Stop citing Newslo or Politicops or Ifyouonlynews, please

They are not trustworthy news sites. They throw in satire and outright lies mingled with straight news, so that it becomes difficult to sort them out.

Here’s the latest that is suddenly popping up all over my social media. Louie Gohmert is a goddamn dumbass who says some of the most godawful stupid crap, and these “news” sites are highlighting a recent speech complaining about a bill that would support women in STEM careers. They “quote” him from his speech:

Gohmert also added that “women were created for one thing and one thing alone,” as well as that “we are insulting the Lord by allowing women to act like men.” “Women are beautiful creatures, no doubt about that. We marry them, we look after them, we provide for them and we love them, but that does not mean they are the same as us. It is the job of a woman to stay at home, to maintain the household, to bear children and look after them after they’re born. Nowhere in the scriptures does it say that women should be chasing after fancy titles and knowledge. The only knowledge they need is the one we men allow them to have.”

Outrageous, yes? Incredibly idiotic? It sure is. Only one problem: he didn’t say any of that. Really, I’d love to catch this fool saying something so blatantly inane, and so would a lot of other people…which Newslo relies on, so they made up the quote. Some of the cites quoting Newslo even include a video of the talk, which they apparently never bothered to listen to, because those words aren’t in there.

He says a lot of other stupid crap in there: he somehow thinks Martin Luther King Jr. would oppose the bill, because it discriminates on the basis of something other than the content of the character. He seems to think that racism is over. He is very concerned that supporting women in science would harm boys. And he riffs ridiculously on the idea that it sure is good that Marie Curie was not supported by this bill, because it promotes entrepreneurship, and apparently government support for that would somehow deprive women of the ability to do basic research. Gohmert is one of the lowest wattage bulbs in congress and needs to be shuffled away somewhere where he can’t do any more harm, but he did not say what was quoted.

There are lots of these lying “news” sites out there that rely on making shit up to stir up interest, because apparently the real idiocy going on in the Republican party is just not enough. Shut them off.

And jebus, if you’re going to quote something from a video, watch the video first to see if it’s actually in there.


  1. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Holy FSM, the video is from c-span. They don’t quote mine, they show entire speeches.
    *double face palm*
    Just the methodology requires a grain of salt the size of Montana.

  2. dick says

    Nowhere in the scriptures does it say that women should be chasing after fancy titles and knowledge.

    Nowhere in the scriptures does it say that you shouldn’t drink alcohol or take drugs & then drive. The fucking scriptures are a piss poor guide to what one should or shouldn’t do.

  3. says

    Newslo or Politicops or Ifyouonlynews

    It would seem I’m safe under my rock, I had never heard of any of these sites.

  4. L. Minnik says

    On discrimination against women Gohmert says,

    “Just from my experience and from common sense…

    and what follows is worth about as much as the time he has spent learning and thinking about the subject … ie *nothing*.

  5. Zmidponk says

    I’ve never heard of these sites before, but, from a quick browse around the Newslo one (linked to in the OP), I think they’re trying to be an alternative to, but simply aren’t as funny.

  6. says

    Outrageous, yes? Incredibly idiotic? It sure is. Only one problem: he didn’t say any of that.

    The newslo article linked has a big button labelled “Show Facts” which highlights the parts of the story which are straight-factual reporting.

  7. blf says

    It would seem I’m safe under my rock, I had never heard of any of these sites.

    Oh! Hi there. I was wondering why it seem so cramped and crowded under this rock.

  8. wzrd1 says

    I’ve only heard of one of those sites and already dismissed anything from it.

    That aside though, can Louie actually string two thoughts together coherently? He went on and on about little boys left in a ditch or something. Granted, it’s the first time I’ve heard him speak, but honestly, I’m underwhelmed.
    Seriously, if people voted for him, he must have been running against a can of paint.

  9. What a Maroon, living up to the 'nym says

    dick @2,

    Re-read the OP. That quote was made up.

    Caine and blf, so nice of you to join me here, but I think we need a bigger rock.

  10. briquet says

    Never heard of Newslo before, went to the front page. It’s so obviously satire (“Republican wants to use Ouija board to let Scalia keep voting from heaven”) that it takes like two seconds on the front page to identify it as such.

  11. blf says

    Republican wants to use Ouija board to let Scalia keep voting from heaven

    Well, he an woouijawoo board, or something, to discern original intent. Now he can talk to the writers directly, and WOOOOWOOOOH! back…

  12. moarscienceplz says

    The commonsense I hear as I get all over east Texas.

    Race has been an issue that needed attention.

    radioactive, *tick tock* ummm, *tick tock, tick tock* isotopes

    The Congressperson from District 1 of the great state of Texas.

  13. throwaway, never proofreads, every post a gamble says

    Never heard of Newslo before, went to the front page. It’s so obviously satire (“Republican wants to use Ouija board to let Scalia keep voting from heaven”) that it takes like two seconds on the front page to identify it as such.

    Especially since Scalia would be voting from Hell according to the Evangelicals. And the GOP the way it is, well, it can’t get any more satirical than saying a Catholic’s going to heaven. Even though what they were going for was technically irony.

  14. archangelospumoni says

    Somebody please explain to me how Newslo is really any different from Fox “News.” Fox simply makes up so much sh*t that is there really a difference between that and satire or parody or simply Louie Gohmert trying to speak out loud? Or a distinction without a real difference?

    Archangelo Spumoni
    (born 1605, flourished around 1700)
    Distantly related to Casanova’s mother Bossa Nova.

  15. Sonja says

    I looked into these sites once to see if they had nefarious right-wing origins, but they are just click-bait sites (that make ad money from eyeballs).