
  1. brucegee1962 says

    This is an absolutely awesome argument for torture. So if you’re getting waterboarded by the CIA or having hot irons put under your fingernails by the Inquisition, if you’re guilty then you totally deserve it, and if you’re innocent then then you’re achieving a sanctified state of grace! THIS ARGUMENT IS MADE OF WIN!

  2. Shatterface says

    Physical suffering brings you closer to Christ – but having your beliefs mocked is insufferable and there should be laws against it.

  3. lpetrich says

    One could also make the argument that criminals do their victims a great service by making them suffer. Thus, we ought to let them go free.

  4. iknklast says

    Mother Theresa thoroughly subscribed to this point of view. I have also had people tell me that taking people off the machines that keep them alive is playing god. I never figured that out – wouldn’t putting them on the machines in the first place be playing god?

  5. Silentbob says

    If one were vindictive, one might almost wish that the creators of this thing of horror might soon experience a prolonged opportunity to “participate in the passion of Jesus Christ” themselves. But, of course, one must not be vindictive. 😉

  6. says

    Whether apocryphal or true, there’s a quote about Smother Teresa that applies:

    According to Mother Teresa’s bizarre philosophy, it is “the most beautiful gift for a person that he can participate in the sufferings of Christ”. Once she tried to comfort a screaming sufferer: “You are suffering, that means Jesus is kissing you!” The man got furious and screamed back: “Then tell your Jesus to stop kissing.”


    On the issue of dying with dignity and freedom, Dutch politician Els Borst has died of (as yet) unknown causes. Borst was the one who fought for the legal right to euthanasia, for self-determination of when life ends.

    Dutch ex-minister Els Borst found dead in garage

    Dutch authorities have begun an investigation into the death of former health minister Els Borst, whose body was found in her garage by a friend.

    Els Borst, 81, helped push through legislation in 2001 that made the Netherlands the first country to legalise euthanasia.

    Forensic scientists were unable to say why she died, although police said there was no reason to suspect a crime.

    Ms Borst, who was a medical academic, served as minister from 1994-2002.

    A police spokesman told BNR Radio there were three possible reasons for her death: an accident, natural causes or perhaps a crime, although there were no indications of anything untoward happening.


    “She ensured a breakthrough in the field of euthanasia for which very many people are still grateful,” said Health Minister Edith Schippers.

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