I saved up and splurged on taking the tour to Niagara Falls yesterday afternoon and evening. I didn’t say anything about it beforehand, because Taslima had decided to go with me and if I had mentioned it we would have had to take a security detail with us.
We went first to the Botanical Garden and the Butterfly Conservatory, and then in stages down the gorge with stops to gape in awe, ending up at the Falls. One of my favorite views is a few yards back from the falls where you can see the edge kind of hanging in the air but not what’s behind and below it – but you know what’s behind and below it, yet the edge itself looks so calm. It’s a weirdly terrifying, sublime, spooky kind of sight…and, now I think of it, simple enough that you can actually hold an image of it in your mind, unlike most landscapes.
Another favorite – everyone’s favorite – is right above that edge. The river is dark as it charges along over the rocky bed, and then as it hurtles over the edge it’s bright, toothpaste green. Also, it’s very within reach. There’s a decorative wrought-iron fence and a little area of grassy river bank like any other grassy river bank – and then there’s the Niagara River just before it plunges off the ledge.
We had dinner at the Skylon, 500 feet up. You can imagine.
Taslima took pics; I’ll ask her if I can share some.
On the two occasions I’ve been in the neighborhood, I’ve managed to miss the trip to the falls because I had to organise a panel or something. Annoying.
My favourite part of the falls has always been the small shipwreck caught on a shoal just before the edge of the falls. For some reason, hardly anyone ever mentions it in tourist brochures. It’s been there nearly 100 years.
Let’s hear it for Islam, that great religion of peace!
Oh, I didn’t see that. Maybe it’s on the US side?