Another idiot totally misses the point of the ‘war on women’


The thing about multi-billionaires is they are1) unelectable and 2) more powerful than a modest sized country. That’s a bad combination already, assuming one appreciates democracy anyway. But Santorum financier zillionaire Foster Friess adds another concern: there’s just too many toadies willing to adore their invisible robes, they have no way to know when they’re being utter fools. In the words of MC Hawking, check it: [Read more…]

Senator Paul, you are no Barack Obama

Republicans finally got their show trial with Hillary Clinton on Wednesday. It’s more than a day late and a dollar short, most of us have forgotten how the crazy spiel even went. If memory serves, democrats, led by evil mastermind Barack Hussein Obama, covered up the possibility of Al Qaeda linked terrorists behind the attack in Benghazi that left two diplomats and two bodyguards dead. The purported motivation driving the cover up? I’m actually chuckling as I write this part: anything hyping Al Qaeda as a deadly terrorist organization hell bent on killing innocent Americans would have been so bad for a President’s public approval rating that Obama had to have it suppressed (WE all remember how Bush’s numbers nose dived after 9-11 right?). Things didn’t go quite like conservatives fantasized: [Read more…]

How to reduce stress and be happy

During his extended battle with mylodisplacia, Carl Sagan wrote something to the effect of, “I would almost recommend almost dying to everybody. It’s a character building experience like no other. You get a much clearer perspective of what’s important and what isn’t, the preciousness and beauty of life. I say almost because of the irreducible and essential element of risk”. I’ve actually had a similar epiphany, but being so much more vindictive than Sagan, I’m employing it in a different way. I’m finding it’s just as therapeutic though. [Read more…]

I suffered a massive full-blown widow-maker heart attack



Update 3 Jan 2015: Med students, heart patients, and interested people, here is an actual post written detailing the signs and symptoms felt while I was suffering what was later diagnosed by a cardiologist as a major heart attack. If you’re up for kicking in a few bucks to help with spiraling healthcare costs due to heart attack and poverty level disability pay, my paypal email is posted above.

So I got the cath results: It wasn’t a minor heart attack folks. It was a full blown widow maker where a primary coronary artery got blocked 100%, and that blockage was right at the top, high enough up that the bottom two-thirds of my entire heart could have been deader than fried chicken. I would have been dead before my body hit the floor.

How am I still alive, much less able to spend the last several hours running up and down stairs, straying all over the hospital, flirting with night nurses (Oh man, the brains on these gals, I can’t stop talking to them, their science-y minds are so incredibly hot!) just a few hours after the cath that confirmed a massive myocardial infarction? Well, it’s not a miracle … [Read more…]

The Heart Cath

8:40 AM Central: Driving to St. David’s North Austin Medical Center, I don’t know if I’ll have Internet access or not, but I smuggled in a tablet. I’m geting a heart cath shortly, will tweet under tag #heartcath using @SAndrewDKos. BTW, my aol email address is completely borked and the cust service I got when I called in to get it fixed was horrific. Later this week I might call them and record how terrible it is for Kagro on the Morning and me to ridicule.

The conspiracy: Newtown was fake, or staged, or something

We’ve all seen the lucrative delusions packaged and sold like a pound of butter to the religious right over the years. Some of them revolting, most of them a little bit comical and almost all of them sad. They are created and marketed to fleece hard earned money from people who may lack the finely honed critical thinking skills we take for granted here, but the marks are by and large honest people who do not deserve being victimized and made fools of. That in itself is repugnant: the very voters the grifters depend on for success are held in utter disregard and open contempt. Well, there’s a new one making the rounds and its a doozy: the Newtown massacre was staged by the government as a ruse to take away our guns! [Read more…]

Radio wavelengths bring dim nebula into exquisite high resolution


Not long ago this object didn’t even have a name. It was just a dim hazy splotch in most telescopes, if they could see it at all. After being imaged by a high res wide radio telescope array in New Mexico, the one made famous in the movie Contact, it was christened the manatee nebula for its resemblance to the gentle and endangered marine mammals. More here. [Read more…]