Herman Cain is just like Moses

Presidential long shot Herman Cain doesn’t just have supernatural deities in his corner, he’s also “just like” another Biblical celebrity:

Cain, former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, told the Christian Broadcasting Network that God has been behind him since he decided to run for the White House.”I felt like Moses when God said I want you to go into Egypt and lead my people out. Moses resisted. I resisted,” Cain said in the interview.

Yes, a multimillionaire being asked for details on the economy or foreign policy by adoring voters and friendly media is exactly like being tortured and abandoned in a desert with no food or water. Anyone can see the eerie similarity. ::eyeroll::


  1. sqlrob says

    Please excuse the language I’m about to use.

    Why the FUCK aren’t people that hear voices like this committed instead of running for office?

  2. jacobfromlost says

    And in a few thousand years there will be just as much evidence for Herman Cain’s presidency as there is for the Exodus–

    …which is to say, none.

    When election day comes around, I’m going to feel like a voter who votes for someone other than Cain. This will be the test to see if my feelings have more power than his feelings about being chosen by god. (Also, did god make some kind of horrible mistake in choosing Obama? Why is it when republicans win, god chose them and they cannot be questioned, but when democrats win… you hear not a peep about it? Did the devil overpower god again? Just wondering. If the devil is more powerful than god, I’ll have to be considering that in my voting habits.)

  3. says

    Well, I’d love for Herb Cain to lead his supporters out, part the Atlantic and claim their land in Israel or Egypt or wherever else he thinks the voices in his heads are commanding him to.

  4. Trebuchet says

    Seems like God needs to make up his mind. First he tells Michelle Bachmann to run for president, then Rick Perry, now Herman Cain. Unless they’re all just megalomaniac nuts.

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