Evangelical leaders are reportedly trying to come together, unify their vote, and direct it against Anyone-But-Romney:
(GodDiscussion) — Richard Land, president of The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, thinks evangelicals need to come together to support one non-Romney Republican. “The evangelicals are diluting their impact by dividing their vote among several candidates,” he told the American Family Association’s filtered news service, One News Now. “And that’s something that evangelical leaders are talking about — if we can get behind one candidate and thus maximize our impact in the electoral process.” He opined that if the evangelical votes for Rick Perry, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich were combined instead of split, Christian evangelicals could easily defeat Romney. So far, religious right leaders are giving conflicting recommendations.
Isn’t this the problem with Gods and Goddesses, and demons and angels, and djinns and fairies, and gremlins and leprechauns and yetis …and whatever in general? They’re MIA, they don’t speak publicly; in fact they behave suspiciously — I would say exactly — like beings who don’t exist. So it’s kinda hard to figure out who they want Christians to vote for. Despite the fact that non-Mormon fundamentalist Christian pastors are pretty darn sure God wants everyone to vote against Mitt Romney.
It doesn’t help that Newt and Santorum are both Catholics, which aren’t much better than Mormons in the view of many of these guys.
If God cannot produce a voter ID card, He is engaging in fraud and deserves to be put in jail.
Vote *against* the Not-Romney-of-the-week? So that would mean they’re all voting *for* Mitt Romney then? Huh. I Didn’t think they liked him!
Not that it matters anyhow – pretty clear Mittens has the 2012 Republican nomination essentially sown up already. Can’t see him losing it from here.