim to be a peaceful and moral religion.


    You are yet to meet recognised and qualified Islamic scholars of international standing perhaps. If you are serious, make that hard effort instead those who come by handy in your local area when you give talks etc or by chance on the net. To test the veracity of your hypothesis, you need informed, highly challenging and critical counterparts and audience not a friendly one. Anyway, this is not something I am neither qualified nor interested to discuss and it is also beyond the scope of the present debate on Rajib.

    Sorry, I have reached a conclusion: Your whole existential argument is focused on a PIXEL: similar to George Bush b&w supremacist doctrine: either you are with us or against us. You have a black and white view of the world: your stereotyped Islamic immoral evils vs the enlightened you et al. In this way, you are similar in mindset with your devout Muslim enemies. They worship Allah and you worship your sense of self-righteousness, i.e. a little god within you. Your inability to consider the alternatives, the unknowns, to be brave to admit your prejudices i.e. your single-focus hostility to Islam are your obvious shortcomings.
    You refer to a soul? What do you mean by this?


    A quiz for a distinguished senior Londoner to get out of the bed and do some hard thinking. Stop being lazy pal!

    I do not wish to lengthen this debate anymore. Let us stop. Please do not take offence for inappropriate words used. Please forgive me. You are much older than I am. My culture trains me to respect you. If I visit London, I’ll try to meet you.

    Let us make a pledge to live with peaceful coexistence and build a global human family recognizing our differences and respecting each other views and way of life and belief or non-belief systems. The problems of the word facing the humanity are humongous: environment, biodiversity, poverty, wars, inequality, refugees etc. Have a broad focus please. That’s the way forward not through stereotyping, conflicts and creating hatreds and spreading divisions.
    AM9: You are my brother-in-humanity. Best wishes.

  108. Tallboy says

    What I am seeing here is animosity. “I don’t like what you believe ” that is the case is in here. I am an atheist. But do I need to attack some one who has faith in something or not? No, we don’t have to do that. Just because I am deferent, I don’t exist? or I don’t have the right to express myself without offending others?
    that is not true.
    I read Taslima’s book. I didn’t like it. Whole book is (To ME) fill with animosity, attracting others. Some of us thinks just because we born in a Muslim family, by default we have to right to insult or put down Muslim. That is not fare. We can protest about anything in a good gesture.
    Muslims, (OR ANYONE) they don’t have right to judge anyone. They have to remember the same God is feeding those who they call NASTIC.
    We have to learn how to live peacefully and respect each others.

  109. says

    This is such a fantastic idea. A friend of mine sent me your backlink. It’s such a superior way to engage readers offline and get physical mail which everyone loves. I may need to do this after my blog is up and running a bit more.

  110. says

    I am a blogger now out of country. In whole world no place for woman, same way no place for good doer. I am a christian guy still i am protesting against the horror two Islamic group those are til remaining in our beautiful Bangladesh. God thought us to safe the people not to kill. we are not afraid about murder. We will remain and one day will be winner. We are present freedom fighter we will fight with our digital social media. Raise up and safe our mother Bangladesh.

  111. zoya khan says

    our country is not fucked up. you are a fucked up woman and people like you are fucked up. Learn and understand the meaning of freedom of speech. Freedom of speech does not mean hurting other’s sentiments.
    Being Islamists is not a problem. We are muslims and we will reamain muslims, no matter what. Just bear this in your mind.

  112. Soens Martin says

    EXODUS 20 :1,13 ” Then God spoke all these words:“You must not murder.”
    TRUE MUSLIMS TRUE CHRISTIANS SHOULD BE BROTHERS AS THE WRITINGS HERE UNDER INDICATE MUSLIMS WILL SUBMIT THEM SELF TO THE INJILL or new testament where the down scriptures here under are part of AND CHRISTIANS WILL FOLLOW THE MESSIAH the writing here under is from his beloved Apostle John. Only false fake Muslims and false Christians and false Jews kill one another. “The children of God and the children of the Devil are evident by this fact: Everyone who does not carry on righteousness does not originate with God, neither does he who does not love his brother. For this is the message which YOU have heard from [the] beginning, that we should have love for one another;  not like Cain, who originated with the wicked one and slaughtered his brother.(1 John 3:10-12) . . 
    “ He that does not love has not come to know God, because God is love. (1 John 4:8)
    “If anyone makes the statement: “I love God,” and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen. 21 And this commandment we have from him, that the one who loves God should be loving his brother also.(1 John 4:20, 21) . . .
    “He who does not love remains in death. Everyone who hates his brother is a manslayer, and YOU know that no manslayer has everlasting life remaining in him.(1 John 3:14, 15) . . 
    (Matthew 5:21-24) . . .“YOU heard that it was said to those of ancient times, ‘You must not murder; but whoever commits a murder will be accountable to the court of justice.’ 22 However, I say to YOU that everyone who continues wrathful with his brother will be accountable to the court of justice; but whoever addresses his brother with an unspeakable word of contempt will be accountable to the Supreme Court; whereas whoever says, ‘You despicable fool!’ will be liable to the fiery Ge·hen′na. 23 “If, then, you are bringing your gift to the altar and you there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away; first make your peace with your brother, and then, when you have come back, offer up your gift.
    Genesis 9:6
    6 Anyone shedding man’s blood, by man will his own blood be shed, for in God’s image He made man.
    Deuteronomy 5:17
    17 “‘You must not murder.
    James 2:11
    11 For the one who said, “You must not commit adultery,” also said, “You must not murder.” If, now, you do not commit adultery but you do murder, you have become a transgressor of law.
    1 John 3:15
    15 Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has everlasting life remaining in him.
    Revelation 21:8
    8 But as for the cowards and those without faith and those who are disgusting in their filth and murderers and the sexually immoral and those practicing spiritism and idolaters and all the liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This means the second death.”
    EXODUS 20 :1 Then God spoke all these words:
    2 “I am Jehovah your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.+ 3 You must not have any other gods besides me.*+
    4 “You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form* like anything that is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth.+ 5 You must not bow down to them nor be enticed to serve them,+ for I, Jehovah your God, am a God who requires exclusive devotion,+ bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing loyal love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.+
    7 “You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way,+ for Jehovah will not leave unpunished the one who takes up His name in a worthless way.+
    8 “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it sacred.+ 9 You are to labor and do all your work for six days,+ 10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to Jehovah your God. You must not do any work, neither you nor your son nor your daughter nor your slave man nor your slave girl nor your domestic animal nor your foreign resident who is inside your settlements.*+ 11 For in six days Jehovah made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and he began to rest on the seventh day.+ That is why Jehovah blessed the Sabbath day and made it sacred.
    12 “Honor your father and your mother,+ so that you may live a long time in the land that Jehovah your God is giving you.+
    13 “You must not murder.+
    14 “You must not commit adultery.+
    15 “You must not steal.+
    16 “You must not testify falsely when you are a witness against your fellow man.+
    17 “You must not desire your fellow man’s house. You must not desire your fellow man’s wife+ nor his slave man nor his slave girl nor his bull nor his donkey nor anything that belongs to your fellow man.”+


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