The view from up there – Lake Michigan, Chicago, St Louis, Memphis…
Image Credit: NASA/Barry Wilmore
From the International Space Station, Expedition 42 Commander Barry Wilmore took this photograph of the Great Lakes and central U.S. on Dec. 7, 2014, and posted it to social media.
Toronto, Buffalo…Columbus…Atlanta…
I guess you’ve heard the cliché that national borders can’t be seen from space? Well, there’s one that can – the India-Pakistan border is lit with floodlights at night and appears as an orange line on orbital photos:
…and at the upper limb, Montreal I think, and a smaller glow to the left that would be Ottawa. And further to the left, glimmers in about the right places to be Sudbury and Sault Ste Marie (both ON and MI).
We sure do use a lot of energy…..
Here’s the eastern seaboard from ISS. I can see my
housetown in this picture.I can see my house from here!
(well, I can see the orange blob that contains my house)
Man, the earth is so frickin beautiful I can barely handle it.