Can atheism make us better people in life?

Ever since the heart attack I’ve been asked, from time to time, if it changed my religious views, a couple of people have even hit me with Pascal’s Wager. It’s mostly from friends and family, and they mean well. But of course that hasn’t changed and it’s doubtful it ever will. I’ve been trying to come up with a polite and honest response. So far that’s been a waste of time. But I have an explanation that you, dear skeptical readers, may find familiar and compelling. [Read more…]

I’m not there yet ..

Guys and gals, I’m not there yet. But there is a possibility that at some point during this month I might need to beg for money. A few months before my heart attack I just happened by the good grace of the FSM to load up on short and long-term disability. I even bought extra STD and LTD, plus premium support in case it turns into LTD, which all makes me feel pretty damn smart right now. There was the usual paperwork delays with the STD, but this week I got the final approval. Of course there’s a waiting period for that STD and, naturally, they mail the checks instead of e-deposit. All my bills for February are paid, I do not lack for food or power or cable or Internet. I’m good on meds for at least a week.

But looking ahead to the next two weeks, co-pays for multiple doc visits several times a week, cardio rehab three times a week, and endless Rx co-pays are eating me alive. I’m not in dire straits yet and I think it’s going to be OK if those checks show up. But I just wanted to warn everyone upfront, I’ll know how bad it is by the middle of next week and there’s a chance it could be bad. If that happens, and you’d rather visit other sites come that time where you’re not pestered like this, I wouldn’t blame you one bit. I have some good news below the fold though … Regs Only! [Read more…]

A very sordid tale

[Names and minor details changed slightly for privacy reasons. This is a sad story, don’t read it if you are down]

Yesterday me and another friend stumbled onto the semi-conscious body of a dear friend of ours, S/he was face down, face white as a ghost, lips so blue they were almost black. I thought for sure my friend was already dead. But when we carefully turned the body over a slight exhale came out. I had 9-11 on the phone, I’m certified for CPR. So were trained and went through the classic routine, putting my head on the chest and looked, listened, felt. When I heard/detected a barely audible thready pulse and shallow breathing I almost cried out in relief.

[Read more…]

What really saved my life

I’ve been asked to jot down a post about my heart attack for February, heart health month. For patients, docs and emergency responders can read this post, written when I was actually having a full blown, massive myocardial infarction. Below is a rough draft, a work in progress, it was written quickly and clearly needs to be punched up. I know you guys are probably tired of hearing about this, but if you are so inclined, maybe a peek behind the creative curtain will result in anecdotes, and suggestions that will make it somewhat readable. [Read more…]


Yesterday was a very weird day. No sooner had I reconnected with an old friend than another old friend I see all the time died unexpectedly leaving all of us who knew him in complete shock. I’m afraid to open up the Internet or turn on any channel beyond the cartoon network this morning.

The Village on the Beltway

Unlike most of my progressive digital riff-raff buddies, I generally give the Beltway media a pass. Yes the news celebrity centered part of it can be annoying or worse, but the bulk of “the beltway media” is gum shoe reporters and editors busting their asses for dwindling market share and job security. Nevertheless, now and then a spectacle of such dismal import comes along that even I can’t look the other way. So it was with Meet the Press yesterday morning: [Read more…]

Religion: A question of comfort?

I had breakfast with an old friend yesterday whose father died recently. The tragedy, the brutality, of the experience was all too clear on her face and in her voice. I wouldn’t call her super religious, but she’s definitely found some comfort in prayer and counseling with religious authorities. There’s no way I’d go an atheist rant in a discussion like that, and I doubt she’ll ever invite one. But let’s say hypothetically after the worst of the pain has passed, someone you know in that position did.

What would you say? Or more to the point, if you could persuade someone suffering a terrible loss that there are no supernatural beings, and by extension places where their loved ones live on in some way, would you? Should you? [Read more…]