Snow falling softly

The global temperature record via the NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies

Here’s an interesting example of how the flat-earthers think. Welsey J. Smith writes at Secondhand Smoke:

If they weren’t trying to destroy the economy of the world, keep destitute countries mired in poverty, undermine national sovereignty, and misusing science as a club to promote favored political policies, I might have some sympathy for all of the failed hysteria. You know what I mean, anytime there is an extreme weather event–small hurricanes, heat waves, snow storms, arctic chills, etc.–the usual suspects start bleating, IT’S GLOBAL WARMING. WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE UNLESS WE TURN EVERYTHING OVER TO THE SCIENCE-TECHNOLOGICAL ELITE!

Mr. Smith appears to be deeply confused. Hardly surprising if he consumes industry propaganda and wingnut misinformation in place of legit science. But here in the reality-based world I can’t remember a single credible science writer who covers global warming who has said 1) that some small weather event was the piece of evidence that nailed the case shut — the case has been nailed shut on global warming ever since the globe begin to warm, or 2) said we’re all going to die, or 3) wants to turn everything over to some monolithic science-technological elite. If anyone is being hysterical here it’s Wesley.

But you know what I do remember? The usual suspects commenting on just about every major winter blizzard over the last several years and using them to mock climate science. I remember plenty of cable news pundits and wingnut bloggers following suit. Why I even recall snowmen made to look like Al Gore. Would anyone be surprised if Smith and his buddies were in the thick of that?

Pointing to a blizzard as evidence against global warming is evidence for dishonesty or ignorance. Whereas a record heat wave actually contributes heat to the global temperature record, the converse is not true of a blizzard. Record cold and record snowfall are different phenomena. The only thing snow tells us about temperature is that it’s cold enough for water to freeze. Doesn’t matter if it’s 30 above or 30 below.

In fact, says climate scientist Michael Mann of Penn State University, warmer winters can mean more frequent record snowfalls because warmer air holds more water vapor than colder air. “As long as its cold enough to snow in the U.S. during winter–which it well be in any foreseeable scenario for the next century,” said Mann, “Global warming may actually lead to more blizzards in many parts of the U.S.”


  1. lordshipmayhem says

    Where I come from, it does matter if it’s 30 above or 30 below. If it’s 30 above, dihydrogen monoxide falls as a summer’s rain, if it’s 30 below, it’s winter snow.

    And in the latter case, many drivers are carrying on as if they’re in the middle of a sunny August day in the middle of a heat wave… and wondering how the hell they got into the ditch.

    Canada uses Celsius degrees.

  2. Stephen "DarkSyde" Andrew says

    Lord, sorry about the temperature scale we use in the States. I hang my head in shame when confronted with my nation’s continued use of archiac units from a bygone time.

  3. janicot says

    I’m a lurker who’s been looking for an excuse to comment — I’ve followed Darksyde since UTI days. I’m glad to see you where I can keep track of your comments easily. You’re too much work to find on DK.

    I just wanted to ask what your problem is — the meter has been the US standard length since 1893(if I remember right). I do agree with you ‘though. It’s the people that live here (AZ for me) that aren’t smart enough to use the easy units.

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