Apologies without accountability are meaningless

If you have hung around much at all with Christian evangelicals like I have done in the past, you will have noticed that they love redemption stories. The sentiment of “I once was lost and now am found”, as expressed in the hymn Amazing Grace is a surefire winner with that crowd, to the extent that they will even exaggerate the extent of their past sins in order to make their salvation sound even more dramatic. I know because I have heard the testimonies of people I knew well.
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Haitians respond to Trump

After Donald Trump’s insulted Haiti, El Salvador, and Africa, Conan O’Brien thought that he should visit Haiti.

“I have no idea what the president has against the people of Haiti, but if the president doesn’t like them, they must be lovely people,” the TBS host added on his show last Monday. On Thursday, he landed in Port-au-Prince, where he spent the weekend taping his special, which aims to show the president and those like him how much Haitian immigrants have to offer the United States.

Now we have our first look at the hour-long show, which will air this coming Saturday night. “President Trump insulted Haiti, so I thought it was only fair to Haitians the chance to return the favor,” O’Brien says in the new clip.

Democratic collusion with Trump’s authoritarianism

Last week I wrote about how House Democratics leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, people who have been loudly protesting Donald Trump’s authoritarianism, then turned around and lobbied to pass a bill that would continue to give him sweeping warrantless domestic spying powers. The bill then went to the senate and there too Democrats were instrumental in enabling it to pass, as Alex Emmons writes.
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