
  1. maureen.brian says

    Don’t panic yet. The National Secular Society is on the case and Primrose Hill is protected by its own Act of Parliament.

    Besides, many local residents are lefties of the old-fashioned, still-in-touch-with reality variety, or secular Jews. See Wikipedia for some of them but there are many more.

  2. says

    While I’m sure the end of the Olympics is an event to be celebrated, the symbolism of this escapes me. Hosting the Games is like getting your whole community crucified for three weeks straight? (Or more like three years, if you include the facilities construction period. Or three decades, if you’re Montreal and get stuck with a massive debt.)

  3. stonyground says

    If it does get put up it is likely to get crudely drawn penises all over it courtesy of the spraycan brigade.

  4. says

    I have fond memories of Primrose Hill. I’m not sure I would have wanted Jesus watching some of the things I got up to there as a teenager. On second thoughts, it probably wouldn’t have made any difference.

  5. Sili says

    Hey, why complain. It’s gonna be a lot easier to dress this one up in the funny costumes and make it present subversive messages that the one in Rio.

  6. lordshipmayhem says

    I have to wonder what the message this statue means: “Thank God the Olympics are over”?

  7. says

    Despite the weirdness/incongruity, whateva, nobody can deny it’s wot anyone thinks of when they think of a Rio symbol, it was either that or a bunch of carnival floats with statues of pride parade/ladyboy look-e-likes on them!

    No doubt some prat is gonna try their damnedest to say ‘Britain’s approval of this of course proves conclusively that Great Britain was founded on Judeo-Xtian principles, so we must keep pushing for the 20 week abortion limit’

  8. Greg Tingey says

    As a London resident, I feel ill.
    I mean, the “olympics” are vile enough, and loathed by many Londoners (you can’t and won’t find out about that, though because of the censorship re the big O) but this …
    Eeeeuwwwww …..

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