The man who gunned down 76 people in cold blood in Norway’s government district explains he’s really a super nice guy. So nice he had to train himself mentally to slaughter innocent people:
(Times India) — I am a very likeable person under normal conditions,” the 33-year-old right-wing extremist said on the fifth day of his trial, adding that he had spent years meditating and training to “de-emotionalise” himself before he was prepared for his massacre.”
I was rather normal (emotionally) until 2006 when I started my training,” he insisted, describing himself as a “caring person.”
This lunatic sounds like something right out of wingnut wet dream. He went on to blame ‘liberal media’ for his deadly rampage, saying they wouldn’t fairly cover patriotic right-wing nationalists … which somehow forced him to kill a bunch of children. I kid you not.
I’d say that making the decision to de-humanize yourself is rather abnormal.
Man, I used to see kids in Mexico when my family would go on vaca, and realize they were looking at me enviously, I remember a Nigerian guy in college asking me why Americans complain so much and do such stupid shit when we have it so good. NOW I understand, Now, thanks to US healthcare and economic policy I understand; WTF is Brevik complaining about? He’s upset that his super peaceful nation with an immensely strong social safety net and a strong middle class in a highly permissive society where people can pretty much do whatever the hell they want … he’s so upset that this nation is handling a routine immigration and demographic shift fairly well that he shot 60 kids in the head to get attention?
What. The. Fuck?
Brevik sounds like he may be genuinely insane.
Agreed. On the other hand, what’s the excuse of the people who fed him all the crap about imminent Muslim takeovers and liberal conspiracies?
How often have you heard mass murderers and serial rapists described as “Quiet. Nice. Always ready with a smile. He taught Sunday School and mowed the lawn of his elderly neighbors. I still can’t believe that he would even be accused of such horrible things.” Same shit, different country.
As for being genuinely insane, I have never understood how a mass murderer could NOT be considered totally insane. In this situation, that would be a good thing: if he is judged insane, then he can be locked away for life. If he is sane, then the Norwegian legal system will place a punishment of only about 92 days for each life he snuffed out.
First, if someone is judged insane, then they can be let out whenever they’re deemed safe to re-enter society. True, this might be never, but it could also be only a year or two. Second, Norway has a provision for the prosecutor to seek extra time, in five-year chunks, once the initial 21 years has been served, if they believe that he has a likelihood of re-offending. There is no limit to these extensions, so again, even if it is determined he’s not insane, it’s still possible he’ll never get out.
Personally, I don’t think he sounds legally insane. He sounds like any other genocidal or totalitarian extremist who is convinced that he has to destroy others to preserve or maintain an ideal. The only difference is that he acted alone and from outside the political power structure.
The Norwegian provision sounds a bit like Canada’s Dangerous Offender provision. The maximum sentence in Canada is life in prison with no chance of parole for 25 years, and is applied to those convicted of first degree murder or “high treason.” Parole is not automatic, so in Canada someone like Brevik would all but certainly never be released.
There are at least 2 offenses (bombing offices and shooting up resort). Why not try them separately and make him serve consecutive sentences?
There are no provisions for consecutive sentences in Norwegian law, sentences are served simultaneously. Crazy for sure…
On the other hand, the maximum sentence is 21 years in prison.
Not much, but there is an alternate version that when sentenced to 21 years mean that after 21 years you will be evaluated for release.
Theoretically, you can fail every single evaluation and spend forever in prison. Technically, this makes Norway one of relatively few European countries that actually practice life time imprisonments.
Sounds like the Norweigan right-wing might be right indeed if they’re complaining that their justice system is far too soft on criminals and perhaps needs the death penalty among other less “slap-on-the-wrist” punishment options.
SOunds like you ,ogjt wamt tp øppl omtp the actual law.. To make it easy for you. .He’ll most likely be in jail till he die of old age .