The Malay Mail Online went to a talk by Hizbut Tahrir Malaysia. HTM explained about rape.
Women are required to prove rape under Islamic criminal law, Hizbut Tahrir Malaysia (HTM) said today as the hardline Islamist group claimed that most sexual assault cases involve false accusations.
HTM also told a seminar on hudud that Islam does not accept DNA evidence and that one of the ways of proving rape instead is by obtaining either two male witnesses, or one male and two female witnesses.
Because as we all know it takes two women to be as much value as one man.
“The danger is that if the woman wants to betray other people, she commits adultery with a man, but when she regrets it, she reports to the police saying she was raped,” HTM spokesman Ustaz Abdul Hakim Othman said at HTM’s headquarters here today.
“As you see, most rape cases involve people known to the victims, especially their boyfriends. So making out with the boyfriend is fine, and then she turns around and says she was raped when she regrets it.
The man will say it wasn’t rape; it was consensual. So Islam imposes careful conditions. You don’t just accuse a person of raping you, you have to come up with proof,” he added.
Yeah, cool, and the fact that it’s so very difficult to come up with “proof” of rape (let alone “proof” of rape by person X) is not a problem because most sexual assault cases involve false accusations, which we know because they just said so.
HTM’s Abdul Hakim stressed today that rape and adultery are separate offences under the Islamic criminal justice system.
“If an unmarried woman is pregnant, definitely she’s committed an offence but she must explain. So if we ask her and she says she was raped, she’ll be released because she’s innocent,” he told the seminar.
“Islam doesn’t accept DNA evidence because obtaining witnesses is one of the conditions. Even if you can prove that male DNA was in the woman’s vagina, it doesn’t prove rape because DNA can enter by accident. DNA is not proof of rape. Other evidence like wounds in the vagina that show penetration is still not proof that it’s rape,” the HTM spokesman added.
Why would anyone not want to live under a system like that?
“She slipped, and fell on my DNA!”
I’m surprised the MRA crowd hasn’t packed up and moved there already.
@1 Richard Smith
“DNA can enter by accident”
What, like it got the wrong address? “Whoops! Sorry, wrong vagina! They all look alike!”
“See, I got an erection from riding on the bus and I walked in the the door and found this girl and I tripped on the carpet and fell on her and I fell at just the wrong angle that it went into her so you see this is all just an accident…”
I didn’t realize Jane the Virgin was popular in Malaysia.
I think we could collect a bunch of these and start a game called “Slyme or Sharia” in which people have to guess which comments were made by self=styled “skeptics” and which were made by Islamist “scholars.” The similarity in thought process is stunning…
Unless of course there were 4 women and no men, then it would just add up to no men.