Hey look what time it is – it’s almost March, so it’s almost time for Women in Secularism 3.
Taslima Nasreen will be there. She just tweeted a bit of good news – finally someone in Bangladesh has spoken up for her. The National Human Rights Commission has done that.
National Human Rights Commission Chairman Mizanur Rahman is unhappy about the lack of initiatives to bring feminist writer Taslima Nasrin back home.
His reaction came at a view-exchange meeting on empowerment of women held at CIRDAP auditorium in the capital on Wednesday.
Addressing the audience, he said: “What have you done to bring Taslima Nasrin back. Under what authority, a state deprives its citizen of the right to return home?”
Rahman said every citizen had the right to live in their motherland.
He said in an angry tone: “Taslima Nasrin couldn’t return home even after the death of her mother and relatives to see them for one last time.”
“She speaks against militants, is this her fault?”
Nasreen, a physician by training, was compelled to leave the country amid threat of militants following publication of her novel ‘Lajja’.
Since then, she has been living abroad – presently in India.
And in just a few weeks she’ll be at Women in Secularism 3.
Also, Susan Jacoby and Rebecca Goldstein are going to do an onstage conversation to talk about “Why Women Are Too Polite About Religion.” I look forward to that – it’s the other side of the “outspoken atheism is more of a guy thing” mistake. One reason people make that mistake is because a hell of a lot of people think that’s how things are divided: women do politeness and men do outspokenness. Women are pink and fluffy and need pink Monopoly and pink pens, and men are normal and sandpaperish and know how to be direct and frank. I look forward to hearing Susan Jacoby and Rebecca Goldstein skewering that notion.
[starts hyperventilating, quickly opens a new tab…]
Whew, I’ve still got plenty of time to build that custom Cards Against Humanity deck.
Betcha can’t beat mine. We played a game with 30 people at WiS2.
How about a “Fundamentalists against Humanity” deck?
Miri @2: