It has been said that every great cause starts out as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually turns into a racket. See exhibit A: the right-wing infotainment complex. That transformation took decades to complete. But former Massachusetts Senator Scot Brown (R-sociopath) may have set a new land-speed record by renting his email list out to a quack MD in exchange for a piece of the action:
Media Matters — Brown’s email contains a pitch from Dr. Russell Blaylock … Blaylock’s regular interviews on Alex Jones’ radio program feature headlines like, “Dr. Russell Blaylock Exposes Obama’s Nazi Healthcare System,” “Obamacare is Mandated Social Engineering,” “How Vaccines Hurt You,” and “Dr. Blaylock Exposes Obama’s Nazi Healthcare System.”
Yeah, sure, which explains why, as soon as I started shopping online for health insurance last month, I felt this insatiable urge to goose-step around my apartment complex in a plain brown tunic searching for some ripe heads to crack open. It all makes sense now!
Keep it classy, Scott.
Apparently, ole Scott has relocated to New Hampshire and is planning to run for the Senate from that state.
The sociopaths have their own electoral district and representative now?
Nazi healthcare?
Wasn’t that .. like murdering disabled and ill (or just y’know Jewish and other Untenmenschen or whatevs) people based on the rubbish that is eugenics?
I don’t think this anti-health care thing was ever no great cause t’begin with. I also think its skipped steps one and two and started right at three.
I don’t know that he can – like the scorpion its his nature – & why he shouldna been ‘lected in the first place..
Scott Brown rented his email list to Newsmax – which has also sponsored ads on Connect the dots, people!
Obviously CIA propaganda to cover up Alex Jones’s revelations about their part in releasing AIDS and to stir up anti-Putin feeling – another insidious gay plot! Wake up, white Christian heteropatriots!!!1!
Just in case: /snark.