The land of the pure

That “God” person must be one crazy primate, given the twisted frantic obsessiveness with which its fans fret about Purity in the Female.

Being in a room with a boy who’s not part of your family is considered damaging to the girl’s purity. Purity becomes a minefield and the only way to avoid it is, I’m sad to say this, staying at home. Inside your house. Seriously, don’t even take out the garbage because some boy might say hi and talk to you, and you would be flirting. And anyway, what if somebody saw you? They’d gossip their mouths fuzzy that you’re having a secret boyfriend and once that’s in people’s minds, you’re about as damaged as a vase somebody dropped out the 13th floor on the hard concrete sidewalk.

And what about men? Well, men are so focused on sex even at a young age, you can’t really blame them for a slip here and there. A man who wastes his purity on, say, holding hands, will not be “as impure” as a woman doing it. And even worse: A man who admits his “sin” is considered strong, spiritually mature and godly. His purity is easy fixed in the minds of people. A woman admitting her “sin” is still damaged. The reputation of being impure will always follow her around.

It’s all so…literal. You know? Boys expel, girls receive, so girls are always dirty and smutched while boys are always basically clean. A dirty girl can never get clean again.

I couldn’t go out alone, or with girls only, or, much worse, with boys who weren’t related to me. Whenever I wanted to do something outside the house, I needed a male relative with me. Even at the supermarket I couldn’t move too far away from my mother (unless one of my smaller brothers went with me). My smaller brothers were trained to “protect” their sisters, us older ones as well as the younger ones. Age didn’t matter, gender did. A girl out alone, walking down the street to bring something to that nice old lady a living a quarter mile away? Can’t have that!

But a Magic Male fixes everything, even if he’s 6 to her 15. That’s how magic is.

Our lessons for school were different. We learned female things like cleaning, sewing, music and cooking, together with girls from like-minded families. There were meetings with other women from our community, old and young, teaching us different instruments and exchanging “secrets”. How do you get grass stains out of those jeans? What can you do when you overcooked potatoes? It was treated like secret, sacred knowledge. We were miles ahead of those secular feminists who couldn’t even boil water without burning down the house.

We also had lessons on men. How to treat them, how to act around them, what they liked and didn’t like. Wise tips and tricks were given. Always have a glass of your husband’s or Dad’s favourite drink ready when he gets home. Don’t bother him with questions. Cheerfully eat the food you hate once a week if that’s his favourite food.

And thank your lucky stars it will always be 1952 where you are.



  1. sailor1031 says

    The only thing missing is the burka……

    “And what about men? Well, men are so focused on sex even at a young age, you can’t really blame them for a slip here and there.”

    That’s what I find so fucking creepy about the “fathers” at those “purity” balls…..just a little slip here, a little slip there after all they can’t help it – they’re only men

  2. Ibis3, féministe avec un titre française de fantaisie says

    “And thank your lucky stars it will always be 1952BCE where you are.”


  3. Francisco Bacopa says

    I always wondered why there weren’t “purity coffeehouse parties” where sons could hang out with their moms and talk about how pubescent boys needed to idealize their mothers’ example of chaste womanhood and realize that not all women may be as pure as their mothers and that a son can always talk to his mom about the temptations from those impure sluts who show off too much skin.

    Of course, almost everyone would be squicked by this. So why so few squicks about the Purity Balls?

    This a a total rule 34 goldmine in the making. Of course, since rule 34 an established truth, some of this stuff is already out there. Anyone wanna help me start Fundiekink dot com? We’d have to set all our material when the younger people were just starting college to avoid any legal problems. And I would hope that Fundiekink would be more of a way for people to get past these hangups or at least find ways to incorporate their kinks into a healthy sexual relationship. I’d hate to think Fundiekink would make anyone worse off.

  4. says

    Always have a glass of your husband’s or Dad’s favourite drink ready when he gets home.

    That’s OK, I can do with having the whole bottle -1 glass.

    How do you get grass stains out of those jeans? What can you do when you overcooked potatoes?

    What, wait, you actually get taught that? I always thought that not overcooking the potatoes was the thing to learn.

    But it’s the same old song: Because men are weak, women have to be kept under lock.

  5. Didaktylos says

    I think I saw some Muslim misogynist quoted as saying something to the effect “A man’s honour is like a rock: splash it with muddy water and it can be cleaned off again. A woman’s honour is like a silk scarf: splash it with muddy water and it is forever stained.”

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