Colleagues don’t fancy being called “kuffar”

A site called Legal Cheek reported a few days ago on a tricky situation at a high-powered London law firm:

A trainee at magic circle law firm Clifford Chance has pulled a YouTube video in which he called on British Muslims to adopt a more robust stance against western concepts of freedom of speech. An Instagram clip from the video can be viewed below.

In a move directly linked to the fall-out from last week’s terror attacks in Paris, the trainee — whom Legal Cheek has agreed not to name — tells Muslims that Islam is “superior” to Western ideologies, while at the same time berating moderates for allowing their minds to become “colonised”.

The video — posted on YouTube on 11 January where it received more than 700 views — puts one of the world’s biggest global law firms in a highly embarrassing position.

The trainee’s 21-minute online rant — delivered mostly in English, but interspersed with Arabic — has already caused concern among lawyers at the firm. Legal Cheek understands that colleagues have been particularly upset by repeated references to “kuffar”, the plural of the slang Arabic word for non-Muslims.

I would imagine so, yes. It’s a very contemptuous and derogatory word.

The trainee’s LinkedIn page says he gained a first-class honours degree in law from London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).

I wonder if students at SOAS call their fellow students “kuffar.”

The trainee is part of an organsiation called Call of Dawah. Strictly translated from Arabic, dawah means an invitation; but it is commonly used to refer to preaching or proselytising of Islam.

In the video, the trainee repeatedly refers to viewers as “brothers and sisters” and says he is specifically addressing “the events in Paris that have taken place over the last few days”.

He goes on to lambast moderate British Muslims for being too apologetic for the Paris attacks:

“Brothers and sisters, we would not be here had it not been for the fact that the kuffar had gone to our lands and killed our people and raped and pillaged our resources,” he says, adding:

“This, brothers and sisters, is what we need to understand. We need to move away from this apologetic tone and to have confidence in Islam because we are enslaved otherwise.”

The trainee maintains that moderate Muslims are betraying true Islam by adopting western concepts around freedom of speech.

In short, he’s a fascist.

Not fun at the office.


  1. grumpyoldfart says

    Poor soul probably thinks that when the revolution comes. he’ll be up at the top, taking part, and making decision, whereas, in fact, he’ll be down here with the rest of us, copping shit and unable to do anything about it.

  2. says

    I don’t know how commonly it is known how insulting “kuffar” is. I think only those who have been following Islamism for a while realise that it’s fairly nasty.

    There’s more about him on the Roll on Friday site, which gives inside dope on law firms in the UK.

    “Chaudhry wasn’t discussing anything to do with his job, so he appears to have escaped censure by the firm. A spokeswoman for the firm said that “the views expressed in this video are personal and not those of Clifford Chance. The firm is committed to establishing an inclusive culture where people with diverse backgrounds and views work effectively together and feel confident to develop their potential. We ask our people to at all times consider how their personal conduct and actions may affect those around them, their professional reputation and that of the firm.” “

    “Inclusive culture!” As he’s in his traineeship, his seat will come to an end in March, & they may just quietly let him go rather than going through an employment tribunal.

    His sister is president of the Muslim Society at SOAS.
    Wrote a pseudy piece here which manages to say utterly nothing at the fairly dodgy Islam21 site:-

  3. moarscienceplz says

    Personally, I have no problem with him calling me a kuffar. I am quite delighted to be outside his circle of approved people. However, I do wonder if a white guy at that law firm had posted a video using the “n” word, would he still be at that law firm as this person apparently is?

  4. Asma bint Marwan says

    A clear supremacist.
    A bigoted fascist, who will no doubt be excused for his supremacist ranting by white guilt-ridden morons after a pat on the head from fellow Guardian readers.
    A thoroughly nasty piece of work.

  5. Kimpatsu says

    I wonder if students at SOAS call their fellow students “kuffar.”
    Not when I was there, but we did have SSWP members and Black Caucus members who regarded the majority with contempt.

  6. reinderdijkhuis says

    “Kufar” is the “n” word, or at least a near-exact equivalent. Check the word’s history.

  7. khms says

    In German, we have Kaffer which originally meant Xhosa (sp?) but these days seems to be a close relative to the “n-word”, being a derogatory term for dark-skinned people. Interestingly enough, Wikipedia claims relations to both arabic Kufir “unbeliever” and Yiddish Kafer “farmer”. How that is supposed to work, I can’t say.

  8. Eric MacDonald says

    The surprising thing is that Clifford Chance didn’t drop him on the spot, merely stating that the views expressed were not those of Clifford Chance! How does someone like that get away with calling his colleagues kuffar, and speaking of them as morally inferior, and yet not be fired from his rather cushy apprenticeship?! And the old ploy — “Sorry for any offence I caused” — simply doesn’t cut it in this (or any other) case. Had he apologised for being offensive, and then said that he had a momentary Islamic lapse, that might have been something (although, of course, in his case it would simply have been taqiyya (prevarication by any other name)), but at least the law firm should have said something to the effect that his opinions were not only contrary to the values of Clifford Chance, but a repudiation of them. Amazing that they are so cowed by Islamism that they dare not do so, lest jihadis descend upon their offices with Kalashnikovs. Kuffar indeed!

  9. sambarge says

    I don’t know if it’s “re-claiming” a word when it was never mine to begin with but I am totally re-claiming kuffar/kafir.

  10. Fartana says

    You only have to type in ‘unclean’ or ‘filthy’ before the word ‘kuffar’ or ‘kafir’ into twitter to see how it’s never anything but derogatory, degrading & dehumanising. It’s nearly always followed by ‘pigs’ or ‘rats’.
    The language of hate.

  11. dshetty says

    which he called on British Muslims to adopt a more robust stance against western concepts of freedom of speech.
    I suppose the irony of using his free speech to call members of the majority derogatory terms , without fear of reprisal , escapes him.

  12. dshetty says

    The surprising thing is that Clifford Chance didn’t drop him on the spot, merely stating that the views expressed were not those of Clifford Chance! How does someone like that get away with calling his colleagues kuffar, and speaking of them as morally inferior, and yet not be fired from his rather cushy apprenticeship?
    Actually not that surprising – Some religious people do believe that non believers are morally inferior and some of them would express such views in social media. Some non believers do believe that God is a delusion (with its implication that the religious are delusional). I wouldn’t expect these to be firing offenses if they are limited to personal forums,
    Though I doubt the apprenticeship will get converted to employment.

  13. Satsuma says

    Imagine how it must feel to have to work along side him knowing that he considers you a lower species of being, that he considers you an unclean kuffar pig. How of you feel safe or welcome in that office?
    Worse still if you’re Jewish or a woman.
    Clifford Chance are despicable for retaining the services of an islamonazi.

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