Unemployment extensions expire at the end of this year, along with the Bush tax cuts, and it’s a near metaphysical certainty that conservatives will hold the former hostage to benefit the same zillionaires we bailed out:
(DKos) [T]his time around, if extended benefits aren’t reauthorized, 1.8 million people could lose their unemployment benefits in January. That would devastate their families and the local businesses at which they spend the small amount of money unemployment insurance provides.
The Occupy Wall Street movement has changed the national dialogue and, hopefully, that will help. Otherwise, we’ll have to endure more endless lectures about economics, spending, and debt from the same people whose policies created debt so vast and so toxic they sank the economy and had to be rescued by the very middle-class taxpayers they now hope to fuck over.
As long as the Republicans have a vested interest in making the economy worse, and are allowed to get away with it by the national media, this will continue.
I almost feel sorry for them if they actually win full control and have to deal with the mess they’ve created. Almost.