Does Cain have a real shot?

Short answer seems to be … No!

The conventional wisdom in Washington – and it is grounded in recent history – is that you can’t win a presidential election without wealthy donors behind you. Those donors provide the money for a candidate to hire field staff and build a campaign organization in key early states, run advertisements to boost name recognition and create contrasts with rivals, and pay for the many costs (travel, security) of running for president.

No money no runny for Presidente. Sad but true. But Cain has the chance to make some money, he’s buying his own books to move them up the bestseller list. And fleecing the faithful may be what it’s all about for this clown like so many others on that side of the aisle.


  1. magistramarla says

    It was funny, but worrisome this morning to see some toothless hillbilly being interviewed on CNN. He was saying “I’d vote for him, ’cause he’s like me – he’s a country boy”.
    This is scary. It shows the thought processes behind the voting choices of the “average American”.

  2. noastronomer says

    “Does Cain have a real shot?”

    At the nomination? Fortunately enough, yes.

    At being elected president? ROFLMAO. That’s why it’s fortunate that he has a shot at the nomination.

  3. says

    People used to think that a strange sad little Austrian corporal would never get anywhere, until some bankers thought that by bankrolling him they could control him.

  4. says

    I don’t think Cain is all that serious. I think he’s enjoying the attention and getting a rush from the idea that he’s running for President. And selling some books. That’s about all that’s going on in his head imo.

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