Having more than a few friends that could be described, barely these days, as conservatives, I don’t normally gloat too much. But if you’re up for some fun at the expense of the worst of the worst when it comes to bugfuck crazy, head on over to Free Republic and take a gander. Actually, we don’t even have to link them:
Daily Kos — (Before the election) “This is the only time in my life that I will ever say this, so mark it in the history books, but I encourage all of you to watch MSNBC if you can on November 6th because decades from now you will want to describe to your progeny how unhinged the Left became on live tee-vee as the Obama Regime came to an abrupt end.”
“On Election Day, I’m going to camp out in front of a live stream of MSNBC and do rolling historical coverage of the results and what the MSNBC talking heads in particular are saying. I think I’m going to start at about 10am on the 6th and will go through the late evening after Romney wins covering everything that’s being said.”
(And after) … “Great, great prediction on all those Senate seat pickups there, pal. You were so close! And your reasoning and methodology to back it up were so sound, I don’t know how anyone could ever have possibly doubted your prognosticating brilliance.” (There’s so much more!)
It has become my guilty pleasure.
And to think, Steve Jobs reputedly had a reality distortion field, but that was only on people in his immediate vicinity. The right wing in this country managed to blanket their entire movement in one. To bad reality has a well-known liberal bias.
All the Nate Silver hate… I never got it. Nate Silver, whether you think he’s overrated or the second coming of Einstein, was making predictions that were perfectly in line with other polling aggregators, and even the betting markets. Why hate on him when he wasn’t saying anything particularly remarkable either way?
Oddly enough, my company’s webblocker software has Free Republic flagged as a hate site.
Nate Silver’s great crime was to be a voice of competent numerical calmness is a sea of partisan panic and propaganda. He preserved the sanity of many after the uproar of Debate #1 and the short-lived Romney surge. To those on the screwball right, this was unforgivable, since we were all supposed to buy into the bandwagon of “Mitt-mentum” (I hate all these bastardized momentum memes) and surrender to the inevitable Republican restoration. In fact, most of the mass media did keep prattling about the GOP nominee’s supposed momentum, even while Silver crunched the numbers and demonstrated that it wasn’t that much (Romney stalled at a 40% chance of winning) and, in any case, was pretty much over in a short time. In this sense, Silver’s calm and well-presented analysis was a remarkable thing.
That’s hilarious, considering the show Karl “The Math” Rove put on in Fox’s broadcast.
I remember reading the the 80es that more people reported having voted for JFK than actually did vote for him. I wonder if that will be the case for Obama in 2032? would love to live long enough to find out.
A friend forwarded this link to me today. A good laugh…
90% of right-wing analysis is nothing more than crude projection.
Rob @ 8
That was awesome.
F – wasn’t it just!
If you enjoy some schadenfreude (and let’s be honest, we all do…) check out the live-blog from Hillbuzz (the person making the confident predictions above…)
so hilarious in hindsight
And the margin of error on that assessment is 15%.
The weatherman, over time, gets about 60-65%, a flipped coin 50%, the righttards not so much.
If you want to visit the Freepers or their ilk, please “wear protection” for everyone’s sake. You don’t want to leave your IP behind as a calling card with these nuts. Several easy solutions:
* Use ixQuick.com (Startpage.com) search engine to search for “Free Republic,” then use their “Proxy” link below the listing.
If you’re really dedicated to wearing protection when entering such dens of treason and calumny — like if you decide to see how the white nationalists over at Stormfront are saying — I recommend something a little stronger.
* Try one of these fine free projects:
Tor Browser (Onion net proxy Firefox browser)
JonDoFox (Firefox anonymized profile)
“tee-vee”? What sort of lunatic writes that?
Suppose the rest of the quote answers that…