More sarcasm:

Grev Williams's photo.

Tom Copley @tomcopley

NEXT WEEK’S MAIL ON SUNDAY EXCLUSIVE: How fire engines turned up at our reporter’s home when he reported a fire that DIDN’T EXIST

David Whitley @mrdavidwhitley

NEXT WEEK’S MAIL ON SUNDAY EXCLUSIVE: How the RNLI sent out three lifeboats in a perilous storm to rescue our reporter’s NON-EXISTENT boat.

hrtbps @hrtbps

In tomorrow’s Mail, as our reporter is given a full course of chemotherapy after faking cancer, we ask is the NHS wasting taxpayers’ money?

Crusading journalism forever!


  1. karmacat says

    How about: Next week’s Mail, reporter pretends to be a bank on verge of default…oh, wait…

  2. Shatterface says

    I think I might have started the fire engine one myself yesterday – though this might be coincidence. I also did one about him poisoning kids to make it look like cancer.

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