Cruel and not unusual enough

When in doubt, kill the woman. Brace yourself: Emma Batha’s special report in the Independent begins with a horror.

Two months ago, a young mother of two was stoned to death by her relatives on the order of a tribal court in Pakistan. Her crime: possession of a mobile phone.

Arifa Bibi’s uncle, cousins and others hurled stones and bricks at her until she died, according to media reports. She was buried in a desert far from her village. It’s unlikely anyone was arrested.  Her case is not unique. Stoning is legal or practised in at least 15 countries or regions. And campaigners fear this barbaric form of execution may be on the rise, particularly in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Possession of a phone – well it makes perfect sense. She could use the phone to call men up and ask them to come over and fuck her. She not only could, she would, because that’s how women are, the filthy sluts.

At least that must be the chain of reasoning [hollow laughter], because why the hell else would you torture someone to death for having a phone?

Stoning is not legal in most Muslim countries and there is no mention of it in the Koran. But supporters argue that it is legitimised by the Hadith – the acts and sayings of the Prophet Mohamed. Stoning is set out as a specific punishment for adultery under several interpretations of sharia or Islamic law. In some instances, even a woman saying she has been raped can be considered an admission to the crime of zina (sex outside marriage).

In one case cited by Shameem, a 13-year-old Somali girl, Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow, was buried up to her neck and stoned by 50 men in front of 1,000 people at a stadium in Kismayu in 2008. Her father told Amnesty International she had been raped by three men but was accused of adultery when she tried to report the rape to the al-Shabaab militia in control of the city.

We ended Does God Hate Women? with Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow. They had to drag her into the stadium; she was crying and begging them not to kill her. 13 years old.

Stoning is a legal punishment for adultery in Iran, Mauritania, a third of Nigeria’s 36 states, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen. It’s not legal in Iraq or Afghanistan but murderous bastards do it anyway.

Activists are campaigning to stop the practice, including by putting pressure on Ban Ki-moon.



  1. The Ridger says

    And when do we ask FIFA not to have a World Cup in Qatar? Oh, right – never. Stoning women and girls to death as spectator sport isn’t as bad as fining someone for talking about being gay.

  2. zibble says

    @1 FFS, it’s not a fine, it’s a jail sentence. It’s a jail sentence that not only targets a specific minority, it fundamentally attacks the very ability to discuss the issue rationally. Which is being followed by laws to steal the children of anyone accused of being gay.

    Seriously, do you not think many of the people pissed at the IOC right now would join a similar movement against FIFA if that was better known? Why the fuck are you passive-aggressively dissing them while downplaying a horrible campaign of bigotry and violence?

  3. Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says

    you have to wonder if rapists in some of these countries would get more severe sentences if they were accused of adultery instead.

  4. says

    I hope I won’t be misread as condoning this barbarism if I say it would be a lot easier to demand its cessation if America also did away with the death penalty. The killing must stop.

  5. zibble says

    @5 I’m not in favor of the death penalty, but I think that’s somewhat missing the point. It’s not like everything would be all right if they’d simply jailed the kid for being raped.

  6. leni says

    Wait wait wait. If I were stoning someone to death and they asked me to stop, how much time do I get before I have to comply before it gets murdery?

  7. Venie says

    If you read this and are considering one of the arguments below – just don’t tell me as I don’t believe either of them.

    – The ‘that’s not the true Islam’ argument

    – The ‘it’s not religion, it’s culture’ argument

    Nor is it a US conspiracy.

  8. karmacat says

    To Ridger at #1, no one is stopping you for fighting for women’s rights in the middle east. We can fight for many causes at once.
    I am tired of people saying, “well, what about this group…” We can fight for women’s rights here and all over the world and for gay rights here and in the world all at the same time. One cause does not preclude all the others. So I recommend if someone is worried about another group being neglected then start your own blog about the issue or contribute to that cause

  9. roggg says

    Ridger is absolutely right. Anyone who cares about anything other than the single most egregious violation of rights known to man is a baby-killing monster.

  10. F [is for failure to emerge] says

    Crip Dyke, no, because you know it is the fault of teh bitchez (they in ur garden, lyin’ and seducin’). You’d probably have to accuse them of touching another man’s peepee. Because that would be wrong.

  11. says

    because why the hell else would you torture someone to death for having a phone?

    There was an Important Salesman having an Important call from the table behind me at a restaurant the other night; I confess I thought briefly about stoning him. Instead I reached into my kitbag and turned on my cellular jammer for a few minutes. He was still pretty annoying with the “hello? hello? can you hear me?” until he gave up.

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